The Village Essays and Term Papers
Christopher Columbussailed the ocean blue in fourteen-hundred-ninty-two. He came over from Spain in three ships, the Nina, the Pinta, and the Santa Maria and discovered America, or at least that was what I was taught in elementary school. Since then there has been much controversy going on over the issue of weather ...
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Arthur C. Clarke's 2061: Odyssey ThreeWhat grabbed your attention first:
Well, I think that the part that really griped me is when Dr.Rolf van
der Berg had discovered that a Monolith (a huge black rectangle made of an
unknown material) had just appeared on Europa (one of the moons of Jupiter).
Dr.Heywood Floyd was ...
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Civil War The Color Bearer TraThe War Between the States was the heyday of American battleflags and their bearers. With unusualhistorical accuracy, many stirring battle paintings show the colors and their intrepid bearers in the forefront of the fray or as a rallying point in a retreat. The colors of a Civil War regiment ...
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Faith Vs. TemptationTemptation, at one time or another, has touched all of our lives. What made us choose one path over the other? Was it your faith in God, your knowing of what was right and wrong, or was it the influences of the loved ones you not only surround yourself with, but the one you have trusted to lead ...
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PocahontasFor more than two centuries since the death of the Indian princess , legends and stories of romance have been imbedded into our minds, but her dramatic life was more important to the creation of a segment of American history than legend.
Around the year of 1595, was born to chief Powhatan, the ...
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Great Expectations One of the essentials for human fulfillment is a mastery within and outside of oneself. This mastery is that of a secure emotional state. Many believe in order to fulfill this mastery, one must search for his/her true love. Some may experience the pain of the search; some may experience the ...
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Marie Curie: A Pioneering PhysicistAspirations come from hopes and dreams only a dedicated person can
conjure up. They can range from passing the third grade to making the local
high school football team. Marie Curie's aspirations, however, were much
Life in late 19th century Poland was rough. Being a female in ...
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Assisted Suicide: An Easier Way OutDoctor Kevorkian and other so-called "death doctors" should be permitted
to assist in the premature deaths of the terminally ill. Although many states
outlaw assisted suicides, nevertheless, they should by made legal for terminally
ill patients. These patients may not want to suffer a long, ...
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The Little Princeby Antoine de Saint-Exupéry There is a combination of subjects in the book including fantasy, sarcasm, philosophy, poetry, science, imagination, and childish fun. The little boy teaches the reader many values that older people seem to forget more often in everyday life. This adventure begins ...
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AIDS History And TreatmentIn 1981 a man in Los Angeles was diagnosed as having a rare form of pneumonia, known as Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia. He had a very low number of T-4 helper cells, and died soon after. The doctors were puzzled at the time, but they would later discover that this was one of the first cases of a ...
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Man's Journey Into Self In The Heart Of Darkness And Apocalypse NowInherent inside every human soul is a savage evil side that remains restricted by society. Often this evil side breaks out during times of isolation from our culture, and what ever one culture confronts another. Whenever different cultures meet, there is often more about our true selves, often ...
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Bacillus AnthracisRobert Koch discovered , the bacterium for the deadly disease, Anthrax, in 1877. Robert Koch grew the bacterium into a pure culture, demonstrated its ability to form endospores, and produced experimental Anthrax by injecting it into animals. was the first bacterium shown to be the cause of a ...
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Transfers Of Technology From The Developing WorldIn an era where human progress is soaring at a dizzying rate, society must adapt its technology to solve current world issues. In a world where the Internet, cell phones and notebook computers are becoming a necessity for everyday living, we often forget about those who still suffer attempting to ...
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Egyptain Foreign Policy In RegThe History of the conflict in the Middle East is long and well documented. To both, and to many biased observers the history of the Egyptian/Israeli conflict is very one sided, with one government, or one people causing the continued wars between the two neighboring states. But, as any social ...
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Adolf HitlerHitler’s Childhood was born on April 20, 1889, in a small Austrian village called Braunau-am-Inn. Adlof was born a sickly child, his mother, Klara, watched over him night and day. Klara Hitler protected young Adolf from her short-tempered husband, Alois. Adolf grew into a thin, dark-haired, ...
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Review Of Benjamin Franklin's AutobiographyBenjamin Franklin's autobiography was to serve as a precedent for
his son. His admiration and venerability for his ancestors inspired his
life and hopped it would do the same for the future generations. Franklin
was interested in the past actions and lives of his ancestors, from who's
experience ...
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Mohandas GandhiMohandas Karamchand Gandhi, also known as mahatma Gandhi, was a Indian
nationalist leader, who established his country's freedom through a nonviolent
Gandhi became a leader in a difficult struggle, the Indian campaign for
home rule. He believed and dedicated his life to ...
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The Scarlet Letter: Hester, What A Change!The Puritans came from England in the sixteen hundreds to break
free from the laws and regulations made by the king of England. In the new
world, they were able to practice their own form of religion. The Puritans
believed in God and His laws. "A Young Puritan's Code" was "Being sensible,
that ...
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Robinson CrusoeDaniel Defoe, author of , led a rather dramatic life, just like the character described in his novel. He had played various roles throughout his life. He used to be a successful merchant, though went out of business later. He published The True-Born Englishman, which was awarded by William III, ...
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Hayden CarruthScrambled Eggs & Whiskey is 's most recent collection of
works. Published in 1996, it reflects a dark, boozed washed view of the world
throw the eyes of a 76- year-old man. His works reflect his personal experiences
and his opinion on world events. Despite technical merit Carruth works have
become ...
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