Literature Essays and Term Papers

Hamlet: Antiheroism In Hamlet

Antiheroism has always been an interesting aspect of a character that authors have chosen to illustrate. In literature, there has been countless antiheroic characters, from Randle McMurphy in One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest and Allie Fox in The Mosquito Coast, to others as famous as Robin ...

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Oedipus Rex

If the superiority of a work of literature is based on its ability to arouse in the reader a combination of delight and anxiety, then Sophocles has succeeded in . His work provides its readers with a healthy confusion of pleasure and disquietude. These elements contribute to the effectiveness and ...

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The Works Of Sinclair Lewis

Lewis, (Harry) Sinclair (1885-1951), American novelist, whose naturalistic style and choice of subject matter was much imitated by later writers. He replaced the traditionally romantic and complacent conception of American life with one that was realistic and even bitter. Lewis was born in ...

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Othello: Reasons For Iago's Hatred Of Othello

In the historical tragedy Othello by William Shakespeare there is a great show of hate and dislike toward Othello by Iago. Why does Iago have such hate for the Moor? Through analyzing Iago's character the answer to this question can be found. Iago develops hatred toward Othello for a variety of ...

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Robert Schumann

was a German composer during the Romantic era. He was born on June 8, 1810, the youngest child in his family (Slonimsky 902). Schumann was born in Zwickau, Germany (Stanley 147). His father sold books and was also a publisher and author (Sadie 831). Schumann�s father encouraged him but his ...

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Biological Determinism

1. According to the author of the article "All in the Genes?", there is no intrinsic causality between genetics and intelligence. The author analyses different aspects of , and supplies many examples, which illustrate aspects of this problem that are being discussed since the time when these ...

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Albert Einstein Biography

Einstein contributed more than any other scientist to the modern vision of physical reality. His theory of relativity is held as human thought of the highest quality. In 1894 Einstein's family moved to Milan and Einstein decided officially to relinquish his German citizenship in favour of Swiss. ...

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So you don’t think that you are an alcoholic. Chances are that you are not, but this is the thought that many who are unknowingly addicted to alcohol or other mind-altering agents. This barrier is the first of many hurdles to overcome when they are identified as having an addiction ...

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The Most Dangerous Game: Foil Character To Contrast The Protagonist

An author sometimes uses a foil character to contrast the protagonist of a story in a way that emphasizes their characteristics. In The Most Dangerous Game (reprinted in Laurence Perrine and Thomas R. Arp, Literature: Structure, Sound, and Sense, 6th ed. [Fort Worth: Harcourt, 1993]), General ...

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Superstition In The Play The Crucible By Arthur Miller

Grade Level: 10th Date Created: September 18, 1995 Grade Received: B Written by: Erica Hankinson Superstition and witchcraft resulted in many being hanged or in prison. In the seventeenth century, a belief in witches and witchcraft was ...

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The Importance Of Learning Spa

As we approach the 21st century and as the idea of a "global village" is fast becoming a reality, it is vital that we enlarge our worldview and reach an understanding of, and appreciation for, the cultures of the other peoples who share the planet with us. As cultural beings, we are raised with an ...

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Internet Site Evaluations

"Wow, will you look at this website I found, they claim that 9 out of 10 people in America are millionaires. What's more, they claim to be the largest online wealth creation firm. Surprisingly, there is no information regarding the author or the origin of this site." Internet dream or website ...

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The Theme Of Brave New World

In the book Brave New World Huxley expresses how the old world and the new world can not exist together. He shows how in his vision of the new world the old ways were seen as primitive and in many cases grotesque. These old ways are pretty much our modern day beliefs such as monogamy and marriage ...

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The Life And Work Of Nemerov

"Nemerov's contribution to our literature--as a gifted writer of fiction and critical prose, but pre-eminently as a poet-- does not seem to me to have received as much celebrity as it deserves. Nemerov's virtues are all in fact unfashionable ones for our time: vivid intelligence, an irreverent ...

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Greek Mythology

Mythology was an integral part of the lives of all ancient peoples. The myths of Ancient Greece are the most familiar to us, for they are deeply entrenched in the consciousness of Western civilization. The myths were accounts of the lives of the deities whom the Greeks worshipped. The Greeks had ...

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What Is A Witch?

"I'll get you my pretty, and your little dog too!� The Wicked Witch of the West... One of the most notorious and stereotypical witches in all literature. She had green skin, a big wart- covered nose, and a wide-brimmed black hat. She summoned a legion of monsters, stirred evil brews in her ...

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Analysis Of Casablanca

Many feel that Casablanca is Bogart's best film. I disagree - but for those who don't To Have and Have Not is a must-see film. It's Casablanca with a different setting, this time we find Bogart playing Harry Morgan, crewing a ship out for hire. His lovely lady is Lauren Bacall in her motion ...

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The Landsats Satellites

The idea of a satellite that could produce images of a civilian Earth was first thought of in the Department of Interior in the mid-1960�s. On July 23, 1972, NASA launched the first Landsat Satellite. It was designed to take provide images of the earth�s land masses. It used a Nimbus platform ...

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All Quiet On The Western Front: Themes

All Quiet on the Western Front is a graphic depiction of the horrors of war. In the short note before Chapter One, Remarque lets the reader know exactly what themes he intends. War is a savage and gratuitous evil, war is unnatural, and war is responsible for the destruction of an entire ...

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Civilization In Egypt

Civilization is the way of life that began by those who live in cities. Civilization comes from the word civis, which comes from Latin, and means citizen of a city. Civilization is characterized by everything that makes up the way of life in a city. This includes form of government, arts, ...

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