Political Economy Essays and Term Papers

Classical Economist - Adam Smi

Often called the founder of modern economics, Adam Smith, born in Kirkcaldy, Scotland, June 5, 1723, was a wide-ranging social philosopher and economist whose masterwork, "An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations" (1776), is one of the most influential studies of Western ...

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Belarusian Economy

Belarus’s economy has done fairly well from the situation it started in. The economy has some strengths, but it is also not without its weaknesses. Also the Republic has not done yet enough to restructure its economy after the break up of the USSR. Belarus has a fairly well balanced economy with ...

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U.S Investment In Mexico

Mexico has established itself as one of the biggest emerging markets in the world today. It has exhibited many of the signs of a high growth economy, offering several advantages to prospective investors. Some highlights of the Mexican economy include " single-digit inflation, a balanced public ...

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The Political Issue Of Airbag Safety

Today airbags are the safety feature that is in all of our new cars produced and imported in America.It is under federal law that all cars sold and used must have This safety equipment. According to the NHTSA, airbags have saved about 3448 lives, but have also killed at least 113 people, ...

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The Political Career Of Richard Nixon

1. Nixon's Beginning in Politics 2. Emergence in National Politics A. The Hiss Case B. Nixon's Political Obituary C. Resurgence as a presidential candidate 3. The 37th President A. Nixon's Appointment's B. Foreign Policy ...

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Tokugawa Government, Economy and Military

The first recorded appearance of Tokugawa government was with the first shogun, Ieyasu, who ruled from 1542-1616. First emerging during the Warring States of 1467-1590, the Tokugawa Political Settlement centralized political authority, created the imperial court, and established military ...

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A Case Study Of Kenya Railways


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Rising Oil and the US Economy

Rising Oil and the US Economy In May of 2000, Forbes magazine ran an article minimizing the impact that oil prices would have on the US economy. In the article, author Peter Huber writes: Bill Gates is a very rich man, and that lets Alan Greenspan worry less about oil prices than he ...

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Adam Smith 2

The British philosopher and economist Adam Smith was born in kirkcaldy, Scotland. He was educated at the universities of Glasgow and Oxford. In 1751 he became a professor at Glasgow. There he wrote The Theory of Moral Sentiment in 1759. This philosophical work gained Smith an appointment in ...

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Political Parties And Their Ro

The systems of government in Canada and China are very different. In each country the political party system varies. In China there is a One-party system and Canada has a multiparty system. Canada has a parliamentary form of government and China has a Dictatorship. The two countries have different ...

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Chinese Economy

China's Economic Future Outlook If China's economy grows as fast for the next 20 years as it has for the past 14, it will be the biggest economy on earth: I feel that China's drastic improvements over the last 14 years are overwhelming, with their Real GNP growing at a rate of 9% a year, ...

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Global Economy And The Environment

As the global economy gets integrated, national or local corporations will gradually transform in to a multinational corporation (MNC). When this type of development occurs, the host countries are usually the ones that become the immediate stake holders. This is because when a MNC sets its foot ...

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Adam Smith

, a Scottish economist and philosopher, was born in Kirkcaldy, Fife, Scotland. The exact date of his birth is unknown, however, he was baptized on June 5, 1723. was the son of , the comptroller of the customs at Kirkcaldy, and of Margaret Douglas. He was the only child of the married couple. His ...

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Rousseau and Spooner

Rousseau and Spooner Jean Jacques Rousseau was a French philosopher of the 18th century. Rousseau has written many philosophical texts among them ‘The Basic Political Writings." This book contains a number of topics and articles that include, Discourse on the Sciences and the Arts, Discourse on ...

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The Archigram Movement

Very little has been written about the visionary, predominantly British architectural movement, Archigram, since it first came to prominence in 1960. Of the scant texts available (of which many are in Japanese, as opposed to English), the authors generally attempt to describe this radical form of ...

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The Role of Poverty in Environmental Degradation

Running head: Poverty and Environmental Degradation The Role of Poverty in Environmental Degradation. Culture & Development James Nash Introduction As of 1989, of the world's 5.6 billion people, about 1.4 billion live in ...

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Japan Economic Growth After WWII

Japanese economic growth after WWII was unprecedented. Japan, through market conforming industrial policy, experienced massive industrialization during this period. There are three major areas in which industrial policy was focused to increase Japan's overall industrial growth. The government ...

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An Analysis Of Political Eliti

sm It is easy to believe that the middle-class working individual, whether he or she be white collar or blue collar, wields little political power except for during an election. It is also easy to think that we don’t have true democracy; political representation elected by the people, for the ...

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Biography Of Adam Smith

"Bankruptcy is perhaps the greatest and most humiliating calamity which can befall an innocent man. The greater part of men, therefore, are sufficiently careful to avoid it. Some, indeed, do not avoid it; as some do not avoid the gallows." Adam Smith. Adam Smith was a Scottish political ...

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Political And Economic Changes In Bulgaria

Over the course of the past two months, January and February 1997, Bulgaria has undergone some sweeping political changes and its economy has deteriorated into further collapse. The following is an attempt to describe the events which took place in Bulgaria in January and February of 1997. This ...

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