Hawaii Essays and Term Papers
College Transfer ApplicationTransfer Application...
I had come to St. Mary's College, to gain some exposure to life outside my nation, Hawaii. With parents who loved travel and meet new people I had been brought up to accept the challenges of life and keep an open mind. Yet, while I knew that diversity and globalization ...
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Filial Piety In ChinaE-mail: liew_hwee_min@hotmail.com
Introduction Xiao, the Chinese word for filial piety is the defining feature in Chinese culture as filial piety was extolled as the highest virtue in China for centuries. I subscribe to the school of thought that filial piety is the root of Chinese ethics and ...
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Koreans: When And Why Did They Come??
At the end of the 19th century the USA received it's first refugees from
Korea, three pro-Japanese activists seeking exile after an unsuccessful attempt
to over throw the government. (Moynihan 45) They were followed by 64 students
between 1890 and 1905 to purse further education in the USA. ...
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United States And ImperialismHistorian Frederick Turner said, that "frontier has gone, and with its going has closed the first period of American history." Continental America had been settled by the turn of the century. Some say it is time for America to have a new frontier and that it might be found overseas. During the ...
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Limits of WesternizationDuring the eighteenth century, the Pacific saw an immense economic transformation turning the hemisphere into an area of production trade and cultural contact. With the Europeans’ intensification of industrial expansion, many of the isolated indigenous people among the Pacific World encountered ...
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Dolphins 2A great philosopher by the name of Plutarch once wrote that the dolphin “is the only creature who loves man for his own sake. To the dolphin alone, nature has given what the best philosophers seek: friendship for no advantage.” The foundation to a relationship like this is based on communication. ...
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Sex MarriageSame- There are many important issues discussed in public policy today. One of these issues is homosexual marriage. This is an important issue because it deals with a relatively large minority of the United States. This issue is put into many different lights. Those of morals, family values and ...
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Tsunamishave occurred on many occasions all around the world. These massive waves have been caused by eruptions, landslides, earthquakes, and other natural disasters. Each tsunami may be different from the next thus preventing the exact measurements and dynamics to be pinpointed. In recent years ...
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Hawaiian GooseThe Branta sandvicensis, or looks similar to the Canada
Goose except only the face, cap, and hindneck are black; and Nene have buff-
colored cheeks. The males and female have the same plumage. The feet of this
goose are not completely webbed like the other geese. Lots of calls have ...
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Same-sex MarriageThere are many important issues discussed in public policy today. One of these issues is homosexual marriage. This is an important issue because it deals with a relatively large minority of the United States. This issue is put into many different lights. Those of morals, family values and ...
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Science: Pacific Garbage PatchThe Pacific Garbage Patch
Everyday trash is recycled, but other is just thrown away with out thinking of recycling it. Many times trash that is not recycled and thrown away ends up in the ocean or large entities of water. Thanks to the ocean’s current, much of the trash that goes into the ocean ...
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Japanese Americans Immigration and CultureJapanese Americans
Japanese Americans are one of the fewest minorities to be found in America. There seems to be a plethora of students but not a great deal of immigrants. However, the numbers are increasing, especially in the urban areas where there is employment potential. The history of ...
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Charles LindberghOne of the greatest heroes the world has ever known Charles Augustus Lindbergh. He is most famous for his transatlantic flight from New York to Paris. Lindbergh acquired great fame for doing "good will" tours in Latin America. Other than politicians and war heroes no one has yet quite ...
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George PattonSoldier, General, Pilot, Athlete, Father, Gun Owner, Hero, Legend
UNLIKE many war heroes who had no intention of ever becoming famous, decided during childhood that his goal in life was to be a hero. This noble aim was first inspired by listening to his father read aloud for hours about the ...
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The Bubble Economy Of JapanThe Economy of Japan had experience a tremendous growth since the end of the
Korean war. The growth of GNP in 1967 and 1968 was above 10 % (double digit
growth period) which exceed countries such as Britain, France and Germany. The
economy experienced a boost is due to many reasons, such as: ...
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The Environmental MovementThere are indeed many environmental advocacy organizations that use the Internet as a means of communicating their message and spreading their word. In this relatively recent "digital age", the use of a web site is proving to be an invaluable tool, and possibly more effective than sending out ...
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General George PattonSoldier, General, Pilot, Athlete, Father, Gun Owner, Hero, Legend
UNLIKE many war heroes who had no intention of ever becoming famous, George Patton decided during childhood that his goal in life was to be a hero. This noble aim was first inspired by listening to his father read aloud for hours ...
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Amelia Earhart\"Courage is the price that life exacts for granting peace. The soul that knows it not, knows no release from little things. Knows not the vivid loneliness of fear nor mountain heights where bitter joy can hear the sound of wings. How can life grant us boon of living, compensate for dull gray ...
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General George S. PattonSoldier, General, Pilot, Athlete, Father, Gun Owner, Hero, Legend
UNLIKE many war heroes who had no intention of ever becoming famous, George Patton decided during childhood that his goal in life was to be a hero. This noble aim was first inspired by listening to his father read aloud for hours ...
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Charles LindberghOne of the greatest heroes the world has ever known Charles Augustus Lindbergh. He is most famous for his transatlantic flight from New York to Paris. Lindbergh acquired great fame for doing “good will” tours in Latin America. Other than politicians and war heroes no one has yet quite matched his ...
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