About Tolerance Essays and Term Papers

Russia's Five Year Plans

In the beginning Communism seemed to the people of Russia as a utopian ideal. The promise of the elimination of classes, of guaranteed employment, “The creation of a comprehensive social security and welfare system for all citizens that would end the misery of workers once and for all.” Lenin’s ...

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The History Of Religion

In as we know it today, many new ideas have been expressed. It is easy to cast judgement on "new" religious ideas because they are not what we have become accustomed to. The First Amendment to the Constitution guarantees us the right to any religious belief no matter what it is. The ...

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I Believe: A Code Of Ethics

by PHIL 301 Fall Semester, 1996 I believe in the power of Mind... I believe pitchers should bat... I believe Oswald was a patsy... I believe everything is a conspiracy... I believe that people are responsible for their own actions... I believe that ...

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Borderline Personality Disorder

(BPD) is one of the most controversial diagnoses in psychology today. Ever since it was introduced in the DSM, psychologists and psychiatrists have been trying to give the concepts behind a concrete form. Some researchers believe that BPD is a name given to the end result of Post-Traumatic ...

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"It discloses secrets; ratifies and confirms our hopes; thrusts the coward forth to battle; eases the anxious mind of its burthen; instructs in arts. Whom has not a cheerful glass made eloquent! Whom not quite free and easy from pinching poverty!" Initially, I wanted to write this paper on ...

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Christopher Columbus

sailed the ocean blue in fourteen-hundred-ninty-two. He came over from Spain in three ships, the Nina, the Pinta, and the Santa Maria and discovered America, or at least that was what I was taught in elementary school. Since then there has been much controversy going on over the issue of weather ...

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While many drugs speed up or depress the central nervous system, there is a class of drugs that distorts how we feel, hear, see, smell, taste, and think. Called s because users often hallucinate, or experience nonexistent sensations, these drugs are also known as psychedelic, or mind-bending, ...

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Teen Alcoholism

“Too many college students have just one objective, “to get drunk!” Campus alcoholism is an epidemic sweeping through colleges and universities at a rapidly growing speed. Even though it is illegal for a minor under the age of 21 to purchase or consume alcohol, that law has never stopped those ...

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Religion And Its Effect On Stephen Dedalus

Religion is an important and recurring theme in James Joyce's A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man. Through his experiences with religion, Stephen Dedalus both matures and progressively becomes more individualistic as he grows. Though reared in a Catholic school, several key events lead ...

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Capital Punishment: Right Or Wrong?

? Capital Punishment has been a very controversial issue in the 1990’s. There are many pros and cons to executing people as who have been beleived to have killed another person. Many beleive it is a moral issue, an issue of ethics. Some beleive it is an issue of justice being served. Is the ...

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Designing A Video On Demand Server

Video-on-demand (VoD) service will allow customers to request that certain movies or television shows be played on their television sets or computers immediately, giving individuals direct access to the materials stored in a video server. The goal of this project is to design a Video-on-Demand ...

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Response Paper For “Sweat”

The short story “Sweat” is a portrayal of a woman who must endure terrible hardships to find a small bit of peace in her life. The main character, Delia Jones survives years of her husband’s cruel psychological and physical treatment in a community that does nothing to help her. Fortunately ...

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Cost Of The Golf War

How much did the Gulf War cost the US How much did the US pay for the Gulf War above and beyond the yearly cost for supporting its military? The US Department of Defense estimated the incremental cost at $61 billion. This additional cost included deployment, construction and operations in the ...

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Type II Diabetes

Diabetes is a disease that effects many people all over the world. There are two types of diabetes, Type I and Type II. Both types of diabetes are caused by a break down in the normal process of insulin production and usage. Insulin is a hormone made by the pancreas that is used in the cells to ...

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Virtues Of My Life: Order, Courage, Patience

In order to survive in 1996, there need to be at least some standards and goals of morality in a person's life. Moral excellence is definitely hard to achieve, but is definitely something to attempt. Personally, there are many distractions and obstructions the present day provides, creating a ...

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Proposal Mutual Fund

AIM Funds is one of the nation's largest and most successful mutual fund companies. Over the years, such funds as AIM Weingarten Fund, AIM Constellation Fund, and AIM Value Fund have become household words for millions of investors. AIM funds are sold through financial advisors as a reflection of ...

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Meth 2

Methamphetamine is an amphetamine that has been used in treating narcolepsy, Parkinson's Disease, and obesity. When used illegally, this drug, which is also called crank, speed, ice, chalk, crystal, and glass, may cause a person to be paranoid and violent. Crank can be smoked, snorted, sniffed, ...

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Othello - The Ambivalence Of H

William Shakespeare began writing tragedies because he believed the plots used by other English writers were lacking artistic purpose and form. He used the fall of a notable person as the main focus of his tragedies (Tragic Hero) developed through the characterization of his pivotal characters ...

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Desiderius Erasmus

was one of the great humanists. He was well educated and practice scholasticism. He was also a great writer, who wrote books of many types. He is even called the greatest European scholar of the 16th century (Britannica Macropedia). He was also courageous, as he criticized the Church harshly. It ...

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Thomas Jefferson

Jefferson was born at Shadwell, his father\'s home in Albemarle county, Va., on April 13, 1743. His father, Peter Jefferson, a man of legendary strength, was a successful planter and surveyor who gained minor title to fame as an explorer and mapmaker. His prominence in his own locality is attested ...

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