Communist Essays and Term Papers
1984: Socialism, Fascism, Or CommunismIn 1984, A large central organization called the Inner Party controls everything else that goes on in the state. Food is being rationed, and everyone everywhere is being watched. Many other aspects of a normal life are controlled. Some of these can be compared to a life dominated by Socialism, ...
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Animism V. MarxismIn George Orwell's Animal Farm, the animals and events can be compared to similar people and events during the Russian Revolution of 1917. These similarities stand out due to the symbolism found in the book and the reality of the happenings of the Russian Revolution.
Old Major was a prized-boar ...
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1984 41984 is about life in a world where no personal freedoms exist. Winston the main character is a man of 39 whom is not extraordinary in either intelligence or character, but is disgusted with the world he lives in. He works in the Ministry of Truth, a place where history and the truth is rewritten ...
| Save Paper - Free Paper - Words: 1920 - Pages: 7 |
Causes Of The The French RevolutionThe birth of liberal democracy during the French Revolution
continued to expand as the growing middle classes demanded more political
power to be equal with the economic clout. Nationalism began to play a
significant role in the way people and countries viewed themselves. The
flourishing ...
| Save Paper - Premium Paper - Words: 1906 - Pages: 7 |
Abortion In America And ElsewhereFrom an anthropological view, abortion in America is a very controversial issue. Our culture is one primarily governed by a highly structured society. As a world superpower we are at the forefront of world technology. The United States strives to provide an example as the nation with the most ...
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Russian And French RevolutionsBoth the French and Russian revolutions occurred because of two
main reasons. Both of these revolutions were the direct results of
bad leadership and a bad economy. These two reasons along with other
factors caused both of these revolutions. Although they were both
similar, they also had ...
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Arthur Miller And His Distorted Historical AccuraciesIn 1953, Arthur Miller wrote his famous play The Crucible, in response to a fear of Communism that had developed in the United States during that decade. The "Red Scare", as it was later called by historians was led by Senator Joseph McCarthy, whose paranoia of a communist takeover ...
| Save Paper - Free Paper - Words: 1970 - Pages: 8 |
The Meaning Of SocietyWhat is ? It’s a simple word but with a very complicated definition. Society is our own everyday reality. It’s features such as economics, culture, language and philosophy is what unites individuals and creates a society. In the book, “The Discovery of Society”, written by Randall Collins and ...
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Cold WarMy first inclination would be to answer the first question with a clear "YES". But come to think of it, the causes of war really have not changed at all, or at least very little. Rather than changes, there has been a shift in the causes. The cause of war which has dominated the last 50 years was ...
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CIA Covert Operations: Panama And NicaraguaIn the 1950's, the repression of domestic political dissent reached near
hysteria. In the process the CIA's covert operations, already in progress in
Europe, expanded worldwide. By 1953, according to the 1970's Senate
investigation, there were major covert programs under way in 48 ...
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Animal FarmGeorge Orwell's novel does an excellent job of drawing
parallels from the situation leading up to the Russian Revolution of 1917.
is a satire that uses its characters to symbolize leaders of
the Russian Revolution. The animals of "Manor Farm", the setting of this
novel, which symbolizes Russia, ...
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Chinese Music, the body of vocal and instrumental music composed and played by the Chinese people. For several thousand years Chinese culture was dominated by the teachings of the philosopher Confucius, who conceived of music in the highest sense as a means of calming the passions and of dispelling unrest and ...
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Marxist Analysis Of Thomas CroFilm is a medium on which society thrives. Ever since its invention, film has managed to captivate society but offering "...sensational ‘junk food for the mind' that does not deal seriously with our social and political problems but instead diverts and entertains us" (Berger, MAT 164). ...
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The Crucible: Miller's McCarthynistic Idea“The play was inspired by Miller's belief that the hysteria
surrounding the witchcraft trials paralleled the contemporary political
climate of McCarthysim.” McCarthysim is Senator Joseph McCarthy's obsessive
quest to uncover a communist infiltration of American institutions.
Communism is a theory ...
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Bolshevik RevolutionThe occurred in November of 1917, its aim was to create a workers paradise and a dictatorship of the proletariat. By 1930, the Bolsheviks had imposed a totalitarian rule over Russia. This period can be divided into two distinct eras. Firstly, there was the period from 1917-1924, which included ...
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Bleeding Ireland And Black AmericaFall Road is deserted. Only a few dirt-caked, barefoot, Irishmen can be
seen shivering in the adjacent park. We walk past the Catholic neighborhoods
knowing, at any moment, buildings might explode and automatic weapon fire could
lacerate the air on every side of us. Belfast is charming, apart ...
| Save Paper - Premium Paper - Words: 4743 - Pages: 18 |
Analysis Of The CritoThe purpose of “Crito” seems intended to exhibit the character of Socrates in one light only, not as the philosopher, fulfilling a divine mission and trusting in the will of Heaven, but simply as the good citizen, who, having been unjustly condemned is willing to give up his life in obedience to ...
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Billy Graham\"This is the Hour of Decision with , coming to you from Minneapolis Minnesota\" , has preached to more than 210 million people through a live audience, more than anyone else in history. Not only that, but Mr. Graham has reached millions more through live televison, video and film. This has led ...
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Freedom In The United StatesNo other democratic society in the world permits personal freedoms to the degree of the United States of America. Within the last sixty years, American courts, especially the Supreme Court, have developed a set of legal doctrines that thoroughly protect all forms of the freedom of expression. ...
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Animal Farm By George OrwellCharacters, items, and events found in George Orwells book, Animal Farm, can be compared to similar characters, items, and events found in Marxism and the 1917 Russian Revolution. This comparison will be shown by using the symbolism that is in the book with similarities found in the Russian ...
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