Italy Essays and Term Papers
The Impact Of The Second Industrial Revolution On EuropeOne century after Britain had under gone the first Industrial Revolution, a second begun. Industry made its way across continental Europe. It was this Second Industrial Revolution that would change Europe and the rest of the world forever. Along with technological advances the Second Industrial ...
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Napoleon And CaesarNapoleon Bonaparte's success as a military leader and conqueror can also be seen in another great leader, Julius Caesar. Both achieved great glory by bringing their countries out of turmoil. It was Caesar, that Napoleon modeled himself after, he wanted to be as great, if not greater than ...
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Role Models - Joanne MalarJoanne Malar is a competitive swimmer who has been through a lot of ups and downs throughout her career. Through the bad times as well as the good, Joanne has displayed the qualities of a good leader and role model.
Joanne Malar has been swimming since the age of seven, when she joined the ...
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Michelangelowas pessimistic in his poetry and an optimist in his artwork. ’s artwork consisted of paintings and sculptures that showed humanity in it’s natural state. ’s poetry was pessimistic in his response to Strazzi even though he was complementing him. ’s sculpture brought out his optimism. was ...
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The Rise Of The ManchusAlthough the Manchus were not Han Chinese and were strongly resisted, especially
in the south, they had assimilated a great deal of Chinese culture before
conquering China Proper. Realizing that to dominate the empire they would have
to do things the Chinese way, the Manchus retained many ...
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Simon BolivarSimon Jose Antonio de la Santisima Trinidad Bolivar was born in Caracas on July 24, 1783 to don Juan Vicente Bolivar y Ponte y dona Maria de la Concepcion Palacios y Blanco. Simon received an excellent education from his tutors, Simon Rodriquez and Andres Bello. By the age of nine Bolivar lost ...
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The Bulgarian And Soviet Virus Factories========================================
Vesselin Bontchev, Director
Laboratory of Computer Virology
Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia, Bulgaria
0) Abstract ===========
It is now well known that Bulgaria is leader in computer virus production
and the USSR is ...
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Aeneus Emotional RollercoasterMany scholars criticize the -Aeneid as being an interpretation of the Odyssey and Iliad through the eyes a Roman writer. Although similar events occur accompanied by familiar characters, Virgil does not utilize the same writing style of Homer. Virgil's writing represents a more sophisticated art ...
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A Man For All Seasons,by RoberIn Robert Bolt's Play, A Man For All Seasons, we are presented with a historical character of inexorable integrity, Sir Thomas More. More is drawn unwillingly into a situation where he must choose between expediency or his principles. More's decision is consistant through out the entirety of the ...
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WWII: Why Did The U.S. Get Involved In The War??
At the beginning, the United States expressed the determination to
remain a neutral nation. When W.W.II began, opinions among the Americans were
divided. Some felt that the Nazi Germany was not only a threat to Europe and
democracy, but to civilization itself. Other believed that Europe's ...
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Margaret Atwoodwas born in Ottawa, Ontario, on November 18, 1939. Because her father was a forest entomologist, Atwood spent most of her childhood living in the Canadian wilderness. During the eight months of each year that her father did insect research in the forest, the Atwood family lived in "a cabin with a ...
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Evening: Landscape With An Aqueduct: Typical Example Of Romantic Art“Theodore Gericault was a French painter, perhaps the most influential artist of his time. Gericault was a seminal figure of the 19th Century Romantic movement in art.” ( Encarta) “Evening: Landscape with an Aqueduct” is one of Gericault’s painting, that was finished some time in the summer of ...
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Elizabeth 1Henri IV (Henri de Navarre, Henri de Bourbon), 1553-1610, first Bourbon king of France, was the son of Antoine de Bourbon and Jeanne d'Albret. On her death he succeeded to the kingdom of Navarre (1572). He took leadership of the Huguenot (Protestant) party in 1569. His marriage in 1572 with ...
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Mary Shelley: Bride Of FrankensteinAuthors have written horror novels with old props of haunted castles and moonlit dagger scenes for ages. However, there is one author deserving of significant commemorations for her horrific novel, Frankenstein. Mary Shelley, author of the most notable gothic novel of all times, inspires ...
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Invasion Of NormandyOn June6 1944 a massive invasion was waiting to invade on the northern coast of France, that area was called Normandy. The allies had decided to invade Normandy because they wanted to take over the northern part of France. At dawn there was 9 battleships, 23 cruisers, 104 destroyers, and 71 ...
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Disclaimer: The following information contains predictions of
the future. This has been written for people who want to know
what is on the horizon for humanity, ...
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Adolf Hitlerwas a German political and government leader.
And he is one of the 20th century’s most powerful dictators, when
he ruled Germany from 1933 to 1945.He turned Germany into a
powerful war machine and provoked World War II in 1939,when
he invaded Poland. He built the Nazi party into a mass ...
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Consensus HistoriansThe consensus view of History emerged in the United States in 1950 until it's eventual dismiss in 1965. emerged in a time period when there were not many consensuses in the United States (Novick pg.333). The historians of the era knew of the turmoil and felt that they needed to focus their ...
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Horse SlaughterThe Slaughter of America's Horses
Any one who has wanted to travel to Europe or Asia, or go on a cross-country trip should follow along with one of many horses at local auctions. That’s right, the symbols of the Wild West get to travel where most Americans will never go in their lifetime. However, ...
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Coparison Between Footbal AndRugby and Football The thick, broad-shouldered athlete breathes heavily and grunts with each step as he and his teammates push mightily against the opposition. His arms are locked over his teammates' shoulders, all of their heads down. The two teams are pushing against each other like two bears ...
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