Goals Essays and Term Papers

Karate And Tae Kwon Do

Through my advanced training in the martial art of tae kwon do, I have come to realize the numerous benefits that this sport has to offer. I have gained many things including knowledge of self-defense, excellent physical conditioning, and a refreshing outlook on life. The rewards are abundant, ...

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The Pearl: The Curse Of The Oyster

In The Pearl, by John Steinbeck, evil transforms certain humble citizens into envious savages. Evil was exhibited by the doctor who refused to treat Coyotito because his parents had no money. When the doctor heard of Kino and Juana's fortune in finding "the pearl of the world" (722), he boasted ...

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World War I Propaganda

The United States used propaganda to control what people thought and to create positive feelings towards World War I. The newspaper was used to release information that had sometimes been altered to glorify the war. Music and motion pictures were used to try to help the people understand why ...

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Personal Writing: Drag Racing

The heat was unbearable as I pulled up to the starting line. The smell of exhaust gases and burned rubber filled the air. The starting light received my fullest attention, zoning everything out of my conscience. 3…2…1…green light! I stomped my foot on the accelerator as I side stepped my ...

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Causes Of The Civil War

South, which was known as the Confederate States of America, seceded from the North, which was also known as the Union, for many different reasons. The reason they wanted to succeed was because there was four decades of great sectional conflict between the two. Between the North and South there ...

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The Apprenticeship Of Duddy Kravitz: Duddy

In the book The Apprenticeship of Duddy Kravitz by Mordecai Richler, Duddy Kravitz is the apprentice to life in order to find out the truth about himself. Different characters come in and out of Duddy's life and act as masters towards him. These people all have specific lessons to teach him, and ...

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The Effects Of Smoking

Smoking is one of the leading causes of death among Americans. What you don't hear are many of . You may have heard that smoking causes cancer, but there are many more effects of smoking than just cancer. One of the main problems of smoking is that people have a limited knowledge of smoking. In ...

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Sexual Harassment

A sincere compliment, a reassuring hug, a pat on the back, discussing the latest sex scandal, a dirty joke, a sexual invitation; where does a woman draw the line between a comfortable working environment and a hostile one? Since the 1991 trial when law professor Anita Hill filed charges against ...

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Frederick Douglass

How did the early years of ’ life affect the beliefs of the man he would become? ’ adulthood was one of triumph and prestige. Still, he by no means gained virtue without struggle and conflict. There was much opposition and hostility against him. To fully understand all his thoughts and beliefs ...

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Gene Therapy

In research facilities all around the world scientist are attempting to stop diseases at their very roots. Instead of trying to find drugs to cure illnesses they are trying to change the genes that cause the diseases. The process by which this is done is called . is the deliberate alteration ...

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Case Study 2

The term marketing mix is used to describe the all the options available to the marketing manager in order to market a particular good or service. It is often referred to as the 4P’s(i.e Product, Place, Promotion, and Place) The Product Variable: This aspect of the marketing mix deals with ...

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Malcolm X 3

The road to equal rights for African Americans has been a long, hard, treacherous road that still continues today. Several prominent African American's have become strong leaders in the fight to bridge the racial gap. Malcolm X was one of the most celebrated of these leaders, some considered to ...

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Correctly Political: A Look Into The Dynamics Of Political Correctness

Every American probably knows what it means to be politically correct. After all, we hear about it on the news almost every night. We have to be constantly aware of whether or not something we say or do is going to offend someone. This mode of communication is present in every aspect of our ...

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The Count Of Monte Cristo

is a very powerful book. So powerful in fact, that was controversial when it was first released. The Catholic church in France condemned it because of its powerful message it presented the reader. This theme was one of revenge and vengeance. Monte Cristo had two goals- to reward those who were ...

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Standardizing The Mind

Is it safe to assume that all people are capable of learning the same things? Should the educational system be allowed to say what is useful information and what is not for human learning and development? These questions deserve attention since the answers can determine so much about ...

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Affirmative Action

In the Human Rights Act, Chapter 214 of the revised statutes, 1989, it states that “in recognition that human rights must be protected by the rule of law, this Legislature affirms the principal that every person is free and equal in dignity and rights without regard to race, religion, religious ...

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Korean Pollution

E-mail: Whiteymalcolm@altavista.com Deadly particles are circulating within our air supply. They are “the most life threatening for of air pollution.” These are tiny particles of soot and other matter released from diesel engines in lorries, buses, and coaches. They are believed to have played a ...

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Prohibition: The Ignoble Experiment

The 18th Amendment , considered to be one of the biggest follies of the nation, was brought about with the intent to sincerely help the U.S., but more harm came from it than good. Prohibition, also known as the 18th Amendment , was ratified on January 29th, 1920 and was repealed on December 5th, ...

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William Penn

The Quakers, also known as the Society of Friends was religious group that founded Pennsylvania. , one of the leaders, worked with the Quakers, Indians and the other population to make an ideal world for him, his followers, and the other people in his environment. With his efforts, and the help of ...

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HDTV: The Emergence Of A New Generation In Television.

Abstract High definition television is proving itself to be a leader as a new innovation of television. The impact HDTV will have on consumers, the laws surrounding this new medium, and it's attributes and in differences to analog television will be looked at first in this paper. Also, my ...

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