Sound Essays and Term Papers

Sir William Lawrence Bragg

was an Australian-born British physicist and Nobel Prize winner. Bragg shared the 1915 Nobel Prize in physics with his father, British physicist Sir William Henry Bragg, for their work in establishing X-ray crystallography, the study of crystal structures with X rays. Born in Adelaide, Australia, ...

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Deep in the waters of the Atlantic Ocean lies one of mankind’s greatest achievements, the Sunken City of . Many people believe this to be true. Many other people believe that never even existed. As you read this report you may decide to accept or deny the possibility that truly did exist. Long ...

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The Cybernetic Plot Of Ulysses

A paper delivered at the CALIFORNIA JOYCE conference (6/30/93) Good afternoon. To quote the opening of Norbert Wiener's address on Cybernetics to the American Academy of Arts and Sciences in March of 1950, The word cybernetics has been taken from the Greek word kubernitiz (ky-ber-NEE-tis) meaning ...

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Book Review: For Whom The Bell Tolls

Ernest Hemingway Pages Read: 74 (really busy) For Whom The Bell Tolls begins with a pyrotechnic for the Russian army reviewing the land where he must blow a bridge to stop enemy movement. He is a little overwhelmed by the task he is assigned to complete yet he is mentally sound in his manner and ...

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The Philosophy Of Life According To Macbeth

In the tragedy of Macbeth written by William Shakespeare, Macbeth is perceived as a man of vision; yet, he goes through times in his life where he has grown to be accustomed to insanity. Macbeth's life is based around one philosophy that he has come to create in his mind (after enduring the two ...

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Elvis Presley

Jailhouse Rock: The Story of Elvis Aaron Presley On January 8, 1935 at 4:35 a.m., a little boy by the name of Elvis Aaron Presley was born to parents Vernon and Gladys Love Presley in a two-room house located in Tupelo, Mississippi. Little did anyone know that this little boy would forever ...

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Creative Writing: The End Of Grendel

The night started out wonderful. The mead-hall looked its best during the evening meal. Food of all sorts were scattered among the vast, wooden table. As the women brought out the many assortments of food they were captivated by the smiles of every man. The bread was freshly made and right out of ...

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Traffic Control: The Need For Change

As the population of the United States dramatically increases and the number of vehicles on the nation's roads and highways skyrockets, new methods of traffic control and organization have become necessary, by utilizing new methods of transportation or by revising the current system. In the past ...

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Cranes Use Of Ironic Symbolism

Crane's Use of Ironic Symbolism in "The Bride Comes to Yellow Sky" Stephen Crane's "The Bride Comes to Yellow Sky," as well as his other Western stories, owe much to Mark Twain's approach to the West. According to Eric Solomon, "both authors…used humor to comment on the flaws of traditional ...

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Edgar De Gas

Hilaire-Germain- was born on July 19, 1834, at 8 rue Saint-George's in Paris. His father, Auguste, a banker, was French, and his mother, Célestine, an American from New Orleans. The family name "Degas" had been changed to "De Gas" by some family members in Naples and France in order to sound more ...

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Cultural Differences Between Americans And Spaniards

As a U.S. Navy veteran, I have seen countless differences between the American culture and other countries’ cultural differences while being deployed overseas. By far one of the most interesting to me was revealed during a seven month deployment to Spain. The term Siesta would probably mean ...

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The Role Of Women In The Church

With the advent of the feminist movement, the role of women in all parts of society has come under increasing scrutiny. One area of recent controversy is the role of women in the Christian Church. Some churches whose traditions and practices are less rigidly tied to Biblical doctrines have begun ...

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Is Huckleberry Finn A Racist Book?

? “Conservatives once criticized Huck for condemning racism; liberals now criticize it for being racist. They object to the language, racial slurs and the depiction of Jim. But once readers get beyond shocking language, a rewarding experience awaits. Huck taught right, in context of the time and ...

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The Philosophical Foundations

OF HEROISM Every rational person, growing up, had his favorite childhood heroes. Maybe it was a John Wayne character in a Western action movie, leading the cavalry over the hill in a last charge against vicious bandits or marauding Indians. Maybe it was a swashbuckling swordsman who, ever loyal ...

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Malcolm X

According to many, Black America is facing its worse crisis since the days of slavery., with black-on-black violence, endemic drug abuse and the virtual disappearance of the two-parent family the most visible symbols of a community devastated by unemployment and Government cuts to education and ...

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Predator - Prey Relationships

The relationship between predators and their prey is an intricate and complicated relationship; covering a great area of scientific knowledge. This paper will examine the different relationships between predator and prey; focusing on the symbiotic relations between organisms, the wide range of ...

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Leadership Principles

Leadership is the process of motivating others to work to meet specific goals and objectives. "Leadership is deliberately causing people-driven actions in a planned fashion for the purpose of accomplishing the leader's agenda" (Crosby 2). A leader motivates others to action. Thus, it is the ...

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Music in the nineties can be simply described as diverse. Diverse meaning that music has been segregated into hundreds of groups. This report will refer in detail to three genres of music: Alternative Country, Rap, Alternative Rock. It will also cover certain aspects indicative of the 90's. ...

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Call Of The Wild

I will be glad to tell you about a really great book I read lately. It is called , by Jack London. It has 104 pages and is a fiction book. The has a very interesting plot. It is centered around a St. Bernard and Scotch Shepard mix, named Buck. At home, which was a large house called Judge Millers ...

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Road Rage

is an expression of frustration within the driving world. Unfortunately, it is usually more lethal than the other ways, since you are driving heavy machinery, at fast speeds. How is it expressed? Some extreme cases carry weapons in their cars, such as baseball bats, tire irons and crowbars, ...

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