History Of The World Essays and Term Papers

The History Of The Internet

When one thinks of the internet, one may think of America Online, Yahoo!, or of Sandra Bullock being caught up in an espionage conspiracy. For me, it is a means of communication. A way to talk to some of my friends who live off in distant places such as Los Angeles, New Jersey, and the ...

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History Of Psychology

Academics have always been interested in how the mind works and indeed psychology has existed in one form or another for many years, but other subjects, especially philosophy, have often overshadowed it. Often it was seen as not scientific and philosophical in the sense that there seemed to be no ...

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History Of English Language

English is a Germanic Language of the Indo-European Family. It is the second most spoken language in the world. It is estimated that there are 300 million native speakers and 300 million who use English as a second language and a further 100 million use it as a foreign language. It is the language ...

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History And Culture Of The Renaissance

The Renaissance was the beginning of political institutions with a commercial economy and the encouragement of education, arts, and music. It was a period of new inventions and believes. Renaissance actually means "rebirth". It was first used by a French historian Jules Michelet. Swiss historian ...

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History Of Castles

Castles did not just appear, but rather evolved over a long time. The first castles were nothing more than wooden forts. But by the 15th century they had evolved into magnificent works of art. Castles have been around since before history was recorded. The first forms of castles were for ...

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History Of The Automotive Industry And Ford Motor Company

The automotive industry started in 1893 when Charles and Frank Duryea designed and built the first gasoline-engine-propelled motor vehicle. This invention opened the doors to the automotive industry. During the next 30 years, many people tried to enter the industry, but only a few ...

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History Of The Counterculture

The 1950's in America were considered a true awakening of youth culture. If this is true then the 1960's was a decade of discovery. It was a decade marred by social unrest, civil rights injustice, and violence abroad. These were some of the factors that lead to a revolution that attempted to ...

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Basketball And Its History

Introduction Basketball is an athletic sport, usually played on an indoor court in which two competing teams of five players each attempt to score by throwing an inflated ball so that it descends through one of two baskets suspended, at each end of the court, above their heads. The team ...

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A Brief History Of The Blues

Joseph Machlis says that the blues is a native American musical and verse form, with no direct European and African antecedents of which we know. (p. 578) In other words, it is a blending of both traditions. Something special and entirely different from either of its parent traditions. (Although ...

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"The World Today Seems To Be Going Crazy": The Unabomber's Manifesto

It was May 25th 1978, Terry Marker was on his usual patrol on campus at the University of Illinois. This earmark package, addressed to an engineering professor at Rensselaer from a material science professor at Northwestern, was found in a parking lot. What seemed like an insignificant ...

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The History Of Affirmative Action

has its roots in the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and stems from the United States Supreme Court Case of Brown vs. Board of Education of Topeka, Kansas. In 1965, President Lyndon B. Johnson issued Executive Order #11246 at Howard University that required federal contractors to undertake ...

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American History X

is the title of my movie. focuses on the life of a skinhead. The main character of this movie is Edward Norton. Edward Norton gives an impassioned performance as Derek Vinyard, a Southern Californian skinhead who must do time after committing a hateful murder. Once in jail, his mind opens and ...

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History Of Arabic Music

Arabic music is my favorite musical styling. Although I have come to enjoy classical and contemporary styling as well, Arabic music has almost an innate quality of enjoyment for me. Its songs speak of the life and culture of Arabic countries and its melody is not commonly heard on American radio ...

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Chocolate History And The Growing Of Cocoa

The origins of chocolate can be traced back to the ancient Maya and Aztec civilisations in Central America who first enjoyed a much prized spicy drink 'chocolatl', made from roasted cocoa beans. Chocolate was exclusively for drinking until the early Victorian times when a technique for making ...

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The History And Facts About Nicotine And Tobacco

So you think you want to start smoking? Before I go into teens and smoking, I thought I’d tell you a little about the history and other important facts about nicotine and tobacco. Nicotine is the prime alkaloid of tobacco. It is a plant belonging to the genus Nicotina. More than sixty species ...

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Brief History Of Buddhism

Buddhism is one of the major religions of the world. It was founded by Siddhartha Guatama (Buddha) in Northeastern India. It arose as a monastic movement during a time of Brahman tradition. Buddhism rejected important views of Hinduism. It did not recognize the validity of the Vedic Scriptures, ...

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History Of The Far East

Buddhism came to Japan in the sixth century AD, it was the world's first religion since it originated in India and developed in China. Japanese culture was undeveloped, there was no real literature, or historical records and laws, also the arts and sciences were almost totally undeveloped ( de ...

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Italian Mafia History

The Mafia started early in the 9th century. This was the period in which the Arab forces occupied Sicily. Sicilians needed a place to escape to. The word Mafia means refuge in Arab language. The Normans invaded a Sicily in the 11th century. Once again they were forced to work for these invaders as ...

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Brief History Of Library Automation: 1930-1996

An automated library is one where a computer system is used to manage one or several of the library's key functions such as acquisitions, serials control, cataloging, circulation and the public access catalog. When exploring the history of library automation, it is possible to return to past ...

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A Brief History of African Music through The Colonial Period

Music before the 20th century was very different when compared to the music of the 21st Century. There were distinctive occasions for each type of African music. West African music, the African Diaspora, and the music of the Colonies each had different musical instruments. West African music ...

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