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Martin Luther King Jr. Vs Malc - Paper

Martin Luther King Jr. Vs Malc

Martin Luther King Jr. and Malcolm X Martin Luther King Jr. and Malcolm X grew up in different environments. King was raised in a comfortable middle-class family where education was stressed. On the other hand, Malcolm X came from and underprivileged home. He was a self-taught man who received little schooling and rose to greatness on his own intelligence and determination. Martin Luther King was born into a family whose name in Atlanta was well established. Despite segregation, Martin Luther King’s parents ensured that their child was secure and happy. Malcolm X was born on May 19, 1925 and was raised in a completely different atmosphere than King, an atmosphere of fear and anger where ...

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of contemporary African-American culture and had a great influence on black Americans. However, King had a more positive attitude than Malcolm X, believing that through peaceful demonstrations and arguments, blacks will be able to someday achieve full equality with whites. Malcolm X’s despair about life was reflected in his angry, pessimistic belief that equality is impossible because whites have no moral conscience. King basically adopted on an integrationalist philosophy, whereby he felt that blacks and whites should be united and live together in peace. Malcolm X, however, promoted nationalist and separatist doctrines. For most of his life, he believed that only through revolution and force could blacks attain their rightful place in society. Both X and King spread their message through powerful, hard-hitting speeches. Nevertheless, their intentions were delivered in different styles and purposes. “King was basically a peaceful leader who urged non-violence to his followers. He ...

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to use cocaine and set up a burglary ring to support his expensive habit. Malcolm X’s hostility and promotion of violence as a way of getting change was well established in his childhood. Martin Luther King lived in an entirely different environment. He was a smart student and skipped two grades before entering an ivy league college at only the age of 15. He was the class valedictorian with an A average. King paraded his graduation present in a new green Chevrolet before his fellow graduates. He was raised in the perfect environment where dreams and love were generated. King and X’s childhoods are “a study in polarity.” (pg. 254, Reflecting Black) Whereas, Malcolm X was raised in ...

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Martin Luther King Jr. Vs Malc. (2008, September 8). Retrieved February 22, 2025, from http://www.essayworld.com/essays/Martin-Luther-King-Jr-Vs-Malc/89628
"Martin Luther King Jr. Vs Malc." Essayworld.com. Essayworld.com, 8 Sep. 2008. Web. 22 Feb. 2025. <http://www.essayworld.com/essays/Martin-Luther-King-Jr-Vs-Malc/89628>
"Martin Luther King Jr. Vs Malc." Essayworld.com. September 8, 2008. Accessed February 22, 2025. http://www.essayworld.com/essays/Martin-Luther-King-Jr-Vs-Malc/89628.
"Martin Luther King Jr. Vs Malc." Essayworld.com. September 8, 2008. Accessed February 22, 2025. http://www.essayworld.com/essays/Martin-Luther-King-Jr-Vs-Malc/89628.
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Added: 9/8/2008 10:18:37 PM
Category: Political Science
Type: Premium Paper
Words: 2211
Pages: 9

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