High School Essays and Term Papers

Minimum Wage Legislation

I am going to pose the question to you the students of Sir Sandford Fleming College, do you really want the left in affect? As college students you are not benefiting or gaining anything from minimum wage legislation. The requires all employees to be paid at least some fixed given dollar amount ...

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Computer Crimes

Computer crime started in the early 1970’s and has become more and more prevalent. Some are committed by outside individuals that hack into a computer system. These are the people that usually steal data and cause data loss by vandalism. The most common kind of computer crime is espionage ...

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J.p. Morgan

John Pierpont Morgan is considered one of the founding fathers of the modern United States economy. He was an industrial genius that is accredited with the founding of many companies including General Electric and AT&T. However, Pierpont is looked upon as a saint and demon the same. He received a ...

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Glass Menagerie Symbolism

In his drama, The Glass Menagerie, Tennessee Williams uses symbolism in order to develop multi-faceted characters and to display the recurring themes of the play. These various symbols appear throughout the entire piece, and they are usually disguised as objects or imagery. They allow the reader ...

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Martha Graham

was one of the most influential figures in American modern dance, and her techniques and styles are still practiced today. She became widely known throughout all ages and decades. Her first debut was in the 1920's. As time went on, she became more experienced and wiser in the modern dance ...

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Stephen King

"The most haunted of houses is the human mind." When you read that quote, what does it make you think? Well, it makes me think of one thing. It makes me think of all of the terrifying stories I’ve read by the master of the macabre himself, Stephen Edwin King. His mind has conjured up countless ...

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Improving Public Schools

Research is best done in the library. In doing so, I have found Florida Gulf Coast’s library rich in resources. Part of the richness comes from the electronic resources offered online, which includes the popular Proquest Direct and EbscoHost. In conducting my research I used EbscoHost. This ...

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George Washington Carver

was born in Diamond, Missouri at about 1865 as a slave child on Moses and Susan’s farm. Born and raised by his mother Mary, George was always having a whooping cough. One cold night, night raiders or slave robbers, came and took Mary and George from their home. The Carvers hired their ...

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Creative Writing: Revenge Of The Hacker

Richard was a normal looking kid, he did a lot of the same things that the other kids did, hung out with friends and talked his way out of the occasional trouble he got in, much like a lot of guys his age. Richard went to Dolton public high school and just about everyone knew him by name. He did ...

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Muhammed Ali

In some people’s eyes is the greatest boxer ever. He has always been classified as great! He was even classified as the greatest athlete in the 20th century by Sports Illustrated. He was the first to win the heavyweight title three times! He was a worldwide entertainer, and millions of ...

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American History X

is the title of my movie. focuses on the life of a skinhead. The main character of this movie is Edward Norton. Edward Norton gives an impassioned performance as Derek Vinyard, a Southern Californian skinhead who must do time after committing a hateful murder. Once in jail, his mind opens and ...

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The Breakfast Club

was to say the least a boring 80’s movie. But it was a good movie for the purpose of analysis. Simply put, it will not be on my list of movies to rent next time that I am at the rental store. I chose to explain the points of view of Andrew, the jock, and Allison the loner/quite person. I will ...

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The Breakfast Club

was to say the least a boring 80’s movie. But it was a good movie for the purpose of analysis. Simply put, it will not be on my list of movies to rent next time that I am at the rental store. I chose to explain the points of view of Andrew, the jock, and Allison the loner/quite person. ...

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What Is Zen

Zen is simply a way for us to awaken from our slumber. It is just a way for us to focus on our present experience, living in the moment. It is simply paying attention to our actual experiences as they are: a breeze brushing through your hair, pristine water wetting your lips, a stomach ache, the ...

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The increasingly difficult life for low IQ people is not caused by high IQ people, but by other factors. Segregation and tension occur across IQ lines by the nature of humanity and not by the implications of high IQ people. Let's face it, life is tough for everyone regardless of his or her ...

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Fifth Business

Incidences that occur in one's childhood tend to affect them possibly for the rest of the rest of their life. This applies to the novel and the characters Dunstan Ramsey and Boy Staunton. Throughout the lives of these characters Dunstan lives in the shadow of Boy due to feelings of guilt and ...

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Counterfeiting: We're In The Money

A frequently asked question by a customer is "Can you break a hundred dollar bill?" If this request has been granted, why do the cashiers take the bill and turn it into a biology experiment? Between pouring a liquid on the note and/or holding it up to the light to check for authenticity, is our ...

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Personal Writing: My Experiences Of Interracial Schooling

Throughout most of my school years, before attending MCTC, I had never experienced inter-racial schooling. I went to a small high school with about twenty minority students. These students were not outcasts they were treated as any other non-minority student. Therefore, I had little experience ...

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Aggressive Behavior Equals Man

y Rewards A little boy in Eastern Oklahoma is riding a bicycle for the first time, when suddenly he falls to the ground. His father running behind him tells him to get up and not to cry. A little girl from the same city is playing on the playground at school; she falls out of the swing and ...

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Under Age Drinking : The Problems It Creates

It's a Saturday night, and the bars are packed. People are inside having a few, or more than a few, drinks. A select few are really drunk or passed out. Now lets step outside and take a look at a different type of drinking, drinking at an early age. High school and junior high kids are at ...

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