Recognition Day Essays and Term Papers

A Rose For Emily: Comparison To The Sound And The Fury

"A Rose for Emily" came out in 1930. To some readers this horror story is the most "gothic" that Faulkner ever wrote as a writer. But if horror is all he/she gets from the story then that person is missing the meaning of the story. "A Rose for Emily" is told by a nameless narrator(first person) ...

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The Closing Of The American Revolution

Upon , the Americas were deemed an independent nation. Wartime efforts had drawn whites, blacks, Native Americans, noblemen, merchants, men, women, and others together in an attempt to gain freedom from a tyrannical British government. Under a common goal, these different social and ethnic ...

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The Equal Rights Amendment

"Equality of rights under the law shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any state on account of sex." In 1923, this statement was admitted to Congress under the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA). The ERA was a proposed amendment to the United States Constitution granting equality ...

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- Kreon as a Tragic Hero Kreon as a Tragic Hero In , both and Kreon could be considered the tragic hero of the play. A tragic hero, defined by A Dictionary of Literary, Dramatic and Cinematic Terms, is someone who suffers due to a tragic flaw, or hamartia. This Greek word is variously ...

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Television - In Living Color

Everything people eat, wear, or use is pushed at the public through commercial advertising. Whether it is the fertilizer that the farmer chooses to put on the vegetables he grows, the clothing that is chosen at the department store, or the pen to write a report, it has been ...

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Leadership The Human Vessel To

Leadership: The Human Vessel to the New Business Frontier As our workforces grow more diverse every day, and customers are demanding better, faster, and less expensive service, companies are faced with the challenges to create and meet the changes necessary to remain in business. The ...

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27 Years Of Influential 60 Minutes

Since 1968 America has been better enlightened than previously concerning current events and happenings around the world. A considerable factor for this occurrence is the television program 60 Minutes which debuted on the air in September of 1968. Many other television newsmagazines have been ...

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Davis' "Fifth Business": Death Of Boy Staunton

Guilt can only be suppressed for a limited time before it comes out in unwanted ways. In the novel Fifth Business by Robertson Davies, Boy Staunton -a successful business man with a polished appearance but a tortured soul- took the ultimate plunge into his death. His decision was not merely his ...

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Internet Firewalls

The Internet is a complex web of interconnected servers and workstations that span the globe, linking millions of people and companies. But there is a dark side: The convenient availability of valuable and sensitive electronic information invites severe misuse in the form of stolen, corrupted, or ...

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The Judgments And Moral Lessons Of Robert Browning’s Poetry

Is the speaker in the poem right or wrong? Every individual must ask this simple question after reading Robert Browning’s dramatic monologues. Like a painter, Browning creates a protrait of a person for the world to analyse carefully. After examining, a conclusion about the speaker’s life must ...

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"Clay Beats Liston: February 25, 1964"

From the accounts of various Kentucky newspapers, I was able to learn a few facts about Cassius Clay, later known as Muhammad Ali, as well as the attitudes of his fellow Kentuckians. The first thing I noticed in all the newspapers that I viewed was that almost all the articles written about the ...

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Ira Remsen: A Scientist Unknown His Work

The life of Ira Remsen Ira Remsen was born on February 10, 1846 in New York city. Even though he was born in the United States, he was educated in Germany. He received his M.D. at Columbia University in 1867 and he also earned a Ph.D. at the University of Munich and Göttingen in Germany. After ...

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Franz Liszt And Kurt Cobain

Franz Liszt was one of many classical composers. In some ways, he can be compared to a modern rock and roll star. Franz Liszt was born in Raiding, Hungary, on October 22, 1811. Much like Mozart, he was a very great piano player at a very young age. Liszt composed an opera called Don Sancho at the ...

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Dickinson Vs. Whitman

After receiving five years of schooling, Walt Whitman spent four years learning the printing trade; Emily Dickinson returned home after receiving schooling to be with her family and never really had a job. Walt Whitman spent most of his time observing people and New York City. Dickinson rarely ...

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The Debate On Gay Rights

The argument on rights, be it human, animal, black, white or gray, is always a difficult one. One should begin by deciding who makes up these rights. Even that in itself would be difficult enough. If a group of white men made a list of rights for black men, one could say it would be biased. ...

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The Civil War And Its Ending Of Slavery

This paper is about the civil war and about how it ended slavery with the emancipation proclomation. I will also talk abou the physical loses of the war. The South, overwhelmingly agricultural, produced cash crops such ascotton, tobacco and sugarcane for export to the North or to Europe, but ...

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Metadrama In Shakespeare

‘Shakespeare’s plays reflect not life but art.’ Make use of this remark in writing an essay on Shakespeare’s use of Metadrama. Shakespeare constantly plays with metadrama and the perception of his plays as theatre and not life with the complications inherent that in life we all play roles and ...

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Money And Information

An analysis of motive within Europe Wolfgang Stoltzenberg’s business Castor Holdings displayed the illusion of being a very successful company and the large banks of the world continued to lend to Stoltzenberg despite the fact that in reality the business had not made a profit in years. Castor ...

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Romeo And Juliet 7

Romantic poetry gets written during a period of wars and of revolutions, a period of immense changes where human society reorganizes itself at every level. The Romantic period usually refers to the half century from about 1780-1830. It was a time when Britain underwent the first industrial ...

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A Discussion On The Myth And Failure Of Reconstruction Following The Civil War, And How This Failure Impacted And Changed America

Then And Now "Spell the word one way, with a small r , and it has a good American purposefulness; for it means a putting together, a rebuilding, a rehabilitation. Spell it another way, with a capital R , and it becomes for many a malediction; and for others an almost forgotten, unreached, and ...

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