Self Help Essays and Term Papers

A Pro-Choice Argument

In the battle for and against abortion rights, I take the position of pro-choice. I believe that a woman should have the right to govern what she does with her body. When faced with the decision, however, I do not know whether or not I could terminate my pregnancy. This is the way most people ...

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In 1876 a French scientist by the name of Louis Pasteur found something that would make college students eternally grateful of his scientific knowledge. He discovered that played an important part in making beer. Since then has been used in not only the production of beer, but also wine ...

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The New Deal

"How well did combat the Depression?" I think that the answer to this question is that it did very well and I would give it a grade of an A. When Roosevelt took office, in 1933, he had three goals in mind, to save the banks, save the people, and to rebuild the economy. He set his sights ...

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Homers Vision Of The Duality O

The Illiad is a poem which takes place in the tenth year of a war between the Trojans and the Achains. Most of the poem talks about the battles taking place within that specific time period of war. Does Homer portray these events as a glorification or condemnation of war? Well, he does sort of ...

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Babbit Vs. The Hobbit

Sinclair Lewis’ character of George Babbitt is similar to J.R.R Tolkien’s character of Bilbo Baggins, but they are also very different. These two characters are alike in two different ways: in personality and the heroic journey. However, on every other subject these two characters ...

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Interpretive Essay On Edgar Allan Poe's Works

Edgar Allan Poe is among the most praised writers of all time. His dark and foreboding writing leaves the reader bereft of their own thoughts or emotions as they enter into the head of it’s masterful author. As you read on, you feel his writing pluck the strings of reality anchoring you into ...

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Define A Concept : Astrology

Astrology is one of those subjects thay is easy to learn, but can take a lifetime to master. Most people are familiar with the most basic aspect of Astrology, their Star Sign, and can usually name at least one common trait of their Sign. Star Signs are made popular in newspapers, magazines, and ...

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Hamlet: Death

In Hamlet, by William Shakespeare, the death of a character becomes a frequent event. Although many people lose their lives as a result of their own self-centered wrong-doing, there are others whose death are a result of manipulation from the royalty. This is the case of Polonius’ family. The real ...

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Zora Neale Hurston - Their Eye

It is human nature to look for happiness. Some people find it in material possessions, some find it in money, but most of us find it in love. To find true love is a difficult task especially now in the times of cell phones and Jaguars. Money and power play a big role in today’s society, and ...

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Candide: Problems With Everyday Surroundings

What compels a man to think of today’s society with open eyes, and actually allow him to visualize change? Voltaire achieved this as he wrote Candide. In this novel Voltaire mocks the problems of his everyday surroundings by pointing them out in a way that is both humorous and to the point. He ...

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Midsummer Nights Dream Charact

The story of A Midsummer Night's Dream was that of love. Throughout the play, Shakespeare tried to show that love is unpredictable, unreasonable, and at times is blind. The primary focus in this play was love and its relation to marriage. Shakespeare carefully and skillfully used the presence ...

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Blue Collar Student: Are Jobs Good Or Bad?

? Are part time jobs good or bad for a student? This is an interesting question that pertains to almost half of all high school students. Jobs provide students with many different qualities but at what cost? This will be the topic of discussion in this paper. Part time jobs are as common to ...

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The Potential Effects Of A Depleted Ozone Layer - Detrykowski

"And God said, let there be light and there was light and then God saw the light, that it was good " ( Genesis 1: 3-4 ). Undoubtedly, light is good. Without light man could not survive. Light is the ultimate cosmic force in this universe allowing man to progress and flourish. In the form of heat, ...

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Computer Ergonomics In The Work Place

Business strive for high production at low cost. This would result in the highest profit for a company. To many businesses, this is only a mirage. This is because the 'low cost' of the business usually results in a 'high cost' for the employees. This high cost is lower quality workplace ...

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Moll Flanders

was a product of her vanity and pride. She devoted her entire life to achieving some sort of wealth and social status. Her pride encompassed her entire life and affected all of her life decisions. Moll sacrificed many things, including love, religion, self-respect, and peace of mind, in order ...

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What I Knew and What I Did Not Know From this research project I wanted to learn more about the paper, what resources (if any) existed on the internet, and what successes or failures teachers encountered when teaching the . I had some familiarity with the term "," but since I do not read ...

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Lord Of The Flies: The Evil & Primitivism In Man

In the story Lord of the Flies Ralph, the democratic character, and Jack, the dictator are the most important main characters. Ralph is the voice of hope on the island, and without that, the boys would have turned to savagery much faster, and under the control of Jack. William Golding uses ...

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Lockie Leonard And Lex And Rory

Lockie Leonard and the film Lex and Rory promote the same issues as each other, especially concerning male/female relationships. The issues are showed differently. The woman is the one who is pressured into having a sexual relationship. In this case it is the male who is pressured into having a ...

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Indulging In Escapism

In The Glass Menagerie, Tennessee Williams’ presents us with a Family whose lives seem to be trapped in avoiding reality instead of facing it. The play, which is much like our own lives, is constantly pointing out ways of escaping. The characters in the play each try to find there way to ...

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A Mortals Sense Of Immortality

A Mortal’s Sense of Immortality To fear death is to fear life itself. An overbearing concern for the end of life not only leads to much apprehension of the final moment but also allows that fear to occupy one’s whole life. The only answer that can possibly provide relief in the ...

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