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Art and Crime: Fake Art Work - Term Papers

Art and Crime: Fake Art Work


Concept of Fake Art Work
What is fake art work?
Characteristics of Fake art work?
Definition of Fake art work
Classes of Fake Art Work
Classes according to the physical element
Classes according to the conduct of deceit
Other Categories
Why there is increase in fake art work?
Legal Action against forgery of art work
Protection against fraud in art market

Art and Crime: Fake Art Work


The fake art work is , undoubtly, one of the major problem of art market faced by public authorities in their effort to ddefender los derechos de artistas, coleccionistas, galeristas, casas de subastas, mar-efend the rights of ...

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las medidas In addition, I will also try to identify the legales más relevantes que se pueden emplear actualmente en España para combatirrelevant legal instruments that can be used today to combat las violaciones de derechos provocadas por las falsificaciones de obras de arte, pro-Infringements of rights caused by the fake art work.

Concept of Fake Art Work

What is a Fake Art work?

The fake works of art category is broader than we might think: It comprises many more assumptions than the more obvious and known by all, as it is a work of an artist that is similar to another and that is signed with the signature of the author of the second to mislead the public about its authorship.

It is also a category of fuzzy environments, because it depends on what is understood by 'authentic' and also conceptions which remain of what is the "authorship" and "originality" of the works of art, and even "work of art".

Characteristics of Fake Art work

To qualify a fake art work ...

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simply meet the physical or objective requirement, but not the mental: intended to consciously deceive. However, in the strict and professional use of the expression "false art work" must always go this mental element. Thus, for the art philosopher Denis Dutton:


In the same sense, for the legal doctrine, "the word "forgery" means that the work in question is not authentic and that it has made with the intention of deceiving".

Definition of Fake Art Work

By ...

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Art and Crime: Fake Art Work. (2018, February 21). Retrieved March 4, 2025, from http://www.essayworld.com/essays/Art-and-Crime-Fake-Art-Work/106663
"Art and Crime: Fake Art Work." Essayworld.com. Essayworld.com, 21 Feb. 2018. Web. 4 Mar. 2025. <http://www.essayworld.com/essays/Art-and-Crime-Fake-Art-Work/106663>
"Art and Crime: Fake Art Work." Essayworld.com. February 21, 2018. Accessed March 4, 2025. http://www.essayworld.com/essays/Art-and-Crime-Fake-Art-Work/106663.
"Art and Crime: Fake Art Work." Essayworld.com. February 21, 2018. Accessed March 4, 2025. http://www.essayworld.com/essays/Art-and-Crime-Fake-Art-Work/106663.
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Added: 2/21/2018 01:56:40 PM
Submitted By: mavra1bachiller
Category: Arts
Type: Premium Paper
Words: 2878
Pages: 11

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