The Drinking Age Should Be Lowered To Eighteen Essays and Term Papers

The Drinking Age Should Be Lowered To Eighteen

Why is it that eighteen-year-olds can legally obtain a driver's license, register to vote, be forced into jury duty or a draft, can be tried as an adult and even put to death, but cannot buy and consume alcoholic beverages legally? I think these laws are very contradicting. Eighteen-year-olds ...

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Drinking Age

In my opinion I think that the age limit for drinking should be lowered to eighteen. I believe this because one way or another teenagers will be to get alcohol provided to them, we’re better educated on the consequences of alcohol, and when we turn eighteen we are considered an adult. First, I ...

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The Drinking Age In Ontario

More and more the society is showing concerns about young adults and alcohol. Some are even suggesting that the drinking age should be raised, but why? Raising or maintaining the legal drinking age would be ineffective, since alcohol is easily obtained. Furthermore the drinking and driving ...

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The Drinking Age: Legal Age Should Be 18

The legal drinking age in all states should be eighteen. First, the problems and costs associated with underage drinking might be alleviated. Second, studies show that alcohol is easily obtained, and most eighteen- year-olds who do so drink sensibly. Next, Louisiana's experiments with lowering ...

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Young Adults And Alcohol

The drinking age in the United States is a contradiction. At the age of eighteen, one can drive a car, vote in an election, get married, serve in the military and buy tobacco products. In the United States you are legally an adult at eighteen. An eighteen-year-old, however, can not purchase ...

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