Julius Caesar Essays and Term Papers

The Life Of Julius Caesar

Gaius Julius Caesar was one of the most influential political and military figure that graced the face of the earth. Claiming dictatorship for life, he soon gained political, religious and military leadership over Romans. A man of great ambition, set his heart to conquer the known world, but the ...

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Julius Caesar And His Accomplishments

There were three Great European nations in the ancient days. The Greeks, the Carthaginians and the Romans. The Roman hero was Caeser. He was born 100 years before the Christian era. Like many of the Caesers before him, he was a patrician meaning having descended from a long line of ...

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Julius Caesar - Mark Antony

Mark Antony, in the play The Tragedy of Julius Caesar, was a brave, intelligent, pleasure-loving, and cunning man. He was loyal to his friend, Caesar, whom he considered a true friend. He looked at life as a game in which he had a signified part to play, and played that part with excellent ...

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Julius Caesar - Flattery Will Get You Everywhere

In William Shakespeare\'s tragic play Julius Caesar, an under appreciated factor of flattery and persuasion plays an important role in the choices of the leaders. Cassius uses flattery with Brutus. Decius uses flattery with Caesar, and Antony uses flattery with Brutus. Cassius persuades and ...

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Julius Caesar - Analysis Of Ca

Essay on Caesar In Shakespeare's play of "Caesar" Brutus is a conspirator who portrays a person who favors a republic for Rome. Brutus is an honorable man. Many characters in the play show there reverence for Brutus. Brutus exemplifies his honor in many ways. Brutus is obsequious when he is needed ...

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Julius Caesar: The Corruption Of Power

One of the themes of William Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar can be said to be “Power corrupts, but absolute power corrupts absolutely.” Indeed, instances of corruption can be seen in the actions of Caesar, of Mark Antony, and of Caius Cassius. The way they abused their power either led to an ...

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Julius Caesar 3

William Shakespeare lived from 1564 to 1616. During his time, he wrote and established many plays. Although he lived about 400 years ago, his themes still have proven their universality today. A good example of this is in the play, Julius Caesar. One of the themes in this play is that there ...

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Julius Caesar: Brutus Was An Honorable Man

In Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar, Brutus, one of the key conspirators in the murder of Caesar, was an honorable man. Brutus had an internal conflict; he could either be loyal to his friend Caesar, or to Rome. He was honorable because he be tray his friend out of the love for the greater good & the ...

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Julius Caesar: Motives In Actions

William Shakespeare’s play, Julius Caesar, is mainly based on the assassination of Julius Caesar. The various men who happened to object to his assassination had different personal desires for their actions. Depending on each of their actions, words or even tone of voice they may misrepresent ...

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Julius Caesar: Brutus’ Character Flaw

Brutus, the tragic hero in Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar, possesses a character flaw that is both good and bad. His character flaw is his noble blindness, which causes him to trust easily. His noble blindness has its good and bad traits and contributes to his downfall as well. By trusting people ...

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Julius Caesar: Brutus

Brutus was a very important character in the play Julius Caesar written by William Shakespeare. He helped plan a plot against one of the most powerful people in Rome and killed the king to be. Brutus was well renowned for his deep thinking, his honor, and most importantly, his belief in ...

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Julius Caesar Biography

Julius Caesar was born in 100 BC on the 13th day of Quintilis, which we now call July in honor of him. He belonged to a powerful family because Caesar's father's sister married Gaius Marius, the leading man in Rome at the time. Caesar's father, Gaius, reached the post praetor, an official ...

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The Tradgedy Of Julius Caesar

The Tragedy of Julius Caesar does not focus on Caesar. Although the plot of the story revolves around him, the focus of the story is on his lover, Marcus Brutus. Because of this, Caesar's character remains an enigma. He envisions himself as an invincible god, however Shakespeare portrays Caesar as ...

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Julius Caesar - Analyses Of Characters

Julius Caesar is very much a warrior and he thinks that he is above every one else and that he is more than an ordinary man. As a result he is very arrogant and takes very little notice of the people around him. As far as he is concerned, they are meaningless and not worth his time. He believes he ...

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Julius Caesar - Summary Of Act I-V

The Tragedy of Julius Caesar is a play about loyalty, betrayal, love, and deception. There are many characters with fairly in-depth personalities. Some of the main characters are Cassius, the crafty, deceptive, witty man who is the leader of the conspiracy that killed Caesar. Brutus, the noble, ...

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Julius Caesar: Jealousy

Jealousy causes many of the characters in The Tragedy of Julius Caesar to commit dangerous and foolish acts. Cassius' jealousy drives him to kill Caesar. All the conspirators, except the noble Brutus, kill Caesar because they feel threatened by his power. Brutus is the only conspirator who ...

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Julius Caesar

In the play of , we see a brief picture of Roman life during the time of the First Triumvirate. In this snap shot, we see many unfortunate things. Shakespeare gives us the idea that many people try to circumvent what the future holds, such as unfortunate things, by being superstitious. ...

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Brutus as Tragic Hero in Julius Caesar

Brutus as Tragic Hero in Julius Caesar In Julius Caesar, Brutus is the protagonist who exhibits a tragic flaw. Brutus was a man of moral and honor. When he saw the future of Rome in jeopardy, he did what he thought was best at the time. He, Cassius and other men plotted and killed Caesar. ...

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Julius Caesar: The Use Of Suspense

Suspense can be defined as the uncertainties the reader feels about what will happen next in a story, or in this case, a play. William Shakespeare incorporated in Julius Caesar three very suspenseful events on which the whole play depends. The first suspenseful event of this play occurs when ...

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The Tragedy of Julius Caesar: Tragic Hero

The Tragedy of Julius Caesar is one of William Shakespeare’s most well-known plays, and although the title implies Julius Caesar himself is the main character, the story is actually centered primarily around Marcus Brutus’s struggle with himself and descent into allowing himself to be ...

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