Military Technology Essays and Term Papers

The Economic Underpinnings Of The First Industrial Revolution In England

The manufacture of military munitions and the development of a home market were critical underpinnings of the first industrial revolution in Britain. Military manufacturing supported by the British Government contributed directly to technological innovation and spurred industrialization. This is ...

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Biological And Chemical Weapons!!

Human lives are at stake as we are approaching the new millennium. It’s been 1000 years, and we sure have evolved in many ways in building our technology. Invention of telephones to televisions to VCRs to planes, and to much more, technology has been a good friend to us. But is it always ...

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After The Atomic Bomb

The development and usage of the first atomic bombs has caused a change in military, political, and public functionality of the world today. The bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki revolutionized warfare by killing large masses of civilian population with a single strike. The bombs’ effects from ...

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East Asian Cooperation: the Korean Wave and Cultural Diplomacy

East Asian Cooperation: the Korean Wave and Cultural Diplomacy Won K. Paik Department of Political Science and Diplomacy Hankuk University of Foreign Studies Seoul, Korea ...

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Why Were The Japanese So Successful After World War II

The question of why Japan was so successful can be said have boggled many. Have you ever thought of the surge Japan? The Japanese have soared from a time of crisis to an economic super power. Well there are many reasons to which how Japan was got to the place it is today. After World War II ...

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Onward Westward

In important respects, the regional context of the Western Hemisphere has changed dramatically in the past decade. Authoritarian rule has given way to democracy in almost every Latin American country; societies wrenched by years of violent and costly civil wars, driven by Cold War ideological ...

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History Of Asia

August of 1917 Japan was ready to reap her benefits of imperialism and she had her eyes on China. The exchange of the Lansing -Ishii Notes between the U.S. and Japan, this agreement granted territorial superiority of China to Japan. Japan interest in China mostly economic. The Japanese population ...

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Simpsons Vs Wells

The advent of new technology has been a source of trepidation throughout history. Just as with any change, fear is often the pervasive response to new technology and developments, especially amongst those who do not fully comprehend the changes. It seems, however, that people ignorant of the true ...

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Biological Warfare And Terrorism

It was another calm early morning on the subway train. Many of the passengers were napping on their way to work. The train slowed to a stop to allow more passengers on, then sped along to its destination, the central government district in Tokyo. Many of the passengers found it strange that a man ...

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The Necessity Of Computer Security

When the first electronic computers emerged from university and military laboratories in the late 1940s and early 1950s, visionaries proclaimed them the harbingers of a second industrial revolution that would transform business, government and industry. But few laymen, even if they were aware of ...

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Sixteen Most Significant Events In US History Between 1789 To 1975

After a review of United States' history from 1789 to 1975, I have identified what I believe are the sixteen most significant events of that time period. The attached sheet identifies the events and places them in brackets by time period. The following discussion provides my reasoning for ...

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Cost Of The Golf War

How much did the Gulf War cost the US How much did the US pay for the Gulf War above and beyond the yearly cost for supporting its military? The US Department of Defense estimated the incremental cost at $61 billion. This additional cost included deployment, construction and operations in the ...

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History Of Telecommunications

Telecommunication is the transmission of words, sounds, images, or data in the form of electronic or electromagnetic signals or impulses. Transmission media include the telephone, radio, television, microwave, and satellite. Data communication is the fastest growing field of telecommunication. ...

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"A friend of mine once said that the trouble with being an architect is that everyone is an architect; everyone knows what's good and what's bad. I seem to remember the same story told by an economist. In physics we don't have that problem" (Sobel ix). Fiber optic technology has been inevitable ...

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The 1990s

Overall the 1990s was a great decade for the American government and many advancements in entertainment for the people. Both presidents in office this decade were very successful by leading an invasion to liberate Kuwait from Iraq, and also being on budget and eliminating some debt from the ...

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Disease In Africa

"The fact remains that lowland, tropical Africa may well have the most intractable disease environment in the world."(Bohannan & Curtin,35) In order to understand diseases in Africa, one must first be acquainted with its geology. Africa is a gigantic landmass that is over 5200 miles long and ...

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Millennium: Winners And Losers In The Coming World Order

I enjoyed reading by Jacques Attali. I learned a great deal of information about the Coming World Order. Attali gave a description of the future picture as increasingly dominated by Europe and Japan. The age of the old superpower is declining and Japan and Europe are the ascendant economic ...

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Technological Literacy

INTRODUCTION: INNOVATION AND DISSEMINATION Social commentators tell us we are in the midst of a technological and information revolution which will change forever many of the traditional ways we communicate and conduct our everyday affairs. But what is the information revolution? How do the new ...

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Compare And Contrast The Way T

Compare and Contrast the way in which the media has handled the Falklands War and the Gulf War. "You can win the battle but lose the war if you don't handle the story right." General Colin Powell in a speech to the National Defence University, 1990. Both the Gulf War and the Falklands War were ...

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The History Of General Motors

One September evening in 1886, a young businessman in an old lumber town in Michigan hitched a ride in a friend's horse-drawn cart. The cart's spring suspension made it a more comfortable ride than usual--so comfortable, in fact, that the young businessman bought the rights to manufacture the ...

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