Scientist Essays and Term Papers


are chemicals that are used to destroy pests. In the agricultural industry, are classified into two categories, carcinogenic and non-carcinogenic. A carcinogenic pesticide is a substance or agent producing or inciting cancer. Conversely, a non-carcinogenic pesticide is substance that does not ...

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Human Genetic Engineering

What if you could design your child before it was even born? What if you could cut out any life threatening diseases, make sure that your child is not susceptible to smoking addictions or alcoholism, and then make your child genius? Would you? Are you asking yourself how this could be done? Have ...

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Our World In Medicine

One of the most important factors about people's lives is the information of, the use of, and the growing knowledge of medicine. Medicine is a science that nations all over the world use. It is a science because it is based on knowledge gained through careful study and experimentation. ...

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Victor Frankenstein And His Use Of Science

Every spring there is a plethora of new animate beings. Creation is a yearly event for most animals. There are countless children born each day. All living beings procreate. Victor Frankenstein was a scientist, and the goal of science is to discover new information, and Victor Frankenstein ...

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Brave New World Summary

The novel begins by plunging you into a world you can't quite recognize: it's familiar but there's something wrong, or at least different from what you're used to. For example, it starts like a movie, with a long shot of a building- but a "squat" building "only" thirty-four stories high. The ...

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Genetic Engineering

and the betterment of our world What exactly is ? A simple definition of is “the ability to isolate DNA pieces that contain selected genes of other species”(Muench 238). has been the upcoming field of biology since the early nineteen seventies. The prosperous field has benefits for both the ...

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Air Pollution

The first thing people see, in the morning, when they walk outside is the sky or the colored sun. Is this world giving us the privilege of seeing the natural colors of the sun through all the layers of pollution within the air (Dinanike 31)? Not only are beautiful sights such as this hidden behind ...

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Griffin's Egg: Gunther

Griffin's Egg is a story about Gunther, a man who lives on the moon. And his adventures,as he gets into all kinds of situatutions. He, along with many others, have inhabited the moon because Earth is engauged in a full thermonuclier war. The dangers of the moon however, also come along. ...

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The Use Of Supplements Creatine, Androstenedione, And HMB

In this research paper I will be discussing the ever-popular athletic supplements: Creatine, Androstenedione, and HMB. It has been proven that these supplements when taken in the proper doses will produce phenomenal results in athletic performance. They are taken by athletes of all fields of play ...

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Invisible Man

According to Goethe, "We do not have to visit a madhouse to find disordered minds; our planet is the mental institution of the universe." Despite the hyperbolic nature of Goethe’s statement, it holds some truth. Because of this element of truth, society looks to psychoanalysis as an important tool ...

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Limitations On Robotic Technology

Should the progression of robotic technology be limited? Are movies like Terminator foretelling what will happen as the twenty-first century expands its boundaries with robotics? Are robots becoming too smart? Should humans trust robots to learn and act on their own? Can and will robots turn ...

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Star Mars

Since the boom in space technology about 30 years ago, man has found the method for expanding his existence beyond the many once thought "unbreakable barriers." Together with this development in space technology came a large quantity of information and discoveries of the compounds of the ...

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Charles Darwin

Pd.3 was a man of incomprehensible genius. He proposed theories that changed the views of the origin of mankind, as well as, the beginning of life on earth and the continual evolution of advanced forms of life. Other great scientists such as Galileo and Aristotle influenced many of Darwin's ...

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The Manhattan Project

On the morning of August 6, 1945, a B-29 bomber named Enola Gay flew over the industrial city of Hiroshima, Japan and dropped the first atomic bomb ever. The city went up in flames caused by the immense power equal to about 20,000 tons of TNT. The project was a success. They were an ...

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Turkey Vultures

Vultures are large birds of prey closely related to hawks and eagles. They are divided into New World vultures and Old World vultures, both belonging to the order Falconiformes. The New World vultures, in the family Cathartidae, consist of seven species in five genera. Among the New World ...

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Roles In Frankenstein

Society often puts labels on things such as good, bad, normal, or strange. People are expected to act in a certain manner depending on there status in society. For example in Frankenstein, you would expect the doctor as a scientist to act with precision and responsibility. From the monster you ...

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Sci/fi Sort Story

It was a fine morning when John Parker (the president of the United States of America) was served his coffee and a newspaper. Parker noticed that on the front page dozens of pictures of UFO’s were shown. Immediately the phone rang and he was called into the White House. As the Minister of Defence ...

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The Production Histry And Cons

Beer: umption Of Beer The first and most important step in brewing is cleanliness. "Brewing is ninety percent janitorial," said Frederick Bowman, founder of Portland Brewing. (Bowman) The first step in the actual brewing process is malting. Malting is what is done to the barley to prepare it for ...

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Genetic Engineering 2

and the betterment of our world What exactly is genetic engineering? A simple definition of genetic engineering is “the ability to isolate DNA pieces that contain selected genes of other species”(Muench 238). Genetic engineering has been the upcoming field of biology since the early ...

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Natural History Of The Lamprey

Lamprey is a common name for about forty species of jawless, eel-like fishes. They are very smooth skinned and scaleless. Some can grow up to three feet in length, usually only in the oceans. All lampreys are dull colored, ranging from light-tan to molted-brown or bluish-black. Scientist ...

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