Population Essays and Term Papers

Female Discrimination In The Labor Force

In the past decades there has been a dramatic increase in the number of women participating in the labor force. This expansion has unfortunately shown how women are still being treated as inferior citizens when comparing their wages and the jobs they are hired for to that of men. Many women in ...

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Conformity In Society

Last night as you sat warped in front of 'Jenny Jones' a classic case of conformity played right before your eyes and chances are you didn't even realize it. A young teenager struts across the floor, wearing a basic Tommy Hilfiger T-shirt, and boot cut Tommy jeans. She spends a few moments ...

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Cultural Diversity: Campus Climates And Classroom Instruction

American Society has been and continues to become increasingly mixed, complex, and variegated in its cultural practices and ethnic make up. However, the state schools have fallen short of race goals established thirty-one years ago in a desegregation case now known as Geier v. Sundquist. The ...

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In Roman times, and the destruction of unwanted children was permissible, but as out civilization has aged, it seems that such acts were no longer acceptable by rational human beings, so that in 1948, Canada along with most other nations in the world signed a declaration of the United ...

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Benjamin H. Latrobe

was born in 1764 in Fulneck, England. He was raised in England. As a young man Latrobe was taught at the Morvian school in Fulneck. This was where Latrobe received a base for his further education. After Morvian, he transferred to Nieski school in Germany. There he received an impressive ...

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Did Japan Exploit Or Modernize

Did Japan modernize or Korea? Scholars have debated this question with vigor throughout this century. I do not believe the answer is so black and white. While looking at the history of the colonization, evidence of both should appear. The word colonization alone generally means to move into ...

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Buyer Behaviour

“Working women buy products and services essentially the same as non working women.” Consumer behaviour can be defined as “the acts of individuals directly involved in obtaining and using economic and services, including the decision process that precede and determine these acts.” (Engel et al, ...

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Animal Farm: The Corruption In Humans And The Character Napoleon

The possibility of corruption is within all humans. Throughout history there have been many situations in which persons in authority have used their power over people to gain their own advantages and glory. Such figures including Stalin, and Hitler. In George Orwell's novella Animal Farm, he ...

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Discuss How Art Can Be Used To Promote, Reflect Or Challenge

Discuss how art can be used to reflect, promote, or challenge cultural beliefs. Art, throughout the times have reflected, promoted and challenged the cultural beliefs of many different societies. To reflect a culture or society the artwork must create or suggest a particular impression of that ...

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may be created by substituting some or all of the hydrogen of a phosphoric acid by metals. Depending on the number of hydrogen atoms that are replaced, the resulting compound is described as a primary, secondary or tertiary phosphate. Primary and secondary contain hydrogen and are acid salts. ...

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Kosova, also know as is the disputed region between Kosova's Albanian majority and Serbia. Once an independent federal unit of Yugoslavia, it has been stripped away of its autonomy by the Serbian government. Serbian authorities have dismissed Albanians from state-owned enterprises and have ...

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Decriminalize Marijuana For The Good Of America

Currently, drugs remain high on the lists of concerns of Americans and are considered one of the major problems facing our country today. We see stories on the news about people being killed on the street every day over drugs. To many people drugs are only an inner-city problem, but in reality ...

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The Eleventh Commandment

portrayed the state church as being the supreme dictator. It is through that the church held it's power and control over the masses. Without the church and it's leaders to guide the masses, their society would have collapsed. However, compared to Brave New World, the whole society is conditioned ...

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Insulin-Dependent Diabetes

******REMINDER****** The information contained in the Rare Disease Database is provided for educational purposes only. It should not be used for diagnostic or treatment purposes. If you wish to obtain more information about this disorder, please contact your ...

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East Timor. Do They Have A Rig

East Timor is half of an island in Indonesia, about 300 miles north of Australia. In the 1500's, Portugal colonized the island of Timor, and its inhabitants today are primarily Catholic. The Dutch colonized much of the area, eventually including the western half of Timor as part of the Dutch East ...

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Confederate States Of America

"Don't kneel to me. You must kneel to God only, and thank him for the liberty you will enjoy hereafter" (Brinkley 414). President Abraham Lincoln spoke these words to a former slave that kneeled before him while walking the streets of the abandoned Confederate capitol of Richmond in 1865. ...

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Biological And Chemical Weapons!!

Human lives are at stake as we are approaching the new millennium. It’s been 1000 years, and we sure have evolved in many ways in building our technology. Invention of telephones to televisions to VCRs to planes, and to much more, technology has been a good friend to us. But is it always ...

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The Environmental Protection Agency

Why focus on Environmental Protection? Almost any policy issue could serve to illustrate the significant themes, but environmental protection places them in particularly bold relief. It involves an extremely broad range of scientific information, including most of the physical, biological, and ...

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Cuban Revolution

The revolution in Cuba was not a result of economic deprivation, nor because of high expectations in the economy, it was the political factors and expectations which evoked the civilians to revolt. The Cuban economy was moving forward at the time before the rebellion but the dominant influence ...

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Computer Ergonomics In The Work Place

Business strive for high production at low cost. This would result in the highest profit for a company. To many businesses, this is only a mirage. This is because the 'low cost' of the business usually results in a 'high cost' for the employees. This high cost is lower quality workplace ...

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