Endangered Species Essays and Term Papers
Social Responsibilities Of Colleges To Students"The mission of higher education is to enhance society by teaching, research, and service. Colleges and universities have obligations, as well as opportunities, to strengthen the fabric of our society by stressing essential dimensions of life that are not commercial. Many colleges are abdicating ...
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Television's Affect On ChildrenModule E practice (paper 4)
Read the article below and then answer questions 1-8.
Most kids are exposed to the world of television long ...
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Popluation Growth-too Many PeoCosta Rica is an Eco-tourist’s paradise. The country holds some of the most beautiful rainforests and rivers in the entire world. The lush habitat of Costa Rica also supports some of the most expansive and diverse flora and fauna in the world. The area of Costa Rica contains over 1000 species of ...
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Carnivorous PlantsIn a world where plants are at the bottom of the food-chain, some
individual plant species have evolved ways to reverse the order we expect to
find in nature. These insectivorous plants, as they are sometimes called, are
the predators , rather than the passive prey. Adaptions such as odiferous ...
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Arbor DayGeorgia Oak
By: Aiden Rector
I am Aiden, and I speak for the trees. The Georgia Oak has many different names. For example Quercus Georgiana, Georgia Oak, and Stone Mountain Oak. It is in the Fagaceae Family. The Georgia Oak is native to the southeast United States and lives in Alabama, ...
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GibbonsApes have 13 species of large, highly intelligent primates, including Chimpanzees, Gorillas, , and Orangutans. Apes are sometimes confused with Monkeys, but unlike their smaller primate counterparts, apes do not have tails and their arms are usually longer than their legs. Apes live in tropical ...
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AustraliaAlthough only a dozen plant families are unique to , there are 530 unique genera and many unique species within these genera. As the n fragment of prehistoric Gondwanaland drifted north, its ancient flora became the basis for the present plant systems. Increasing aridity modified this vegetation, ...
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Orca WhalesKiller Whales
The orca, or the “killer,” whale is one of the most well-known and most majestic of the sea. Belonging to the dolphin family, the killer whale is found all over the world’s oceans and has been the object of study by many animal researchers over the past few decades. Killer whales ...
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Commercial is a worldwide enterprise that involves the capture
of marine and freshwater fish and shellfish and their preparation for market.
Fishing equipment ranges from small boats whose nets are cast and hauled in by
hand to factory ships equipped with the most advanced ...
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CoyoteThe is considered to be one of the last species of primitive dogs. It is called the master adapter and the ultimate survivor. Based on these titles alone, one can conclude that the has thrived despite the habitat change implemented by human development and expansion. The has always been a ...
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BearsBears. Across the four corners of the globe, these hairy mammals can be found on nearly every continent. There are multiple different species each adapted to their own specific environment; each species varying in size shape, color and behavior. Due to misinformation and ignorance these creatures ...
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Biology Term Paper - TigersThe tiger is part of the kingdom Animalia, phylum Chordata, class Carnivora, family Felidae, subfamily Panthernae, genus/species Panthera tigris. Tigers have round pupils and yellow irises
(except for the blue eyes of white tigers). Due to a retinal
adaptation that reflects light back ...
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Life Of Octopus DofleiniIntroduction
This is a research report on octopuses in general, however will focus in
on a particular species of octopus, the North Pacific Giant or octopus dofleini ,
which is a bottom dwelling octopus that lives on coasts of the pacific ocean,
from California to north Japan. This report will ...
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TigersThe tiger is part of the kingdom Animalia, phylum Chordata, class Carnivora, family Felidae, subfamily Panthernae, genus/species Panthera tigris. have round pupils and yellow irises
(except for the blue eyes of white ). Due to a retinal
adaptation that reflects light back to the ...
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The Kangaroo1. Describe the creature physically.
a. What does it look like?
b. What does it feel like?
c. What does it smell like?
d. How many legs does it have?
e. Does it have a tail?
f. What are the animal's habits?
g. Is it intelligent? ...
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Limonene And Its UsesUnited States Prevention, Pesticides EPA-738-F-94-030 Environmental
Protection And Toxic Substances September 1994 Agency (7508W)
R.E.D. FACTS Limonene
Pesticide Reregistration
All pesticides sold or distributed in the United States must be
registered by EPA, based on scientific studies ...
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Tropical RainforestsA tropical rain forest is a luxuriant forest, generally composed of broad-leaved trees and found in wet tropical uplands and lowlands around the Equator. Tropical rainforests occur in regions of the tropics where temperatures are always high and where rainfall exceeds an average of 50 to 260 inches ...
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Water PollutionThe great oceans are dying. The effects of pollution are taking their toll on marine life. As the Earth’s waters are being attacked by natural and man-made contaminants, marine plants and animals are paying the high price.
The definition of is the “contamination of water by foreign matter that ...
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Prescribed BurningIt's a promising tool, this idea of to defuel forests and help restore ecosystem health. But it's risky business, too, and smoke clouds public acceptance.
Deep in Oregon's ...
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Comparison of the Mediterranean Sea and the Sea of OkhotskComparison of the Mediterranean Sea and the Sea of Okhotsk
The Mediterranean region is one of the most valuable and endangered regions of the world-- for forests, woods, scrub habitat, and freshwater ecosystems. The Mediterranean forests are one of the planet's centres of plant diversity, with ...
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