New Words Essays and Term Papers

The Case Against Capital Punis

E-mail: John H. Whitehead Professor Roth Whitehead 1 A Moratorium on The Death Penalty Should Be Enacted In Illinois Due to the recent releases of newly exonerated Death Row inmates, individuals and organizations are calling for a moratorium- a cooling off period for ...

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Color Blindness

Many people refer to problems with one’s ability to see color as , however, unless a person can’t see any color at all, color vision problems should be called by another term. Common terms are abnormal color vision, color deficiency and color vision confusion. Females maybe be effected by , but ...

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Anselm's Ontological Argument And The Philosophers

Saint Anselm of Aosta, Bec, and Canterbury, perhaps during a moment of enlightenment or starvation-induced hallucination, succeeded in formulating an argument for God's existence which has been debated for almost a thousand years. It shows no sign of going away soon. It is an argument based ...

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The Disadvantages Of The South During The Civil War

In 1861 the United States was splitting apart. The South felt it was necessary to secede from the Union. There was no doubt that secession would provoke civil war. The South didn’t have many resources and had a lower population. There was the South’s weakness of Nationalism. The North had a ...

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Is a disruptive or an integrative force in Canadian society? In terms of education, is becoming increasingly disruptive in Canadian society. It seems that there is a new issue in the media focus regarding education on a weekly basis. It's becoming increasingly apparent that most, if not all ...

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The Nuclear Threat: Yesterday And Today And Tomorrow

I can remember as a child in the 1950’s and early sixties, the air-raid sirens, and everyone getting under their desk, or going to the ground floor of the school building and curling up with our faces against the wall. It was a game. It was like a fire drill, a chance to get out for a few ...

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The Bogus Logic Of The Beak Of

People who have served in the Armed Forces may be familiar with the expression, "If you can't dazzle then with your brilliance, baffle them with your baloney." The Beak of the Finch uses such laughable logic, it is remarkable that anyone would believe it. The book does such a terrible job of ...

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Effective Listening

In a monthly marketing meeting, the marketing manager wants 5 of his staffs to conduct a research on market share on 5 different areas. Each staff is assigned a territory. The manager rejects, one month later in the same meeting, one of the 5 reports because the research is on the wrong ...

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Gene-The Character Analysis

Gene, one of the main characters in the book, has a complex personality with lots of conflicts and a struggle to find himself or, in other words, his own identity. Throughout the book, we come across acts and thoughts of Gene envying Phineas. Although he mentions that he’s glad having a boy like ...

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Milestones In Communication Mi

The capabilities of modern communications would utterly astound our ancestors. Did you ever stop to think that it took five months for Queen Isabella to hear of Columbus' discovery, or that it took two weeks for Europe to learn of Lincoln's assassination? We take for granted immediate news of ...

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Rasputin The Mad Monk

Throughout Russian history, there were many individuals who captured the interests and curiosity of scholars both domestic and foreign, but one stands out as the most ambiguous. Grigori Yefimovitch Rasputin, the so- called "Mad Monk" or "Siberian Mystic Healer", has gained notoriety throughout ...

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An Analysis Of Frost's The Road Not Taken

"Do not follow where the path may lead... Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail." -Robert Frost Everyone is a traveler, choosing the roads to follow on the map of their continuous journey, life. There is never a straight path that leaves one with but a sole direction in ...

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Concepts Of Violence

Pushing, jumping thrashing, slamming, ripping, throwing, reveling, hurting; these words don’t appeal to everyone when it comes down to having a good time. In fact, many people would wonder why anyone would associate themselves with these types of actions. In Paul Tough’s article Into the Pit, he ...

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First Amendment

The modern American conception of freedom of speech comes from the principles of freedom of the press, and freedom of religion as they developed in England, starting in the seventeenth century. The arguments of people like John Milton on the importance of an unlicensed press, and of people like ...

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Book Report: Bless Me, Ultima

Ultima- An old Curandera who comes to spend her last days with Antonio and his family. She is Tony’s mentor and helps him to find the right path for his life. Antonio Marez- A young boy who is torn between his parents: a Marez and a Luna. But with the help of Ultima, he discovers his own destiny. ...

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Analysis Of William Blake's Poetry

William Blake's works include many of which relate to the role and interest of many figures of children and caretakers who appear in Songs of Innocence and Experience. The poems I will be discussing in this thesis are, from the Songs of Innocence: "The Little Girl Lost," "The Little Girl Found" ...

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Jacques Louis David

David was the virtual art dictator of France for a generation. Extending beyond painting, his influence determined the course of fashion, furniture design, and interior decoration and was reflected in the development of moral philosophy. His art was a sudden and decisive break with tradition, and ...

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"Down And Out Paris And London"

The story of "Down And Out In Paris And London" deals with the author's experience with tramps and the poverty stricken in Paris and London in the 1920's. He lives with them on equal terms and suffers the same hardships and tribulations. Orwell shows great compassion for the plight of ...

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Quarry Hill

"What are you doing tomorrow?" It seemed I had asked this question 100 times already during the summer. "Nothing, hey lets figure something out now, so we don't sit around doing nothing tomorrow morning!" Was the reply I got from my friend Rudy. My other friend, Tom, jumped up onto the hood of ...

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The Invisible Man A Mask For A

As readers of "The Invisible Man," we can all see some part of ourselves reflected in Ellison's character. Throughout the novel, the Invisible man searches for his identity, and for what he can believe in. He goes through many steps, and at each point in his journey, he seems to be wearing a ...

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