America Online Essays and Term Papers

Hemp...A Help For Today

For our purposes, hemp is the plant called cannabis sativa. There are other plants that are called hemp, but cannabis hemp is the most useful of these plants. In fact, cannabis sativa means "useful (sativa) hemp (cannabis)". "Hemp" is any durable plant that has been used since pre-history for ...

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Dell Computer Corporation

The marketing concept that has proven to be the most successful for the also happens to be their business. The differentiated marketing: different buyers, different strategies. The bold-concept – direct customer contact – has made Dell one of the most successful companies of the 1990s. Through ...

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New World

The miles of ocean that separated the once isolated “New World” from the “Old World” kept animals, plants, goods, and biological differences confined to one area. The establishment and exploration tendencies of Europeans would soon introduce both good and bad to once virgin territories. The ...

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Thoreau Influences King

Henry David Thoreau was a great American writer, philosopher, and naturalist of the 1800’s who’s writings have influenced many famous leaders in the 20th century, as well as in his own lifetime. Henry David Thoreau was born in Concord, Massachusetts in 1817, where he was later educated at Harvard ...

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Types of Modern Terrorism

What are the three prominent types of modern terrorism; and what is terrorism in definition? The three leading or prominent types of modern terrorism would be political terrorism, criminal terrorism, and pathological terrorism. “Terrorism is the use of violence or a method of coercion of a ...

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Dred Scot Case

Dred Scott Case 3rd Quarter Paper The American Civil War is one of the darkest chapters in American history resulting in the deaths of 620,000 soldiers and an undetermined number of civilian casualties. Though slavery was a key cause of the Civil War, it was not the sole reason for it. To ...

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Child Obesity

When we see an overweight child, most of us think its "just baby fat. They will grow out of it when they get older". Unfortunately, chances are that the child's obesity is really no cause of her baby fat, but can be contributed to a combination of diet, genetics, and a sedentary lifestyle. This ...

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Identity and Communication

Communication and Identity Spriggs Kaplen University Communication and identity, how do these words come together? Can they work together? In most instances people would say no, but in all actuality they can and do more often than one knows. Depending on which channels you use and in which ...

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No They Can't! John Stossel Essay

Dog Chasing Its Tail The basis of civilization is money, because money makes it possible to eat and to be shletered, the basic needs of man. In any society with a currency, it is a given that some will handle their capital more responsibly than others. The United States government is like a dog ...

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China New Approach In Africa Advantage, Concern And Implications

CHINA NEW APPROACH IN AFRICA ADVANTAGE, CONCERN AND IMPLICATIONS * INTRODUCTION From the late 1950s to the early 1970s, China provided support to several revolutionary movements in Africa. The Chinese Communist Party opposed liberal ideas ( democracy) supported by most western countries such ...

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Social Media

Social media or networks is now the inevitable part of everyone's life. Even the famous celebrities and big businesses have jumped into the social networking craze. Large numbers of individuals wakes-up every morning and check their social accounts instead of reading the newspaper. A research has ...

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How The Sense Of Smell Works

Olfaction or olfactory perception[1] is the sense of smell. This sense is mediated by specialized sensory cells of the nasal cavity of vertebrates, which can be considered analogous to sensory cells of the antennae of invertebrates. In humans, olfaction occurs when odorant molecules bind to ...

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How To Write An Essay

Go online, head to the library or search an academic database. You may ask a reference librarian for help. Know which sources are acceptable to your teacher. Does your teacher want a certain number of primary sources and secondary sources? Can you use Wikipedia? Wikipedia is often a good ...

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Suicide Due To Bullying & How It Can Be Stopped

In the last decade, our nation has witnessed a new phenomenon among the youth in America. A spike in bully-related suicides among teens and preteens has caused school administrators and legislators to rethink the current course of action when dealing with bullying in the school system. ...

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Our Shopping Society

Now a days there is a new system that Stop and Shop offers. It’s called “Pea Pod “shopping this is where all you’re shopping is done online and delivered the next day. This is a great alternative, like many you pack the family in the car, go to the grocery store and deal with the kids running ...

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* The Nurse Practice Act defines the scope of practice specific to a registered nurse, a licensed practical nurse, an advanced nurse practitioner and a nurse anesthetist. It represents all laws that regulate a nurse's scope of practice in the state or states of America in which she or he is ...

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Gun Control

Gun Control “Gun violence in America kills more than 30,000 and injures almost 20,000 each year. The access to firearms in the United States is far too easy in 2012, there were a total of 31,076 deaths due to firearms” (Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence). Each state varies in law, from who can ...

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Racial Profiling

Zakur Amun-El Ms. Nestuk English May 8, 2015 Racial Profiling Young black men probably know more about racial profiling by the police than any other racial group because they experience it almost every day. In her book, The New Jim Crow, Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness, ...

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Existence of Racial Profiling

Racial Profiling Young black men probably know more about racial profiling by the police than any other racial group because they experience it almost every day. In her book, The New Jim Crow, Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness, Michelle Alexander states, “It is not uncommon for a ...

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Existence of Racial Profiling

Racial Profiling Young black men probably know more about racial profiling by the police than any other racial group because they experience it almost every day. In her book, The New Jim Crow, Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness, Michelle Alexander states, "It is not uncommon for a ...

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