The Pearl Essays and Term Papers
George S. PattonGEORGE S.PATTON, “Old blood and Guts”
George Smith Patton is a very famous American because of his contributions in both World War I and II. He was considered one of the greatest U.S. generals of World War II. This war started in 1939 with the invasion of Poland by ...
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Secrets In Scarlet LetterOne of the main themes in The Scarlet Letter is that of the secret. The plot of the book is centered around Hester Prynne’s secret sin of adultery. Nathaniel Hawthorne draws striking parallelism between secrets held and the physical and mental states of those who hold them. The Scarlet ...
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Great Gatsby & Scarlet LetterThe Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne and The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald are two novels, which address similar themes with completely opposite resolves. The authors use their main characters, Hester, Dimmesdale, Gatsby, and Daisy, in their respective works to present these themes. ...
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Scarlet Letter- Guilty HeartA great deal of blood has been shed and many wars have been fought during the history of civilization; however, man's greatest battle and most formidable enemy is only himself. Humans like to think of themselves as faultless, but sin is inevitable. Mankind is a sinful race; therefore, everyone has ...
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Asian-Americans And Concentration Camps In WWIIIn the early 1940’s, there was evidence of Japanese-American loyalty and innocence, but the information was not always well known. This, coupled with the factors of war hysteria led to the legal upholding of concentration camps in Korematsu v. U.S. (1944). The injustice was clouded, most ...
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The Scarlet Letter: Darkness IlluminatedSince the conception of humanity, man has been fascinated with that
presence which illuminates, yet cannot be touched. Mankind has brought it into
his religions, giving it a great deal of importance in his creed. Following in
the footsteps of his ancestors, Nathaniel Hawthorne uses light as a ...
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The Scarlet Letter: Arthur - Tragic Hero Or Merely Tragic??
In Nathaniel Hawthorne's torrid tale of The Scarlet Letter, Arthur Dimmesdale, a main character, is confronted with a number of circumstances, both in and out of his control, that lead to his ultimate demise. While it can be argued that Arthur is a tragic hero, he lacks the underlying goodness ...
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A Scarlet Letter: Honesty Heals A Guilty HeartHumans like to think of themselves as faultless, but sin is inevitable. Mankind is a sinful race; therefore, everyone has sinned. Yet not every person has the ability to address the concept of sin and also display it in a way that causes others to look at their lives through critical eyes. ...
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The Beginning Of World War IIAt daybreak on the first day of September 1939, the residents of Poland awakened to grave news. A Juggernaut force of tanks, guns, and countless gray-clad soldiers from nearby Germany had torn across the countryside and were making a total invasion of the Pol’s homelands. German’s actions on that ...
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A Memorable Experience In PhotographyTo experience photography, one must have a certain style of photographs to
really appreciate or admire. Photographs are picturesque images and views
that really catch the interest of the photographer. For me to experience
and admire photography, it took me only one photographer to ...
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The Atomic Bomb And The Manhattan ProjectIt was December 7, 1942 a beautiful mourning in Pearl Harbor. When out of the blue, hundreds of Japanese planes bomb and either sunk or severely damaged eight battle ships and at least thirteen other naval ships that were docked on the shore. This spark is what involved the United States the ...
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Black Like MeThis story was an excellent idea by John Griffin to expose the true racism in the South. I wonder what motivated him to change his color also. I also want to know his views on racism. I wonder if George Levitan is still alive, the man who was the editor of Sepia. I also wonder if he had the ...
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Will There Be A World War III??
As the new millennium approaches, there is more and more talk of apocalyptic type events. Y2K, world wide famine, diseases that will wipe out 70% of out population, giant meteors bringing upon us the fate of the dinosaurs. These all seem highly unlikely. The only threat that ever seemed ...
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The Characteristics Of Nature In The Scarlet LetterNathaniel Hawthorne was a defining writer of the nineteenth century romantic period. Hawthorne used characteristics of nature to symbolize the characters in his book, their actions and their surroundings. A young Nathaniel Hawthorne favored also well known romantic writers such as Ann Radcliffe ...
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American Foreign Policy In WwiAs we approach the next Presidential election the topic of American foreign policy is once again in the spotlight. In this paper, I will examine four major objectives of U.S. foreign policy that have persisted throughout the twentieth century and will discuss the effect of each on our ...
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The Scarlet Letter: SymbolismSymbolism in literature is the deepness and hidden meaning in a piece of
work. It is often used to represent a moral or religious belief or value.
Without symbolism literature is just a bunch of meaningless words on paper. The
most symbolic piece of work in American Literature is Nathaniel ...
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A Memorable Experience In PhotographyTo experience photography, one must have a certain style of photographs to
really appreciate or admire. Photographs are picturesque images and views that
really catch the interest of the photographer. For me to experience and admire
photography, it took me only one photographer to really ...
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The Scarlet Letter: How Are Life's Lessons Learned??
There are two sides of consequences for almost everything that
happens in life, directly or indirectly. In life, we could learn mostly
from the consequences, rather than from the punishments of our actions. If
the consequences are good, we know that the action should be repeated,
sometimes. ...
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Magic Johnson The L.A. Lakers in the 1980’s were a basketball powerhouse with household names such as James Worthy, Kareem Abdul-Jabbar and Kurt Rambis who would doubt it. They had class and displayed it on the court. Kareem could pull up for his patented sky hook, they could dish to Worthy for the dunk ...
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