British People Essays and Term Papers


1904 - 1936: The Dream of the Volkswagen Talk about a "Volkswagen" began in Germany in 1904. Engineers were already of the opinion that the future of the automobile industry lay in the mass production of inexpensive small cars. Pioneering developments in America, where a mass market for ...

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Causes and Effects of the American Revolution

Mary Scott Rhodes Professor Barnes English 111 3 October 2019 Causes and Effects of the American Revolution There are many causes and effects of the American Revolution. Before analyzing the causes and effects of the American Revolution there are a few things you have to keep in mind. The ...

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Lawrence Of Arabia (Movie)

Arabia set a new standard for movie epics. David Lean's sweeping, magisterial direction, the gnomic complexity of the screenplay by Robert Bolt and Michael Wilson, and the awe-inspiring cinematography by Freddie Young combined to make this a thinking person's spectacular. Peter O'Toole's intense, ...

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American Revolution 2

A revolutionary is someone that is not eager or does not feel the need to be a revolutionary. That is what the colonists were when they established their lives in America. The British were proud to be English and not French or Dutch. They looked up to the king and used English things. They ...

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Sir Wilfrid Laurier

The first French Canadian to become prime minister of Canada was Wilfrid Laurier. Although French was his native tongue, he became a master of the English language. This and his picturesque personality made him popular throughout Canada, and he led the young country in a 15-year period of great ...

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Burmese Days

In the novel “” by George Orwell, imperialism shaped the daily lives of both British and Burmese characters through three main things racism, sexism and inequality. In the mid 1920's, deep into the days of the empire when The British ruled Burma, racial and sexist boundaries were part of ...

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Common Sense

. By Thomas Paine. Edited with an Introduction by Isaac Kramnic. (New York: Penguin Books, 1986). Recently, I acquired a copy of Thomas Paine’s most recent patriotic pamphlet, entitled . I was immediately interested in what Paine had to say in his new work, after such powerful previous works, ...

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Boston Tea Party

The was the key-event for the Revolutionary War. With this act, the colonists started the violent part of the revolution. It was the first try of the colonists, to rebel with violence against their own government. The following events were created by the snowball effect. There, all the colonists ...

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“The Devil’s Own”

The movie takes place during a period when the Catholic/Protestant unrest was at an all time high in Northern Ireland. The conflict is a very complicated dispute with neither side willing to come to an agreement politically. Negotiations had failed between the British government and Irish ...

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American Revolution 4

Throughout the history of human existence, revolutions have been as common as the changing of the seasons. Usually, revolutions come a bout from a radical sect of people would disagree with the status quo and rebel, sometimes very violently, against their government. The American Revolution ...

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The island of is the third largest Caribbean island. It is in a group of islands called the greater antilles. It has an area of 10 991 km squared or 4 244 sq. miles. spans 230 km east to west and from 80-36 from north to south. It is third only to Cuba, which is the largest, and Hispaniola ...

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Gandhi Movie Review

Priti Agarwal Film Review – Gandhi 1. Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi was the pre-eminent political and spiritual leader of India during the Indian independence movement. He was the pioneer of satyagraha—resistance to tyranny through mass civil disobedience, firmly founded upon ahimsa or total ...

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The Different Facets of Manifest Destiny

The Different Facets of Manifest Destiny Over the years the phrase ‘Manifest Destiny’ has come to mean many different things to many different people, as the inherent ambiguity of the phrase has made this easy to happen. The phrase was first coined, however, by John L. O’Sullivan in his ...

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The Rise Of The Manchus

Although the Manchus were not Han Chinese and were strongly resisted, especially in the south, they had assimilated a great deal of Chinese culture before conquering China Proper. Realizing that to dominate the empire they would have to do things the Chinese way, the Manchus retained many ...

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The American Revolution

The 13 American colonies revolted against their British rulers in 1775. The war began on April 19, when British soldiers fired on the Minutemen of Lexington, Mass. The fighting ended with the surrender of the British at Yorktown on Oct. 19, 1781. In 1783 Great Britain signed a formal treaty ...

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American Revolutionary War 2

Were the Colonists Justified in Their Rebellion against England? Did They Have an Adequate Cause for Revolution? Starting after the termination of the Seven-Year’s war, by the Peace of Paris, England repeatedly violated the American Colonists’ rights. A series of events, happening ...

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The Works Of Graham Greene

"Many adjectives have been used to describe the novels and plays of Graham Greene - timely, religious, melodramatic, even "seedy"" (Graham Greene, A Collection of Critical Essays, back cover). Although this may not be entirely true in Greene*s other work, it is certainly true in his novel, The ...

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The Privatisation Of The Uk El

Since the privatisation of the British electricity industry in the early 1990’s the power industry has gone through major structural changes. As with most privatisation of former public companies, (such as the privatisation of British Telecom and British Gas), the government wished to see ...

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War In The Falklands

Fact: April 2, 1982, Argentina invaded the Falkland Islands At 4:30 A.M., helicopters had started to land on Mullet Creek; they were the first of the many invaders from Argentina. At 6:08 A.M., an attack was at full fledge. The Argentina government had claimed that they told their men it was to ...

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Hawkeyes Character Profile

Natty Bumppo is the main protagonist in James Fenimore Cooper's Last of the Mohicans. Natty Bumppo is a well known "palefaced" woodsmen among the Tribes and European armies throughout the colonial state of New York. Hawkeye, as his friends call him, is also known as The Scout and La Long ...

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