Psychiatric Disorders Essays and Term Papers

Ritalin And Its Uses

In recent years, more and more kids seem to be on a prescription drug called Ritalin(methylphenidate). This drug is being handed out more and more by doctors as a way of treating Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, a complex neurological impairnment that prevents kids from concentrating. ...

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Down Syndrome

is a combination of birth defects including some degree of mental retardation and characteristic facial features. It is also called trisomy 21. occurs when there is an abnormality in chromosome 21. It is found in approximately 1 out of 1000 all live births. Each year, 3,000 to 5,000 people ...

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The Increase In Prevalence Rate Of ADHD

THE INCREASE IN PREVALENCE RATE OF ADHD - POTENTIAL CAUSES Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) begins in childhood and continues into adulthood. Symptoms are inattention, hyperactivity as well as impulsivity. There has recently been an investigation involving the occurrence of ...

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Prozac: Mania

"Yeah, I'm on Prozac," I hear quite often, said as if the speaker had just received a new Porsche. I often do catch myself responding with, "I'm on Zoloft isn't modern medicine great?" In a way, this exchange is a way of bonding. In another, more twisted way, it is a way of receiving a stamp ...

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Anorexia Nervosa - Includes Bibliography

In America, girls are given the message at a very young age that in order to be happy and successful, they must be thin. Given the value which society places on being thin, it is not surprising that eating disorders are on the increase. Every time you walk into a store, you are surrounded by the ...

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The term " was first used more than 50 years ago by psychiatrist named Dr. Leo Kanner. He was working at Johns Hopkins University’s, Child Psychiatric Clinic with a group of children who were most often classified as emotionally disturbed or mentally retarded. Dr. Kanner noticed a pattern of ...

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is an eating disorder in which persistent overconcern with body weight and shape leads to repeated episodes of binging (consuming large amounts of food in a short time) associated with induced vomiting, use of laxatives, fasting, and/or excessive exercise to control weight. was classified as ...

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Depression 7

Depression is a psychiatric disorder characterized by feelings of worthlessness, guilt, sadness, helplessness, and hopelessness. It is different then normal sadness or grief from the loss of a loved one because it is persistent and severe. Clinical depression has many related symptoms trouble ...

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Bulimia Nervosa

is defined as two or more episodes of binge eating (rapid consumption of a large amount of food, up to 5,000 calories) every week for at least three months. The binges are sometimes followed by vomiting or purging and may alternate with compulsive exercise and fasting. The symptoms can develop ...

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Anorexia Nervosa - Includes Bi

In America, girls are given the message at a very young age that in order to be happy and successful, they must be thin. Given the value which society places on being thin, it is not surprising that eating disorders are on the increase. Every time you walk into a store, you are surrounded by the ...

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Music and Movement Arts Integration and Children with Disabilities

While educational institutions have long had a systematic web of strategies in place for accommodating children with disabilities, many disabilities that afflict today’s young learners are non-physical. With disabilities that are not immediately visible, developing a comprehensive assessment of the ...

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Resident Physician Stress And

Burnout Resident physicians are in the most stressful stage of their medical career. Normal stress may increase to the point where it becomes abnormal stress, which is thought to achieve a critical level at some point. This abnormal stress level can then lead to burnout; burnout can lead to ...

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Modern Torture

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights adopted by the United Nations in 1948 states in Article 5 that "No one shall be subjected to torture, or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment." Yet, almost fifty years after the declaration, physical and psychological abuse of men, ...

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Homosexuality And The Healthcare Profession

Stiernborg (1992) suggests, from his own study, that attitudes underpin knowledge and consequently, affect the actions of a healthcare professional. Acknowledging this finding, the writer proposes to define the term's homophobia and attitude. He then aims to differentiate between the terms ...

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in Anthropology has been an entity in a constant metamorphosis. It has always been considered exotic and its existence around the globe was never contradicted. However, over the years it did not receive the scholarly attention that it so requires. The age of discovery garnered a multitude ...

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is the sole heart of modernization, technology and the arts. Without , humanity would still thrive in caves. There is no argument against being an important aspect of our society, there is, however, a question whether is spawned by mental disorder. Albert Einstein came up with ideas that seemed ...

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Girl, Interrupted

In "," the novelist Susanna Caisson, 43, uses a series of vignettes to describe her experiences as a teen-age mental patient in 1967-68. Using herself as a troubled - and troubling - example, Kaysen demonstrates with humor the severe problems with diagnosis, the sensation of psychiatric ...

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Attention Deficit Disorder ( Add)

Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) Everybody knows at least on person with a difficulty of staying still, sustaining attention or inconvenient impulses. For some people the problem is so serious that it is regarded as a psychiatric disorder. Formally known as hyperkinesis, hyperactivity, minimal ...

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Anti-Social Personality Disorder

In a world full of fears, perhaps the worst one a human being should have is that to be afraid of his fellow man. The human that should be most feared is the one that has or in laymen's terms the psychopath. The psychopath is probably the most deviant mind that exists and treatment is not very ...

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Shamanism in Anthropology has been an entity in a constant metamorphosis. It has always been considered exotic and its existence around the globe was never contradicted. However, over the years it did not receive the scholarly attention that it so requires. The age of discovery garnered a ...

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