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Hesse's Siddhartha As It Parallels Maslow's Hierarchy Of Needs

Several parallels can be drawn between the psychologist Abraham Maslow's theoretical hierarchy of needs and the spiritual journey of Siddhartha, the eponymous main character in Herman Hesse's novel. Maslow's hierarchy of needs is somewhat of a pyramid that is divided into eight stages of need ...

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Youth Violence

Over the past decade, criminal and violent acts committed by juveniles have increased dramatically. A national crisis is engulfing this country. Over half of the people arrested for murder in the United States in 1991 were under age 25 (Wilson & Howell, 1993). The Children’s Defense fund ...

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Death Of A Salesmen

Willy’s Unfulfilled Dreams and Frustrated Hopes Death of a Salesman is about the struggles and failure of Willy Loman. A middle aged, quietly dressed, exhausted traveling salesman. In Death of a Salesman Miller begin the play with Willy Loman, who after an unsuccessful attempt to start ...

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Witchcraft 2

It seems that in today’s society, new religions and practices are popping up all over the place. One of the oldest, yet fastest growing faiths today is witchcraft. This earth-based, nature oriented belief has been established since the thirteenth century, but it is not until recently that it ...

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Reaching Up For Manhood

Under-privileged, African-American boys are more prevalent in today's society than the typical person would like to recognize or admit. These boys seem to be faced with an ideal in which they need to follow or conform to as any and all cultures have. However, the problem is that for these boys, ...

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Important People In History

Freud, Sigmund (1865- 1939) Sigmund Freud is the founder of modern psychoanalysis. His earlier research led him to figure out that the mind was divided into two parts- the concious mind and the uncontious mind. He also believed that in order to unlock the uncontious mind you would do so through ...

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The Vampire Genre By V Sthe Va

Attempt to define the vampire genre by tracing it's history. Discuss also the importance of generic conventions and audience expectation. When discussing vampire genre we must first try to define what a genre is. A genre is a particular type of media commodity. It has certain features and ...

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Carl Gustav Jung

Primer of Jungian Psychology ============================ (1875-1961) was a son of a minister in Switzerland. He was born on July 26, in the small village of Kesswil on Lake Constance. He was named after his grandfather, a professor of medicine at the University of Basel. He was the oldest ...

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William Faulkner

is viewed by many as America\'s greatest writer of prose fiction. He was born in New Albany, Mississippi, where he lived a life filled with good times as well as bad. However, despite bad times he would become known as a poet, a short story writer, and finally one of the greatest contemporary ...

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Tools For Successful College Student

We all know that education is really important in our life, but not everyone knows how to survive in college and be a successful student. Out of all common obstacles that students face, I will discuss only four of them and also will give the solution for overcoming those obstacles. These four ...

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The Case Against Affirmative Action

The Case Against Affirmative Action Louis P. Pojman In this essay I set forth nine arguments against Strong Affirmative Action, which I define as preferential treatment, discriminating in favor of members of under-represented groups, which have been treated unjustly in the past, against ...

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Self Improvement

A Movement. There is an abundance of beauty and good in the world, but it still has plenty of problems. The world could be made better. Many of us would like to help build a better world, but taking on the whole world as a project can certainly seem overwhelming. Where does one even begin? And ...

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"Killing" the Stereotype of Gang Violence

Ashton Small EH102-04 Dr. Jones 7 Nov. 2011 "Killing" the Stereotype of Gang Violence Gang activity, which is on the rise world-wide, offers to some a nurturing boost of tough love and loyalty; however, unless deterrents are put into action, gang activity is a pill with deadly side ...

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Technology And The Future Of Work

Every society creates an idealised image of the future - a vision that serves as a beacon to direct the imagination and energy of its people. The Ancient Jewish nation prayed for deliverance to a promised land of milk and honey. Later, Christian clerics held out the promise of eternal salvation ...

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All Quiet On The Western Front: Tragedy Of War

All Quiet on the Western Front demonstrates to me the tragedy of war when young men are sent off to battle. At a very young age these men were forced into military training and battle; forced to live without any contact with their families; forced to live isolated from others, and forced to ...

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Albert Einstein 3

Albert Einstein was born in Ulm, Germany on March 14, 1879, and died in 1955. He was an American physicist and Nobel Laureate, also known as the creator of the special and general theories of relativity and for his hypothesis concerning the particle nature of light. He is perhaps the most well ...

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A Review Of Lord Of The Flies

About the author Sir William Golding (1911-1993), was an English novelist who wrote exciting adventure stories who deal with the conflict between mind and instinct. William Gerald Golding was born in St. Columb Minor, in Cornwall. He was knighted in 1988. His novels are moral fables that reveal ...

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The Color Purple

is a story about growth, endurance, loyalty, and joy, all nurtured by the strength of love. There are many themes; some concern the relationship between males and females, the relationship between Africans and black Americans, and personal independence. However, one thing that I felt strongly ...

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Resident Physician Stress And

Burnout Resident physicians are in the most stressful stage of their medical career. Normal stress may increase to the point where it becomes abnormal stress, which is thought to achieve a critical level at some point. This abnormal stress level can then lead to burnout; burnout can lead to ...

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Commentary: A Child Called "It"

This book was especially disturbing to me in that I tend to carry a significant burden for abused children. In this piece, a scene of child abuse and neglect is painted by the person who suffered one of the worst cases in California history. The colors used are not the colors of the quitter or ...

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