The Government Essays and Term Papers


Since the first AIDS cases were reported in 1981, through mid-1994 more than 402,000 AIDS cases and more than 241,000 deaths have been reported in the United States alone. This is only the tip of the iceberg of infection, however. It is estimated that nearly 1 million Americans had been infected ...

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Huck Finn's Conflict With Society

Mark Twain wrote The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn in 1883. The novel deals with many problems of society. Huck Finn "can't stand" hypocrisy, greed and "sivilz"ation, qualities that are still present today. One trait shown in Huck Finn is hypocrisy. In Twain's other novels, as well as Huck ...

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And Justice For All

E-mail: Throughout modern American culture certain laws passed by the majority have been considered unjust by a wise minority. However, with the logical and emotional appeal of hard fought battles, voices have been heard, and the minds of the majority can sometimes be ...

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Environmental Issues Associated With Vehicle Use

Write a brief account of the environmental problems associated with increasing use of the motor car. The increasing use of the motor car has lead to many environmental problems and some of these have a profound effect on the world we live in. Many of the greenhouse gases are released during ...

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Biological Warfare And Terrorism

It was another calm early morning on the subway train. Many of the passengers were napping on their way to work. The train slowed to a stop to allow more passengers on, then sped along to its destination, the central government district in Tokyo. Many of the passengers found it strange that a man ...

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Canada Immigration Laws

Immigration is amoung the most compelling issues with which we as a country are faced. The overwhelming amount of human smuggling has set focus on the immigration laws in Canada. Canadian immigration laws have been under fire by many protest groups who feel the laws are both racist and sexist. ...

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The Red Book And The Power Structure Of Communist China

Propaganda in China during the Cultural Revolution took on many forms; there were mass Red Guard demonstrations in Tianamen Square in support of Mao Zedong, pictures of Mao were put up in every conceivable location from restaurants to the wallpaper in nurseries, and pamphlets and books of ...

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Internet The Advantages And Disadvantages

"Beam me up, Scottie." This popular line from Star Trek was a demonstration of the advanced technology of the future. Though it was a fictional story, Star Trek became the universal vision of the future. As always reality tends to mimic fiction. Though our society has not quite resulted to living ...

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Comparison Of Nicholas I And Nicholas Ii

Nicholas I and Nicholas II both struggled with similar uncertainties of a possible revolution. Both came to a conclusion with a strong resemblance, and yet at the same time remained drastically different when their rule ended. While the names may suggest that Nicholas I was the father of ...

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1984 6

The book 1984 by George Orwell is merely a warning of what could happen to a society in the future after many years of decline. In the nineteen fifties it was thought of as a prophecy. Many people actually thought that George Orwell was a madman for predicting all of these events in this book to ...

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Censorship In Mass Media

1 Censorship in the media is not only an immoral and unjust practice, but also an insult to all people who consider them selves able to think and act intelligently on their own. Every day censors everywhere try to bowlderize radio, print, the Internet and all other forms of media, ...

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Censorship And The Internet

Freedom of speech has been one of the most important and fought over freedoms that this country has ever known. Since its commercial inception in 1992, the Internet, has been a topic of debate for the past six years. The wide spread argument has to do with the content that the Internet provides. ...

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Work Force

In Jeremy Rifkin's passage entitled "Work: A blueprint for social harmony in a world without jobs", Rifkin believes that blue and collar workers will be cut out of the because they will be replaced by machines in new technological generation. Since the high-technology is being introduced into a ...

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Is There Such A Thing As The American Dream?

? People always ask me, how can a patriotic Bahamian be so much into American history? I find Americans fascinating, actually, and I will not say to much in case I hurt anyone's feelings, but I find the United States to be a strange, self-destructive nation, clinging to long ago exploits while ...

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Confucius And Confucianism

Confucius was believed to have been born in 551 BC., in the state of Lu, known today as the Shandong province. His parents, who died while he was a child, named him Kong Qui. Confucius was derived from the Latin word Kongfuzi which means Great Master Kong. Confucius was the most influential ...

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Free Enterprise

The term "" is often used to describe America's market system. Unfortunately, when the government sets rules and standards for the companies in the system, the result is not . Free enterprise is defined by Wilson S. Johnson, President of the National Federation of Independent Business, as "the ...

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Modern Torture

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights adopted by the United Nations in 1948 states in Article 5 that "No one shall be subjected to torture, or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment." Yet, almost fifty years after the declaration, physical and psychological abuse of men, ...

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First Philippic Against Marcus

In Cicero’s, “ Antonius,” he is offering his view on the political situation after the death of Caesar. His purpose for coming before the Senate is to drive them to the realization that Marcus Antonius and his actions are slowly breaking down the unity of the country. He ...

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The People Of El Salvador

are first documented around 2000 BC. These people were called the Olmec. Perhaps a more prevalent group in El Salvador were the Maya who existed after the Olmecs and existed for nearly 1000 years. in the 16th century the Spanish arrived in El Salvador. This occurred a little after the fall of ...

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Fascism As Opposed To Communism

Analyze the similarities and the differences between single party rule in Hitler's Germany and Stalin's Russia between 1933 and 1945. Answers should consider: methods of dealing with opposition, control of media and education, control of the economy, and war time planning. Why is it that ...

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