The Future Without War Essays and Term Papers
The Joy Luck ClubFasting of the Heart: Mother-Tradition and
Sacred Systems in Amy Tan's
"Concentrate your will. Hear not with your ears
but with your mind; not with your mind, but with
your spirit . . . blank, passively responsive to
externals. In such open receptivity only can Tao
abide. And in that open ...
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History GuidelinesWhen you read an elementary or high school history book you get the same general idea. In 1492 Christopher Columbus sailed the ocean blue. These books have to follow the standards called National . Should we change these guidelines to reveal the not so hidden facts about history?
This topic is ...
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Jimi HendrixOn November 27, 1942, was born as John Allen Hendrix in Washington at Seattle General Hospital. His childhood was not a privileged one, however, he did indulge himself in one particular way: Jimi loved to play the guitar. At first he played an old acoustic, and later a cheap Silvertone ...
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Cold Mountain Essay"I am coming home one way or another, and I do not know how things might stand between us. I first thought to tell in this letter what I have done and seen so that you might judge me before I return. But I decided it would need a page as broad as the blue sky to write that tale, and I have not ...
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Napoleon BonaparteThis essay will illustrate why is regarded as one of the greatest military masterminds in the history of mankind. It will show the life of Napoleon from when he was a young boy, till he died in 1821. It will show how he deceived the French into giving him power, and how he used this power ...
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Utopia 2It would be hard to define the word utopia in a manner that could relate to everybody. There are just too many types of people out there with different perceptions of what is ideal. So, instead of focusing on every group of people and their thoughts and ideas on utopia, I have decided to focus ...
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The Life Of Ulysses S. GrantUlysses S. Grant was a heroic figure for many reasons. He was a
great leader of the Union forces during the Civil War. He won many battles
and held the Union together. His presidential years also had positive
outcomes of the future of the United States.
Grant's life was a long and interesting ...
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Interview With An AlienIda Kannenberg, an elderly lady, lives in
Hillsboro, Oregon, where she and her husband own
and operate a successful antique shop. Although she
is now nearly [eighty], she continues to travel all
over the world searching out and buying antiques
for their shop. She is highly energetic, ...
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Brave New WorldThe novel is like no other in fantasy and satire.
It predicts a future overpowered by technology where the people have
no religion. Has Huxley written about a degrading way of life or has
he discovered the key to a perfect world that should be called Utopia?
This essay will show that upon ...
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Florence Nightingaleis remembered throughout the world for her heroic, almost superhuman labors in the field of nursing. was born in Italy in 1820 and was named Florence after her birthplace. A brilliant child, Florence attained outstanding academic achievement in her years attending school. Florence grew up to ...
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Hong Kong Transferring HandsWhen one look’s at Hong Kong there are many of questions that come to mind. How is China going to respond to citizens of Hong Kong holding protests? Will Hong Kong’s citizens be taken back by their lose of rights? Or will this more liberal form of government led the rest of China into a more ...
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The Concrete Dangers Of Abstract Illusion
Man is in control of world, and consequently of his existence. Since the effervescence of human greatness created by the Renaissance, the superiority of man has been continually accentuated through our culture. However, there still remains the domain of abstract concepts, which ...
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Tom Clancy: Believable PlotsThere are many fictional books written to be enjoyed for their
contents. However, the interest of the reader in the contents of a book is
sometimes affected by the realism with which the plot is introduced. Tom
Clancy is an author of many books concerning the military. He is one of
the most ...
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The Bicycle Thief Another fine example of neorealism is (1948), written by Cesare Zavattini and directed by Vittorio De Sica. The narrative of this film unfolds in post-W.W.II times. The film is a portrait of the post-war Italian disadvantaged class (the majority) in their search for self-respect. It is a ...
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Origins Of CommunismThroughout the history of the modern world, man has sought out the perfect government. An invincible system of order. And in our search for this ideal system, the idea of holding property in common has been a reoccurring thought. From early Christian communities to modern Marxist states, socialism ...
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American RevolutionOne of the most important facets of any revolution is violence. This is often a response to the heightened repression or other intolerable demands from the government against its people. The is no exception. Following the Seven Years War, England need to recover some of their finances which were ...
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Solidarity-A New Hope Of Breaking Communist RulingCommunism is a system of society in, which the major resources and means of production are owned by the community rather than by individuals. In theory, communist societies provide for equal sharing of all work, according to ability, and all benefits, according to need. From 1945 to 1975 the ...
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Woman Of The Year: 1953-Queen Elizabeth IIFrom the day she was born, the life of Queen Elizabeth II shows that
she deserved to receive the title “Woman of the Year.” She had practical
intelligence since she was a kid and she respected peoples opinions.
Queen Elizabeth II was born on April 21, 1926 at the London home of her
mother's ...
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Theodore Rooseveltswept into the White House (which he so named) under rather unfortunate circumstances; he had been vice-president under William McKinley, who was assassinated in September 1901. “” made exceedingly fortunate use of his time. The youngest President ever inaugurated; Roosevelt was also among the ...
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Florence NightengaleFlorence Nightingale is remembered throughout the world for her heroic, almost superhuman labors in the field of nursing. Florence Nightingale was born in Italy in 1820 and was named Florence after her birthplace. A brilliant child, Florence attained outstanding academic achievement in her years ...
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