Self Help Essays and Term Papers

Sanity For Independence

A look at “The Yellow Wallpaper”, by C.P Gilman The short story “The Yellow Wallpaper,” by Charlotte Perkins Gilman, is a woman’s cry for freedom. It is about a creative woman whose talents are suppressed by her dominant husband. His efforts to oppress her, in order ...

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Robert E. Lee

Introduction Few episodes in history are more painful to Americans than the Civil War, fought between the North and the South. This biography, Great American Generals - , by Ian Hogg, takes the reader through the life of one of the greatest heroes of that war, Robert E. Lee. It is a thorough, in ...

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Business And Society

American business is in dire straits and the blame is being heaped on its leadership or, more aptly, the lack thereof. There are probably no fewer business leaders today than there were 50 years ago. There is not a shortage of good people, but maybe a lack of the right kind of people. People ...

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In Sophocles' play "" he writes about the same themes as in "Oedipus Rex" and places different characters into almost the same horrible, chaotic situations. Sophocles writes strongly about his most important key theme, the exploration of human limits. He also touches on the themes of discovery ...

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Satyagraha, A Weapon Of Non-vi

Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, born October-second, eighteen-sixty-nine, in Porbandar India. What's the best way to describe Gandhi? Perhaps, strong, loving selfless, genuine, courageous, self-sufficient, frugal and intelligent come to mind. All these words belong to and suitably depict a great ...

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When you hear the word “gentleman” what does it make you think of? Does it make you think of your father? How about your husband or boyfriend? Do you consider these males, in your life, to be ? You should. These are very influential people in your life, and they should be . They should be ...

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Harry S. Truman

Most Americans in the 1950s did not expect that Harry Truman would become one of their most highly regarded presidents. By 1952, just before he announced his decision not to run again, only 25% of the people thought he was doing a good job. Within a decade, however, most American historians ...

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Hermann Hesse's novel, , is the story of a young man trying to find his place between the two realms of good and evil. Right from the beginning of the novel Hesse introduces the reader to Emil, of whom the novel is based around. The reader sees how Emil's "good" world of peace, love and ...

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Social Perception

Our own beliefs and principles that are cultivated by our culture, in which we were brought up, govern our perceptions of others. These ideologies or theories are often not shared by others and in most of the time, not plausible or even untrue. These inaccurate interpretations and conclusions of ...

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Lafollettes-licensing Of Paren

“Licensing Parents” Would the licensing of parents be morally right and theoretically possible? According to Hugh LaFollette in his essay “Licensing Parents,” it is and would be both right and possible to do so. I will attempt to argue LaFollette's point by using the ...

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On The Short Story Phineas Com

Phineas and Gene: A Comparative Study To be an opposite of something or someone means to be the furthest from being like that person or object. One can say this for Gene and Phineas in the short story "Phineas" by John Knowles. Through reading the story one comes to see that Gene is an exact ...

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Crime And Punishment

In Dostoevsky's novels pain and some heavy burden of the inevitability of human suffering and helplessness form Russia. And he depicts it not with white gloves on, nor through the blisters of the peasant, but through people who are close to him and his realities: city people who either have ...

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The Pedestrian

Being different could mean many things, such as being different in appearance, having a different life-style or doing things that are different. Most people who are different suffer through many punishments that are not very fair. People who are different consider themselves as normal and find ...

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The Pearl: Material Society, Material Thoughts

Ever since Midas' lust for gold, it appears to be that man has acquired a greed and appetite for wealth. Juana, the Priest, and the doctor have all undergone a change due to money. They are all affected by their hunger for wealth and inturn are the base for their own destruction, and the ...

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The Capitalist Future: A Consequence Of Calvinist Annunciation

In his work, The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism, Weber predicts that the future will be a world of "mechanized perfection" devoid of "religious and ethical meaning." In this world modern capitalism becomes a self sustaining system no longer needing the Calvinist religious impetus ...

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Abortion: A Matter Of Choice

The topic of abortion is one of the most controversial of our times. It has caused countless deaths and several violent confrontations between the two separate parties of opinion. The fight between pro-life and pro-choice supporters has been long and brutal. This is because, despite what several ...

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Henrik Ibsen A Biography

Henrik Ibsen was born at Skien in Norway on March 20, 1828. When he was eight, his father went bankrupt. This event made a deep impression upon him. After they went bankrupt, his family moved to a small farm north of the town where they lived in poverty. Henrik was forced to attend a small local ...

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Working Together

An historic example of team effort gone away. In that legendary story, a few key events transformed Camelot from a utopian kingdom into a wasteland. This isn’t just idle meandering. There are corporate Camelots, too, suggests Steven Rayner (6) -- those companies that started with such ...

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Religions' Views On Life After Death

Throughout the history of civilization, there has always been a certain mysticism about what really happens to a newly departed soul. In each of the major religions of the world, there is a certain idea about what happens to the soul after death. Not all religions have the same beliefs about ...

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The Pearl

MATERIAL SOCIETY, MATERIAL THOUGHTS Ever since Midas' lust for gold, it appears to be that man has acquired a greed and appetite for wealth. Juana, the Priest, and the doctor have all undergone a change due to money. They are all affected by their hunger for wealth and inturn are the base for ...

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