Rabies Essays and Term Papers


Perhaps the best-known animal-borne disease, Rabies, or Rage is caused by a Rhabdovirus, a type of virus named for its rod like shape. It is also caused by a ‘Lyssavirus’. This group of viruses includes the Rabies virus traditionally associated with this disease, Australian bat lyssavirus, ...

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Rabies General introduction Rabies, present on all continents and endemic in most African and Asian countries, is a fatal zoonotic viral disease, transmitted to humans through contact (mainly bites and scratches) with infected animals, both domestic and wild. Rabies is estimated to cause at ...

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What is ? Who gets ? is a viral disease of humans and other mammals. It is most common in carnivores. The word comes from the word "hydrophobia", fear of water. is a potentially deadly disease. There are many things you can do to prevent yourself from meeting rabies. The most important ...

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enters your body through a cut scrach or mucous membranes (same as the eye or the mouth). From there is travels to the central nervous system (brain and or spinal cord). Once the infection is established in the brain, the virus travels down the nerves from the brain and multiplies in many ...

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is an infectious disease of animals which is a member of a group of viruses constituting the family Rhabdoviridae. The virus particle is covered in a fatty membrane, is bullet-shaped, 70 by 180 nanometres and contains a single helical strand of ribonucleic acid (RNA). Although rabies is usually ...

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Louis Pasteur 2

PASTEUR, Louis (1822-95). The French chemist Louis Pasteur devoted his life to solving practical problems of industry, agriculture, and medicine. His discoveries have saved countless lives and created new wealth for the world. Among his discoveries are the pasteurization process and ways of ...

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Traditional and Holistic Medicine

An overview of Traditional and Holistic Medicine Traditional vaccines are designed to develop immunity to diseases. This is done by using either killed or modified live viruses. Today most vaccines are administered by SQ injection or IN intranassally, as in the case of Bordetella. Once the ...

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Louis Pasteur

was an example of a truly gifted person who made many wildly diverse discoveries in many different areas of science. He was a world-renowned French chemist and biologist whose work paved the way for branches of science and medicine such as stereochemistry, microbiology, virology, immunology, and ...

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Louis Pasteur

was an example of a truly gifted person who made many wildly diverse discoveries in many different areas of science. He was a world-renowned French chemist and biologist whose work paved the way for branches of science and medicine such as stereochemistry, microbiology, virology, immunology, and ...

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Factors Of Parasitic Virulence

Why do some parasites kill the host they depend upon while others coexist with their host? Two prime factors determine parasitic virulence: the manner in which the parasite is transmitted, and the evolutionary history of the parasite and its host. Parasites which have colonized a new host ...

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Thier Eyes Were Watching God Essay

Their Eyes were Watching God Drew Demkowski B7 2/12/16 The Zora Hurston novel, "Their Eyes were Watching God" makes a great illustration of a girl's conquest for freedom and ...

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Edgar Allan Poe 6

Although not originally well received, Edgar Allan Poe, became one of the most influential literary writers in American history. As a child, he wrote numerous poems, many which were later published. As a young adult he focused much of his attention on short fiction. He was credited with ...

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Cujo The Dog

With Cujo, King hasn't wasted any time in introducing the characters. Within the first few pages, we meet a man named Vic Trenton whose ad agency is in danger of failing. His wife, Donna, who is in the middle of an extra-marital affair and wants to end it. Their son, Tad, is afraid of a monster in ...

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Early Health And Medicine

Today our personal health is often something we take for granted, because over the years we have developed more advanced vitimens, medicines, and cures for numerous sicknesses. In the early days, getting sick was much more terrifying than it is today. The cures for diseases were not much healthier ...

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Louis Pasteur

Both science and mankind are indebted to the French Chemist Louis Pasteur for his contribution in the development of science of Microbiology. He discovered the process of pasteurization to stop fermentation of milk and butter. He is well known for discovering the vaccine against the rabies. ...

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is somewhat of an umbrella topic. A pesticide is classified according to what its job is to control. There are four main types, or classes, of . They are herbicides, fungicides, rodenticides, and insecticides. Herbicides are used to prevent the growth of, or to kill existing, unwanted plants. ...

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A Look At Animal Testing

One is a genius; the other's insane They're laboratory mice Their genes have been spliced They're Pinky, they're Pinky and the Brain, Brain Brain, Brain, Brain." This theme song to a popular cartoon is a farce dealing with experiments carried out on animals. In the cartoon one mouse is made ...

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Animal Research

For the past 20 years, there has a been an on going heated debate on whether experiments on animals for the benefit of medical and scientific research is ethical. Whether it is or isn't, most people believe that some form of cost-benefit test should be performed to determine if the action is ...

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Sister Carrie

The Struggle for the Perfect Man When we find a love interest and have an opportunity to commit to him or her, we usually do, not noting the consequences we may face by doing so. The first few times around, however, the outcome is usually not the one we had expected and hoped for. Theodore ...

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Edgar Allan Poe And The Raven

“Doubting, dreaming dreams no mortals ever dared to dream before.” The writer of these words was enchanted by darkness...thrilled by death. What sort of person would spend their whole life linking hands with Death and her counterparts? Quite possibly a literary genius by the name of ...

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