Sound Essays and Term Papers
Battle Of The BulgeThe was Germany's last stab at victory in WWII. It lasted from December 16,1944 until January 28,1945. It was the largest land battler of WWII, which was mostly determined by the infantry.
Over one million men participated in this battle including 600,000 German's, 500,000 Americans, and 55,000 ...
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Film Score MusicTo say that music plays a large role in our society would not do
justice to one of the most important and popular art forms of yesterday and
today. We underestimate the effectiveness and power that music, in any form ,
can have over even the most insensitive of people. In almost everything we ...
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‘To Be Or Not To Be’One of the most notable passages in the world is the soliloquy in Shakespeare’s Hamlet. The passage is, besides an important climax in the underlying plot and theme of the play, perhaps the most revealing moment of Hamlet’s inner character. It is the first moment in which Hamlet is able to ...
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Personal Writing: Sponsoring Of Our Race Car Design TeamDuring my years at this university, I have had the opportunity to
explore many new and exciting experiences. None, more so, than my current
endeavor, the design and construction of a formula style racecar. This
project involves not only designing the car, but also acquiring the items
to build ...
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Dizzy GillespieThe people of today, raised by the sounds of The Beatles and Pearl Jam have forgotten all about the musicians that paved the way for these artists, and the musical styles that evolved into rock and roll, rhythm and blues and rap or hip hop. Unfortunately the music that once dominated the night ...
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The Great Passion Playwas produced by the Elna M. Smith Foundation and performed in Eureka Springs, Arkansas in September of 1998. The beautiful scenery of the Ozark Mountains was the setting for this outdoor production.
The play opens with an introduction of Jesus by scripture. "In the beginning was the word, and ...
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Gregorian Chantis very disticint from other forms of music in history. The way it is sung and written has put it in a class of it’s own. Many other forms of music are different from chant because there are instrument’s involved. In most chant there are no instruments involved just basic chanting. If you ask ...
| Save Paper - Premium Paper - Words: 1971 - Pages: 8 |
Sixth Sense MovieThe Sixth Sense, directed and written by M. Night Shyamalan, follows the troubled life of eight-year-old Cole Sear, played by Haley Joel Osment, who is haunted by his supernatural abilities to see and communicate with the dead. Being sought after by the disturbed spirits of his hometown of ...
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The Evolution Of Jet EnginesThe jet engine is a complex propulsion device which draws in air by
means of an intake, compresses it, heats it by means of an internal combustion
engine, which when expelled it turns a turbine to produce thrust, resulting in a
force sufficient enough to propell the aircraft in the opposite ...
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Men And WomenThe men and the women in my family are quite different in their ways of looking at things. The men in my family place value on what something can do. The women place value on what something looks like. The men are interested in acquiring things that will serve a physical purpose. When ...
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Proposal For An Advanced Art ProjectFirst off, I need to propose my theme that will encompass the
majority of my art works in my stated media. Out of painting, print making
and sculpture, I am choosing to work with the latter for two main reasons.
One, I'm not that great at capturing visual ideas on the somewhat two-
dimensional ...
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IndigoAmber Hutchison Post Modern Fiction February 23, 2000 People are born with passion. The irony is that most people spend all their lives searching for that passion without looking inside that soul to the heart of the passion. The trick to discovering that passion is to find what makes us happy. ...
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My Fisher Price AirplaneThe old, dull colored Fisher Price airplane is about to fall apart. What was once an intensely colored white, yellow and blue toy in the younger days of my childhood is now faded with gray streaks of oil from being stored in the garage for the past decade. The small, blueberry-colored cockpit ...
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“Style Critique On The Hot Zone”“Lassa is a Level 4 virus from West Africa, and it was one of Peter Jahrling’s favorite life forms-he thought it was fascinating and beautiful, in certain ways. He had held in his gloved hands virtually every hot agent known, except for Ebola and Marburg. When people asked him why he didn’t ...
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Contact---fiction StoryIn 2001the work began on the biggest dam project in history of the human kind. The place chosen was the Great Canyon in Colorado. After six months of heavy digging, workers had found something strange.
John, who was one of the scientists that come to this site, was especially interested in this ...
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Escapism And Virtual RealityABSTRACT
The use of computers in society provides obvious benefits and some drawbacks.
`Virtual Reality', a new method of interacting with any computer, is presented
and its advantages and disadvantages are considered. The human aspect of
computing and computers as a form of escapism are ...
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Mining In CanadaE-mail:
The Importance of Mining Industry The importance of mining is definitely significant to Canada. Mining, is an important industry, and Canadians are very advanced in their mining technology, but during the mining process, there is certain level of pollution ...
| Save Paper - Premium Paper - Words: 1987 - Pages: 8 |
Jimi Hendrix: A Reflection Of A Man Through His MusicJimi Hendrix, the greatest guitarist in rock history, revolutionized the sound of rock. In 1967, the Jimi Hendrix Experience rocked the nation with their first album, Are You Experienced?. Hendrix's life was cut short by the tragedy of drugs in 1970, when he was only twenty seven years old. In ...
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Assassination Of JFK: Conspiracy Or Single-Gunman??
Adolf Hitler, the Nazi dictator of Germany during World War II, once said, "The bigger the lie, the more people will believe it.". Although this may sound ludicrous, we can see many example of this in the world's history. One example would have to be the John Fitzgerald Kennedy assassination. ...
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Wind Chimesproduce clear, pure tones when struck by a mallet or
suspended clapper. A wind chime usually consists of a set of individual alloy
rods, tuned by length to a series of intervals considered pleasant. These are
suspended from a devised frame in such a way that a centrally suspended clapper
can ...
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