Fair Essays and Term Papers

Was Athens Truly a Democracy?

Carol Chou 11B World History December 19, 2010 Was Athens Truly a Democracy? Around 500 BCE in ancient Greece, the city-state of Athens declared itself as a “democracy.” However, does Athens actually live up to its name as the world’s first true democracy? There are many factors of the ...

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A Baby Tramp

Summary with plot structure The story opens up with little joe standing in the rain. then the author introduces Blackburg, the main setting of the story,and its history way back in the past. Blackburg is a place where things did occur that were a good deal out of the common. For example, ten ...

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London by Blake and Wordsworth

Eight years after Blake had written down his London with emotional significance, another Romantic poet Wordsworth happened to pass by the same river and composed his London as well. At that time, the Great Britain had just experienced a profound shift from feudalism to capitalist ...

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All-Star Voting

Throughout the National Basketball Association, there are many exceptionally talented players. Each year, certain players have a breakout season and rise to the top of their positon in terms of stats and skill. Last year, one specific player defines the definition of a breakout season. Kevin Love, ...

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In My Opinion - 2011 Earthquakes (as of March 2011)

Recently, two earthquakes have struck Sendai, Japan and Christchurch, New Zealand. Many people are saying that Japan got hit much harder than New Zealand, and it literally did, with the fifth strongest quake ever. But does that necessarily mean they had it worse than Christchurch? Christchurch ...

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As a few may recall from my other topic, a pretty healthy conversation regarding the age limit for sexual consent arose. Now its hardly fair to assume that at age 18 (or whatever age limit there is) one gains a magical maturity and is "ready" for sexual consent. There are many young people out ...

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Loose Constitution

When thirty nine delegates from all over the United States signed the document that would lead to be our Supreme Law of the Land, they changed our history as we knew it. Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, Benjamin Franklin, and countless other founding fathers wanted the citizens of the United ...

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William Shakespeare's Use of Imagery and Metaphors in Othello

In William Shakespeare's Othello, the use of imagery and metaphors is significant in conveying meaning as it helps to establish the dramatic atmosphere of the play and reinforce the main themes. Through this, the audience is able to grasp a better understanding of the play. Throughout Othello, ...

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Romeo and Juliet

In William Shakespeares play Romeo and Juliet, Romeo persistently acts upon impulse. He impulsively acts because of “love”. He also reacts quickly and rashly in times of great stress. Romeo impulsively acts upon what he believes is “love”. The first such act is when he sees the beatiful Juliet ...

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Femininity in Sir Launfal

In Thomas Chestre’s Sir Launfal, femininity is unmistakeable. One of the most important elements of femininity in the story is established by the emphasis on good and bad female conduct. In this passage, two women separately exemplify both behaviours. Tyramour represents the idea of good ...

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To what extend is the Arizona Immigration law racist?

To what extend is the Arizona Immigration law racist? Intro: As everyone knows the immigration is a national problem that has been going on for many years in the United States. The reason it has been going on for so long is because more and more immigrants want more opportunities, jobs, ...

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Abortion Should Be Illegal

Reasons Abortion should be Illegal Abortion should be made illegal for the following reasons. At the very first minute of conception the baby is alive. Although it might not have a pulse or heartbeat is a living thing. Another reason is that no human being has the right to take another human ...

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Is Capital Punishment Justified?

Capital punishment, in my opinion, is something that in certain cases is justified. I am not against or in favor of capital punishment because I am not a person who wishes anything unpleasant in anyone’s life. Capital punishment should only be used on people that have committed crimes for murder ...

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John Brown

John Brown was an abolitionist and insurrectionist. He and several others seized the United States Armory and Arsenal at Harper s Ferry. Brown was really into the slave thing, he hated it. One night he and three son s killed three men who were for slavery. During the raid, many of Brown s men were ...

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The Road Not Taken: Aspects of Frost's Life

The Decision The use of Imagery, sooth words, and a unique rhythm are ways that authors of poems try to attract readers but in Robert Frost’s “The road not taken” he compels the reader by using aspects in his life to appeal to readers and maybe even without realizing it himself. This aspect in ...

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Franz Kafka’s short story, “Metamorphosis” illustrates how society fails to look beyond surface value. It is an allegory about disability and alienation. The main character, Gregor, transforms into a large bug. Although his appearance has changed, Gregor is still himself inside and is very ...

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Organized Sports for Youth is a Good Thing:

The participation of youth sports has increased in the past twenty years. Many children are involved in one or more sports throughout the year and it is not uncommon to see kids take part in organized sports at the age of four or five. Based on the amount of time children spend participating in ...

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Welfare Is Not Always Fair

How can we be sure that people in need have access to welfare without allowing it to be taken advantage of? While having the ability to help the poor, and those in need the government doesn’t have limitless resources. This gives the ability for this program to be taken advantage of and for those ...

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The Hippie Nation and Woodstock

In the mid to late sixties, hippies and wannabe hippies were making their presence known throughout the country. Hippie communes began to pop up and their ideas were misunderstood by the common man. In 1969, the hippies and wannabes came together for Woodstock, a festival filled with problems, ...

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The Theme Of Love And Code Of Honour

THE THEME OF LOVE AND CODE OF HONOUR IN “CHRONICLE OF A DEATH FORETOLD” BY GARCIA MARQUEZ AND “BLOOD-WEDDING” BY FEDRICO LORCA -BY SUKHMANI SACHDEV, ENG (H), 3RD YEAR, 751 In this term paper, I would be comparing two Latin American texts-Gabriel Garcia Marquez’s novel ‘Chronicle of a ...

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