Literature Essays and Term Papers

Educating Rita

In Willy Russel’s play "," some marks of a love story are to be noticed between both characters. They each show marks of affection for each other. The main aspect of a love story is to have two characters of opposite sex, being attracted to one another. The attraction of two people ...

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Religions' Views On Life After Death

Throughout the history of civilization, there has always been a certain mysticism about what really happens to a newly departed soul. In each of the major religions of the world, there is a certain idea about what happens to the soul after death. Not all religions have the same beliefs about ...

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Myth In The Bible

The concept of myth refers to mythological stories about the origin of the world and humanity, examples of which form part of the cultural heritage of nearly all early people. In principle, these myths embody the human impulse to establish control over lined existence in the face of a great ...

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Animal Farm: Political Issues

Eric Arthur Blair, better known by his psuedonym George Orwell, is an English author commonly known to write about political issues. Orwell has been highly acclaimed and criticized for his novels, including one of his most famous, Animal Farm. In a satirical form, George Orwell uses personified ...

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Ernest Hemingway 4

Ernest Hemingway was a major American novelist and short story writer whose principal themes were violence, machismo, and the nature of what is called now “male bonding.” His renowned style for his firmly non-intellectual fiction is characterized by understatement and terse dialogue ...

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The Grapes Of Wrath 5

The Grapes of Wrath was written by John Steinbeck in 1939. In 1940 it garnered him the Pulitzer Prize. The Grapes of Wrath has been called "The best example of the proletarian literature of the 1930’s." by Benet’s Reader’s Encyclopedia. The first chapter is a description of the ...

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Catcher In The Rye: Holden A Victim Of Society

The controversial novel, The Catcher in the Rye, first appeared in 1951. Jerome David Salinger created a literary masterpiece by fabricating the adolescent Holden Caulfield into a victim of society. This modernistic category of hero delights nearly all modern English literature ...

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Dualism In Christianity And Zoroastrianism

Christianity and Zoroastrianism share many of the same basic thoughts on the subject of dualism and cosmic warfare. Both religions are monotheistic and Christianity is thought to have some what sprung out of the ideals of the profit Zoroaster. The two religions share the belief of good versus ...

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Character Analysis Of Iago In

Shakespeare's Othello In William Shakespeare's "Othello", the character Iago is, at least in my point of view, the main and most interesting character. Iago is in virtually every scene in the play, and has his hands in almost all doings within the play. Iago is truly one of the greatest villans ...

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Catcher In The Rye - Holden Caulfield

In The Catcher in the Rye, Holden Caulfield views the world as an evil and corrupt place where there is no peace. "His anger turned to relentlessly unforgiving social scorn." (Coles)This perception of the world does not change significantly through the novel. However as the novel progresses, ...

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Anne Frank

I can remember the first time I knew of Otto Frank's idea for the Secret Annex. Otto had been paying attention to the Nazis for quite some time, and had noted their strong desire towards the expansion of Nazi rule. I myself must admit that I knew nothing of the terror we were about to face. ...

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Narrative Of The Captivity Of

The Narrative of the Captivity and Restoration of Mrs. Mary Rowlandson is a personal account, written by Mary Rowlandson in 1682, of what life in captivity was like. Her narrative of her captivity by Indians became popular in both American and English literature. Mary Rowlandson basically lost ...

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Mary Shelley

The year is 1797 and Mary Wollstonecraft gives birth to a baby girl on August 30. A baby girl soon to be known as . was a prominent literary figure during the Romantic Era of English Literature. She was the only child of Mary Wollstonecraft and William Godwin. From infancy Mary was treated as ...

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Willy Loman Is The Cause Of Hi

s own misfortune Many characters in literature are the cause of their own misfortune. In the play Death of a Salesman by author Miller, Willy Loman is responsible for his misfortune as well as the misfortune of his two sons Happy and Biff. Willy creates his own small world in which he is the boss, ...

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Dulce Et Decorum Est

Through vivid imagery and compelling metaphors "" gives the reader the exact feeling the author wanted. The poem is an anti-war poem by Wilfred Owen and makes great use of these devices. This poem is very effective because of its excellent manipulation of the mechanical and emotional ...

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A Case Study In Diversity India And Romania

A Case Study in Diversity: India and Romania The WWW of most URL’s (Uniform/Universal Resource Locator’s) literally translated, means the WORLD WIDE WEB. As such, one would think that it would be easy to find information and sites from virtually any point in the world. To some extent, ...

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Edgar Allen Poe

Edgar Allan Poe is perhaps the best-known American Romantic who worked in the Gothic mode. His stories explore the darker side of the Romantic imagination, dealing with the grotesque, the supernatural, and the horrifying. He defined the form of the American short story. As one might expect, Poe ...

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Daily Life Of The Aztecs

Jacques Soustelle was an anthropologists that specialized in pre-Columbian civilizations in Mexico. The author used a collection of references in writing this book. The author did research his material in great depth. He used many quotes, including some from Cortez. This book covers the life of ...

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Marlowe Cut Short

Christopher Marlowe, the author of many wonderful poems and plays, was born on February 6, 1564, the same year that the infamous William Shakespeare was born. Marlowe was raised in Canterbury, England and attended King's School in Canterbury in 1579 and 1580 after which he received a scholarship ...

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To Kill A Mockingbird

By Harper Lee left a lasting impression on me. At the time it was written, it must have been looked down upon as a piece of literature since there was so much hatred towards negroes in the 1950's that no one could probably realize the unjustified prejudice against them. It especially deals with ...

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