Warfare Essays and Term Papers

Dantes Views Of Chivalry And Warfare - Cantos Xii And Xxviii

Throughout Dante Alighieri's Inferno, the warlike and the social concept behind chivalry is one of intense concern for this author from the Middle Ages. What makes Canto XII so important in terms of understanding Dante's feelings on chivalry and war is that the reader is seeing Dante's views on ...

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Biological Warfare

There is no longer a question of whether or not a bioterrorist will attack, but rather the question remains, when will they attack? “It is highly likely that a terrorist group could threaten or attack Americans with germs within the next few years,” according to President Clinton. (Solomon) ...

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Warfare Technology

In today’s world war plays a very important role in people’s lives. Some of these wars date as far back as the Roman Empire and Alexander the Great, while others are just being born and brought to the doorstep of the world. In 1939 this world was introduced to World War II. Although this war ...

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Clandestine/ Unconventional/ Guerilla Warfare

Clandestine/ Unconventional/ Guerilla Warfare The Spanish word guerrilla meaning “little war”, originated in the early 19th century during the Peninsular war, after the defeat of Spain’s army and civilians rose up against the French forces that were occupying the area. This type of ...

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Airplane Warfare In WWI

During World War One, the role of airplanes and how they were used changed greatly. At first planes were only used for sport, but people started realize that not only could airplanes be useful but they could even influence an outcome of the war greatly. Soon the war was filled with blimps, ...

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World War I: Trench Warfare

At the time of World War One, nations had not adjusted their tactics to match the new technology of the age. The trench warfare brought technology, the brave leaders and the unique plans of fighting into existence. The weapons like Rifle, Machine Guns, Gas Guns, Tanks and Torpedoes were used in ...

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Guerilla Warfare

The term guerrilla (Spanish, “little war”) originated in the early 19th century during the Peninsular war when, after the defeat of Spain’s regular forces, Spanish irregulars and civilians rose up against the French occupying forces. The practice of guerrilla warfare, however, dates from ...

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Chemical Warfare And Its Uses

Chemical warfare is the use of natural and man-made toxic substances to incapacitate or kill an enemy. There are many different types of agents used in chemical warfare, some of which are mustard gases, nerve gases, psychotomimetic agents, tear gases, hydrogen cyanide, and arsines. All of which ...

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Biological Warfare And Terrorism

It was another calm early morning on the subway train. Many of the passengers were napping on their way to work. The train slowed to a stop to allow more passengers on, then sped along to its destination, the central government district in Tokyo. Many of the passengers found it strange that a man ...

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Anthrax: Chemical Warfare

Having the threat of Anthrax falling in to the hands of terrorist or paramilitary groups strikes fear in our way of chemical warfare. During the Gulf War, Iraq had large stores of anthrax, which were later destroyed during the war. U.S. military experts say that, Saddam has the capabilities of ...

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The Impact Of AI On Warfare.

It is well known that throughout history man's favourite past time has been to make war. It has always been recognised that the opponent with the better weapons usually came out victorious. Nowadays, there is an increasing dependency, by the more developed nations, on what are called smart weapons ...

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Trench Warfare On The Western Front

By the end of 1914, the commencing year of W.W.I, it was apparent that the old fashioned warfare of dashing cavalry charges and rapid movements of troops was over. Soldiers were forced to shelter themselves in trenches from enemy rifle and machine-gun fire and the explosions of artillery shells. ...

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Siege Warfare 500BC-500AD

Bryan Davies EUH 3402 Murray Military Technology and Siege Weapons Siege warfare is defined as any prolonged or persistent effort to overcome a resistance. During the early stages of siege warfare the towns of Mesopotamia fought more defensive battles rather than offensive ones. Early ...

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Information Warfare

As we entered the third wave, we traded in our pens and notebooks, for keyboards and CPU’s. A simple wire connected from a phoneline to a modem to your CPU, brings the whole world into your hands. And you into the worlds hand as well. Political realism is defined as doing what is ...

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Chemical Warfare

is war fought with chemicals. The development of chemical weapons and defenses against these weapons are usually considered together in military training. These weapons can be designed to kill large numbers of people, disable them for a while, or destroy their food supplies. The weapons are ...

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Biological And Chemical Weapons

The Development and Control of Chemical and Biological Warfare The year, 600 BC. Solon, the legislator of the Athenians, contaminated the River Pleisthenes with hellebores (skunk cabbage) to give the defenders of Kirrha violent diarrhea leading to their defeat. This is the first recorded use of ...

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Comparing the M-16 and AK-47

The great military debate that has existed for decades attributes to which firearm has the better rifle platform, Eugene Stoner’s M-16 or Mikhail Kalishnikov’s AK-47? Both are used extensively by police and military forces around the world. These two weapons platforms have been going head to head ...

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All Quiet On The Western Front

Paul and the other members of the Second Company are resting after being relieved from the front lines. When they went to the front, their company contained one hundred and fifty men. Only eighty returned. The quartermaster requested rations for a full company, but on the last day, they suffered a ...

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King Of The Seas

From the many inventions that emerged from the American Civil War, the Ironclad, designed by Captain John Ericsson and Robert L. Stevens, has impacted the world by advancing naval warfare technology. It gave America more influence in Europe and put America ahead of Europe in naval matters. The ...

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An American Crisis: Gulf War Syndrome

Imagine a soldier that is willing to die for his country in the Persian Gulf region, so that Americans could pay less for petroleum products in the Gulf, the soldier serves his country, with honor, loyalty, and dignity. In an attempt to win the war, Saddam Hussein launches a chemical attack on ...

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