Sound Essays and Term Papers

The Problems Of Drinking And Driving

Drinking and driving is one of the more difficult problems for our society to solve. Organizations such as MADD, DUI, and many other groups have gone to great lengths to educate people of all ages on this situation. Unfortunately, in many cases their struggle has not been effective enough. While ...

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A Brief History Of Ledd Zeppelin And Its Musical Impact

Tell someone to name a band from the 1960s and '70s and you could probably listen to a dozen answers before hearing the same one twice. The overwhelming amount of talent squeezed into these two decades has produced some of the most popular, most powerful, and in some cases, the most bizarre ...

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Migration Towards The Brave Ne

Since the beginning of the Industrial Revolution in England, human society has had to struggle to adapt to new technology. There is a shift from traditional society to a modern one. Within the last ten years we have seen tremendous advances in science and technology, and we are becoming more and ...

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Georg Cantor

I. founded set theory and introduced the concept of infinite numbers with his discovery of cardinal numbers. He also advanced the study of trigonometric series and was the first to prove the nondenumerability of the real numbers. Georg Ferdinand Ludwig Philipp Cantor was born in St. ...

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Gods Grandeur

As a Jesuit priest who had converted to Catholicism in the summer of 1866, Gerard Manley Hopkins’s mind was no doubt saturated with the Bible (Bergonzi 34). Although in "God’s Grandeur" Hopkins does not use any specific quotations from the Bible, he does employ images that evoke a variety of ...

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Simpsons 4

The American animation The Simpsons is now in its 10th season as a show in its own right. It was created by Matt Groening as shorts for the Tracy Ullman Show and was bought by the Fox Network, which began screening it as half-hour shows in 1989. Initially its success was restricted to the 9-16 ...

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Ambition In Macbeth

In Macbeth, a play set in Scotland, William Shakespeare wrote a tragedy of a man’s ambition. In the play, Macbeth is described as a man who has ambitions of becoming king. After the first part of the prophecy by the witches whom he has met returning from battle comes true, he begins to ...

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Never Lose Hope

William Blake, born on November 28, 1757, in London is one of the greatest English poets. His work is studied today all over the world. One of Blake’s poems, “The Chimney Sweeper”, shows many signs of immortality. In this poem, immortality can only be reached by maintaining hope in a hopeless ...

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Mental Training-sports

Metal preparedness is almost as important as physical training. To be mentally trained most closely means to be psychologically ready for the physical act of. Mental training includes several steps which include aquainting ones self with the event, setting a goal, finding out secret techniques ...

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Hamlet 17

1. As the play opens, Hamlet is troubled by the turn of events following his father's death. It seems (and later becomes apparent), that Hamlet's upset is caused more by the remarriage of his mother and her love and devotion towards Claudius so soon after King Hamlet's death, than by simple ...

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The Great Gatsby: Nick Carraway Fulfilling Whitman's Dream Of America

In "Preface to Leaves of Grass", Walt Whitman speaks of the "great poet" who realizes the beauty of truth and simplicity in life. This is achieved through indiidualism and a perspective that nothing in life is trivial. Individiualism is more than being a unique and independent person. The ...

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Mind And Body

The are said to be two different entities that have different characteristics. Many have argued that each holds its own properties and can be without the other. In my opinion, the are distinguishable in there properties but are derived from the other. The are codependent on each other and ...

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Child Abuse

Imagine for one moment that you are not yourself any longer. Visualize instead that you are a young girl; old enough to know right from wrong, yet still young enough to be terrified by the dark shadows in your room. It is a cool autumn night, and your parent’s have decided to attend a party ...

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On January 8, 1935 at 4:35 a.m., a little boy by the name of Aaron Presley was born to parents Vernon Presley and Gladys Love Presley in a two-room house located in Tupelo, Mississippi. Little did anyone know that this little boy would forever change the world of music and entertainment. ...

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Movie Analysis: Species And Species II

When you think of aliens and science fiction, you think of movies like The Predator and the Alien trilogy. But, if you throw in a former model instead of Sigourney Weaver, you will come up with Natasha Henstridge's 1995 movie, SPECIES. Since 1995 SPECIES has turned into SPECIES II, which as ...

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What Are Memes

A "meme" is an idea which can be passed from person to person, the basic unit of cultural transmission. Memes are often analogized to genes, as self replicating information patterns; or to viruses, organic or computer, which prosper by infecting new hosts (in this case human minds) with copies of ...

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Television Violence

Violence in television, is it turning our children into violent, destructive, and hateful toddlers. Yes or no? In today's society television plays such a big role in our everyday lives that it is hard to see if it effects our children's behavior. Television has the potential of being a ...

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The Chinese New Year

Parents wake up very early in the morning to cook a vegetarian breakfast in order to thank the Goddess or their ancestors for the past year and to express their desire to have a better year in the future. After the food is ready, they wake their children up, wash up, and put on new clothes ...

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Martin Luther

Economics in Colonial America During the 1500's to 1800's, the strength and stature of a country depended upon its political power, which can be traced to how self-sufficient it was. Striving to be self-sufficient was what nations sought after; dependency was not a characteristic of a ...

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Spirits Of The Night

There was a time in the town when you could walk out alone at night and not have to fear anything. You could leave your doors unlocked and your car in the driveway without worry. You could drop the kids off at the cinema downtown and not think a thing of it. Or stroll through the park on a ...

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