Artificial Intelligence Essays and Term Papers

Tom Clancy

The Cold War and post Cold War eras have brought with them many interesting aspects. New technologies initially meant for mass destruction filter down into the civilian world, making current lives easier. One example of this is the anti-lock braking systems of today’s cars. Originally designed to ...

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Issac Asimov

Once in a while, a human being comes along with the genius to change the worldviews for all time to come. One such man, named Isaac Asimov, was born in Russia on January 2, 1920. He and his parents immigrated to New York City, in 1923. Asimov originally studied science in school, but later ...

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Interactive designed by Microsoft was designed for kids to interact with the doll, play fun games with patterns and colors, and discover magical songs. The toy provides endless fun and joy for children from ages 1 to 4. Unlike ordinary toys, ' cute appearance combined with multimedia ...

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The Matrix-critique And Review

The movie, "The Matrix" is a complex, yet easy watching movie. It involves many things to think about, but is easy to understand. "The Matrix" combines love and action into one great movie. The story is as follows: Thomas Anderson (played by Keanu Reeves) is a dull and lifeless employee for a ...

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The Mathematical Art Of M.C. Escher

For me it remains an open question whether this work pertains to the realm of mathematics or to that of art.----M.C. Escher The Dutch artist Maurits C. Escher (1898-1972) was a draftsman, book illustrator, tapestry designer, and muralist, but his primary work was as a printmaker. He was born in ...

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Matrix Essay

The Matrix has been doing remarkably well in sales since its release in the cinema last summer and its recent video releases. This is largely due to stylish advertising techniques and word of mouth. The Matrix has been approved by critics who enjoy the film and also the ones who dislike the theme. ...

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Can Computers Understand?

1) Thinking is the hallmark of understanding. 2) Only special machines can think. 3) If something can think it can understand. 4) Only special machines that can think can understand. 5) "Mental" states and their resulting actions are products of the center of activity ...

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Expert Systems In Health Care

A case referring to the beneficial use of the expert systems in the health sector was the attempt of the LDS Hospital in Salt Lake city,Utah to build “ the most complex artificial intelligence system ever created” according to the words of DR David Classen.Its name was AIC or ...

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Binary Reasoning

limits our knowledge for it oversimplifies the subject being studied. Computers operate in binary mode, that is they only can understand a 1 or a 0, and this fact is what makes artificial intelligence so hard to achieve. The fact that humans can work outside of simple duality is what ...

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Morality And Ethics And Computers

There are many different sides to the discussion on moral and ethical uses of computers. In many situations, the morality of a particular use of a computer is up to the individual to decide. For this reason, absolute laws about ethical computer usage is almost, but not entirely, impossible to ...

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Nanotechnology: Immortality Or Total Annihilation?

? Technology has evolved from ideals once seen as unbelievable to common everyday instruments. Computers that used to occupy an entire room are now the size of notebooks. The human race has always pushed for technological advances working at the most efficient level, perhaps, the molecular level. ...

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Computers: Nonverbal Communications

CHAPTER 1: Rationale and Literature Review Magnafix says, "Have you figured out the secret entrance to Kahn Draxen's castle?" Newtrik sighs deeply. Newtrik says, "I think so, but I haven't found the stone key yet!" Magnafix grins mischievously. Magnafix gives a ...

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Just imagine a society where each of the blue-collared working class members has the privilege to lie around their homes, watching Jerry Springer and indulging in the fine delicacy of junk food all day. A worldly population that is trapped within the massive corporate world is unavoidable. Cities ...

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A Long Way From Univac

Adv. Eng. 9 Computers Can you imagine a world without computers? You most probably interact with some form of a computer every day of your life. Computers are the most important advancement our society has ever seen. They have an interesting history, many interesting inner components, they are ...

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Trespasser: Computer Game Review

One of the most extraordinary games I have seen is Trespasser. From it’s stunning graphics to its haunting sounds Trespasser is the game to have. Trespassers story line comes from the aftermath of The Lost World: Jurassic Park. The story places you in the role of Anne, a castaway who must find a ...

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Individiual Understanding

I agree with functionalists, specifically the strong Artificial Intelligence (AI) camp, concerning the concept of understanding. While John Searle poses a strong non-functionalist case in his AChinese Room@ argument, I find that his definition of Ato understand@ falls short and hampers his point. ...

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Requirements Needed In Certain Computer Related Fields

Software Programmer A software programmer programs and writes software and different applications for computers. For example, different software programmers wrote the software word processor MS Works 2.0, and different programmers write games. Some requirements are: - 3 to 5 years ...

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Testing Tools

, A Report on what is Commercially Available Once an application has been developed, the developers must demonstrate that it performs the tasks for which it was designed accurately, reliably and with adequate performance. For this to be fulfilled extensive testing must be carried out and tools ...

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Artificial Nigger

In O’Conner’s “The ” the essences of prejudice and degradation are captured to a great extent. Reality shows us with needless consistency people who need to feel better about themselves and only achieve it by being better than someone else. Mr. Head, the grandfather, is ...

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Jeremy Rifkin's "The End Of Work"

Individuals tend to develop a false sense of security concerning the certainty of their jobs. After working for an organization for fifteen or more years, it is difficult for them to understand that their employers may no longer need their service. Jeremy Rifkin wrote The End of Work in order ...

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