Nervous System Essays and Term Papers
Leprosy 2Leprosy is a chronic infectious disease of human beings that primarily affects the skin, mucous membranes and peripheral nerves. It is a disease that has existed for thousands of years, however, the formal discovery of the leprosy bacillus Mycobacterium leprae was not until 1874. Norwegian ...
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AIDSis defined as a disease, at least moderately predictive of defects in cell-meditated immunity, occurring in a person with no known cause for diminished resistance to that disease. Such diseases include Kaposi's Sarcoma, Pneumocystiscarnii pneumonia, and serious other opportunistic infections. ...
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The Evolution Of The Eyeis examined by comparing optical designs of the eyes of present day animals and comparing the advantages and disadvantages of each design. One can extrapolate from the eye designs of today that these eyes may have benefited the animals to be able to adapt to their environment. It is interesting ...
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Bell's PalsyOrigin and Definition:
Sir Charles Bell first described this malady in the early 1900's. The medical definitions are as follows: acute form of cranial mononeuropathy VII and is the most common form of this type of nerve damage (peripheral neuropathy). The disorder is a mononeuropathy ...
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Drug Abuseis generally defined as the use of a drug with such frequency
that the user has physical or mental harm or it impairs social abilities. The
substances that are discussed in this report are called psychoactive drugs;
those drugs that influence or alter the workings of the mind, affect ...
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NhalantsI can be defined as commercially produced chemicals that are inhaled into the body to produce psychoactive (mind-altering) and often adverse effects. I are aerosols, solvents, and cleaners. Examples include cleaning fluids, hair sprays, paints, cooking sprays, nail polish, and anesthetics such ...
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BarbituatesBarbiturate. Now where would you think of a name like that? Legend has it that this drug was derived when a 29 year old research assistant, Adolph von Baeyer, was working in his Belgian laboratory in 1863 when he took the condensation of malonic acid and combined it with Urea. Von Baeyer went ...
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Multiple SclerosisMultiple Sclerosis (MS) is a disease of the central nervous system. It is an autoimmune disease in which the body attacks it’s own tissue, specifically the nerve-insulating myelin – is a fatty material that coats and insulates nerves.
The symptoms of the MS usually appear between the ages of ...
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Erectile DysfunctionHumans usually attain this is goal through sexual intercourse or masturbation. However, sometimes the psychological and physical conditions of a person can deprive him or her from reaching that goal. Thankfully, science and anatomy have also always interested mankind. This has helped to find ...
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Research About StressI INTRODUCTION
Stress (psychology), an unpleasant state of emotional and physiological arousal that people experience in situations that they perceive as dangerous or threatening to their well-being. The word stress means different things to different people. Some people define stress as events ...
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Stress & SchizophreniaWhat Long Lasting Effects of Stress do We Need to be concerned With?
Robbie MacArthur IV
Going through a stressful situation can be enough to drive you mad, but when you go through stress over a long period time, it can cause actual physical harm. While stressed, the sympathetic part of ...
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Prescription Drug AbusePrescription Drugs, Today's Epidemic
Amanda Gartin
ITT Technical Institute
May 26, 2015
Prescription drug abuse is plaguing our nation. This silent killer does not discriminate based on age, race, or gender. The statistics surrounding this epidemic are staggering and we as a ...
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Santiago Ramon Y Cajal {FamousSantiago Ramon y Cajal (1852-1934) was one of the greatest Spanish scientists of the 19th and early 20th centuries. His study of the brain and nerve cells laid the groundwork for neuroscience. He was not a man who kept his studies to one specific field, but rather made lasting important ...
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AIDSAcquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (), suppresses the immune system
related to infection with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). A person
infected with HIV gradually loses immune function along with certain immune
cells called CD4 T-lymphocytes or CD4 T-cells, causing the infected person
to ...
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LsdTable of Contents Introduction Table 1:Effects of A Brief Foray Into Philosophy and the Cognitive Sciences The Suspects Figure 1: Structure of Overview of Synaptic Transmission Theory: Pre-synaptically Inhibits 5-HT Neurons Theory: Post-synaptically Antagonizes 5-HT2 ...
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Remote Neural MonitoringRemote Neural Monitoring : A Technology Used For Controlling Human Brain
HAVE you ever thought about something you never shared with anyone, and have been horror-struck at the mere thought of someone coming to know about your little secret? If you have, then you probably have all the more reason ...
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RitalinThe parents of six year old James Patrick Smith receive a phone call
from the school guidance counselor informing them of their child's recent
hyperactive behavior. After a short conference, the guidance counselor suggests
to the parents a solution for young James' problem; as a result, the ...
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OctopusesAn octopus is a creature that many do not give much thought to, but it just happens to be considered one of the world's most intelligent invertebrae. Most people only see an octopus on their dinner plate and quite often get them confused with squids. Yet they are amazing creatures that are ...
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Could Air Pollution Have A Negative Impact On Water Quality??
For the past 30 years, scientists have collected a considerable amount of convincing information demonstrating that air pollutants can be deposited on land and water, sometimes at great distances from their original sources, and can be an important contributor to declining water quality. These ...
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Infectious DiseasesSTDS are an ever-increasing problem throughout the world, which threaten everyone who potentially comes in contact with them. They are able to wipe out entire nations or simply limit ones ability to function in a normal manner within a society. There are no limits to the ethnic background, ...
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