Economists Essays and Term Papers
Monopolization And Its Implication On A World ScaleThe monopolization of the capitalist system is at the base, a degradation, not only of the "free-competition" of the capitalistic (bourgeoises) socio-economic order, it is also, the degradation of the working class and, in fact, the respective systems imminent demise.
During the Cold War ...
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Comparisons Of Classical And Keynesian Thought.In the comparison of the two thoughts one must understand that Classical
thought is one that has been around longer than Keynessian and it was in
all probability the only real school of thought from 1776 to the 1930's.
The Classical thought is one that had its origins in Britain and ...
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Conflicting Goals In Economic GrowthGoals of monetary policy are to "promote maximum employment, inflation
(stabilizing prices), and economic growth." If economists believe it's possible
to achieve all the goals at once, the goals are inconsistent. There are
limitations to monetary policy.
The term "maximum employment" ...
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Australia And The DepressionResponses by Australian governments to the Great Depression were largely inadequate; however, it is necessary to identify the sources of these inadequacies. Attempts made by the Scullin Government to implement effective policy responses to the problems of the Great Depression were significantly ...
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NAFTAOn January 1, 1994, the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), the free trade policy linking the economies of Canada, the United States, and Mexico was officially implemented. Over the past decade, the policy has evoked a firestorm of debate involving neoliberal advocates, mercantilist ...
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Earning and DiscriminationJeremiah Davis
7[th] Period
Chpt.19: Earning and Discrimination
* Compensating Differentials:
Economists use the term compensation differential to refer to a difference in wages that arises from nonmonetary characteristics of different jobs. ...
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Adam Smith-free TradeIn the earlier days of recorded history, nations traded to obtain more goods, especially those they couldn't produce themselves, which seems like a logical enough motive. But by the 17th century, this motive for trade gradually eroded. The desire for goods was replaced by the desire to ...
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Taxes And Its ObjectivesThe main objective of tax policy is to encourage permanent economic growth. Many countries suffer from a combination of budget deficit crisis and domestic financial instability. Fiscal policy plays a key role in reducing in the size of the budget deficit. However, the way the deficit is ...
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The Used Car IndustryIn the past 30 years, the United States auto industry has gone through many
changes. In order to stay competitive with a foreign market, constantly
threatening to eat away at profits, the American auto industry has had to
respond by being flexible and adapt itself to this new situation. ...
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Economic ReportIn economics, we need to use terms a little more carefully than they are sometimes used in ordinary discussions. In general use, "Demand" is a word that can have more than one meaning, but in microeconomics we define it more carefully so that it has only one meaning. Here is the definition:
Demand ...
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The Great DepressionAll these changes affects the society in different ways .
caused many people to destruct businesses and led the government to regulate the
businesses and economic affairs. All this increased regulation led to the
widespread belief that the government should promise or guarantee citizens a
good ...
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Business CycleIn everyday society, companies are affected by the economy. The company either suffers or benefits depending on what kind of economy it is. This will depend on what kind of company it is, and what kind of market the business does well in. The is what determines this factor. It is a term used in ...
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Marijuana Should Be LegalizedLegalization Will Redeem Us
Many Americans do not realize exactly how much money is wasted every year on enforcing marijuana laws. More than half of the prison population in most states consists of petty marijuana users, most of whom are merely college students or sick adults who use marijuana ...
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Impact Of NAFTA On Canada's EconomyINTRODUCTION
Canada and the United States have had a long-standing friendship in which the two nations live peacefully side-by-side. The borders are not armed, the residents of each nation have respect for the other and there are many advantages enjoyed by remaining friendly. Just as any two ...
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International Monetary SystemInternational Monetary System
In world trade, varied national currencies are swapped for each other by means of rules and procedures set by a system called the international monetary system. To delineate a general standard of value for the world's currencies, such a system is believed to be ...
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What Is DemandThe official definition of demand is as such: Demand is the relationship between price and quantity demanded for a particular good and service in particular circumstances. For each price the demand relationship tells the quantity the buyers want to buy at that corresponding price. The quantity ...
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The Fed And Interest RatesDave Pettit of The Wall Street Journal writes a daily column that
appears inside the first page of the journal's Money & Investment section. If
the headlines of Mr. Pettit's daily column are any accurate record of economic
concerns and current issues in the business world, the late weeks of March ...
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The Fed And Interest RatesDave Pettit of The Wall Street Journal writes a daily column that appears inside the first page of the journal's Money & Investment section. If the headlines of Mr. Pettit's daily column are any accurate record of economic concerns and current issues in the business world, the late weeks of March ...
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Soros And Market FundamentalismMany economists agree that there is a significant imbalance between the growth of global economy and the development of a free society. One of these economists who agrees with this point is George Soros. Soros bases his dilemma mainly on the Thai crisis that hastened the currency meltdown in ...
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Economic Rebirth Or Social Suicide
Any mention of Las Vegas conjures up images of glitzy casinos with flashy neon facades; a city built by gangsters to feast upon the hopes of reckless tourists. Now Las Vegas is losing its singular claim to fame. State by state, the gambling industry has finagled its self to the brink of ...
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