Mount Rainier Essays and Term Papers
The Pacific NorthwestPlants and Animals:
In the Pacific Northwest, we have many amazing plants and animals. Washington, Oregon and California are a few fortunate states to have many trees and animals that thrive here in the Northwest. Washington’s state tree is the Western Hemlock, other trees include the Douglas ...
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Summer Road TripIt was a hot and dry summer morning when we packed up the Suburban or as the kids passionately called it “Ms. Burban”. We were on our way to the Seattle, Washington, to pick up my 1968 Firebird convertible that had been in storage since our move from Seattle to Austin. The storage company was ...
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VolcanoesThe objective of this project is that I am going to explain about , the different types of and tell some other interesting facts on this subject.
Here is some background information about . are vents in the Earth where molten rock (magma) and gases erupt. Molten rock inside the Earth is called ...
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John Muir's Trail In HistoryJohn Muir was a man of great importance in the history of the United
States and in the preservation of it's beauty. His tireless efforts to protect
natural wonders such as Yosemite Valley demonstrated his undying love for the
outdoors. Muir took a stand against the destructive side of ...
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Fairmount Park, PhiladelphiaI decided to go to the “Seven Tours of Historic Philadelphia”
website to see what the city near me had to offer. I ended up choosing the
Fairmount Park tour. I chose this one because it was a name that sounded
familiar to me, but yet I didn’t know what it had to offer. I soon was to
find out ...
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