Loss Essays and Term Papers

The Question Of An Answer: What It Is To Be Human

The body is socially constructed; and in this paper we explore the various and ever-changing constructions of the body, and thus of the embodied self......The one word, body, may therefore signify very different realities and perceptions of reality.....(Synnot 1992, 43) It has been said ...

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Les Miserables

The musical plays today in the Imperial Theater on Broadway. The play is based on the book by Victor Hugo, in which the story of the French Revolution from the perspective of the lower class that would do anything to get their freedom. Cameron Mackintosh, produced the play, while Alain Boublil ...

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Vancouver International Airpor

Vancouver is home to one of the largest, most lavish airports in North America. There are flights coming in and out of the airport on a daily basis. The noise pollution emitted from airplanes causes major distractions to those who reside in that area and also decreases property value. "Excessive ...

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Computer Crimes: Laws Must Be Pass To Address The Increase In Computer Crimes

THESIS: Laws must be passed to address the increase in the number and types of computer crimes. Over the last twenty years, a technological revolution has occurred as computers are now an essential element of today's society. Large computers are used to track reservations for the airline ...

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Woodstock 1969

Many large concerts occurred throughout America in the summer of 1969, but none were as well known and symbolic as Woodstock. Its impact on America’s culture and society as well as its youth will not be forgotten for many years to come. Four men named Michael Lang, Artie Kornfield, John ...

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Morality And Ethics And Computers

There are many different sides to the discussion on moral and ethical uses of computers. In many situations, the morality of a particular use of a computer is up to the individual to decide. For this reason, absolute laws about ethical computer usage is almost, but not entirely, impossible to ...

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Looking Ahead: The Future Of Post Keynesian Economics

In my paper titled "What is Post Keynesian Economics" presented at the 4th International Post Keynesian Workshop at the University of Tennessee, I argued that Keynes's Treatise and the General Theory provided the groundwork for an intellectual revolution in economics. By questioning ...

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The American Tax System And Th

The Tax System The current income tax system is in terrible shape. It is complex; unfair; inhibits saving, investment and job creation; imposes a heavy burden on families; and undermines the integrity of the democratic process. The system cannot be repaired by simple tinkering and fine-tuning, it ...

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The Gift Of The Magi: A Continuation (Creative Writing)

The Gift of The Magi: A Continuation (Creative Writing) It was one week from Della's 30th birthday and Jim didn't have enough money to buy her a present. "Well," Jim thought, “if I don't have a watch then why should I have a chain for one?” So, he sold his watch chain in order to have money for ...

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Mobile Phone Risks

New evidence is growing fast about health risks from mobile phones - electromagnetic radiation. These devices can be used to make telephone calls from almost anywhere. Symptoms such as fatigue, headaches, burning sensations on the skin were more common among those who make longer phone calls. ...

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Death Of A Salesman: Society's Alienation Of Willy Loman

By: Joey Powell It is often stated that society is very judgmental. It can be seen in movies, literary works, or just an everyday walk of life. Arthur Miller chooses to portray society's prejudice against the protagonist, Willy Loman, in his play, Death of a Salesman. Society, in this case, ...

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The Third Millennium - Threat

About a week ago, a conversation between my friend, Stephen and I was sparked by the new Millennium bridge on the quays. We talked about the prospects of the new millennium and how it has been used as a financial leg-up for companies all around the world. I think that GM foods will wipe out ...

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Lead And The Environment

Some materials are so commonplace that we take them for granted. One of those materials is a grayish metal that has been with us for thousands of years. That metal is lead, still one of the world's most useful substances, and one that never ceases to find a role in human society. Lead has the ...

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Teen Suicide -

Each year, thousands of our children are dying, not from cancer or car accidents, but by their own hands. They make the choice to take their lives. The number of teenagers who take their lives is rapidly increasing each year. Teen suicide has increased four-fold in the last few decades and is ...

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How Television Affects Childre

Television: How It Effects Children Is television a positive force in the lives of young children? That is the question many parents find themselves asking. They come home from work to see their child glued to the TV not willing to move for anything. What these parents do not realize is that many ...

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Creative Writing: Revenge Of The Hacker

Richard was a normal looking kid, he did a lot of the same things that the other kids did, hung out with friends and talked his way out of the occasional trouble he got in, much like a lot of guys his age. Richard went to Dolton public high school and just about everyone knew him by name. He did ...

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Clear Vision In King Lear

In Shakespeare's classic tragedy, King Lear, the issue of sight and its relevance to clear vision is a recurring theme. Shakespeare's principal means of portraying this theme is through the characters of Lear and Gloucester. Although Lear can physically see, he is blind in the sense that he lacks ...

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Principle Of Management Course: My Experiences

I believe that the Principles of Management course provided me with invaluable information which will help in furthering both my professional as well as personal life. I believe that learning is a process by which an individual undergoes certain changes. Also, during the learning process, many ...

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Salem Whichcraft Trials

Throughout history millions of people have been scorned, accused, arrested, tortured, put to trial and, persecuted as witches. One would think that by the time the United States was colonized, these injustices on humanity would have come to an end, but that was not so. In 1692 a major tragedy ...

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Hunger Of Memory

The universal "growing pains" that all children experience in one form or another are easily recognized in Richard Rodriguez’s autobiographical excerpt from . Rodriguez’s childhood was particularly unique given the fact that while he was born and raised in the United States, he was ...

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