Stems Essays and Term Papers

Fuel Cells

What is a fuel cell? A fuel cell is a device that generates electricity by a chemical reaction. Every fuel cell has two electrodes, one positive and one negative, called, respectively, the anode and cathode. The reactions that produce electricity take place at the electrodes. Every fuel cell ...

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Discourse Markers in Political Speeches

Discourse markers in English: a discourse-pragmatic view Diana M. Lewis 0. Introduction 0.1. Approach A glance at a sample of English spontaneous conversation is likely to find it peppered with expressions such as well, I mean, so, in fact, though, of course, anyway, actually, on the ...

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United States Banking System

Josh Asummson Term Paper 07/23/2012 The Federal Reserve Banking system is the United States version of a Central Bank. Many economists would argue that the chairman of the Federal Reserve is the second most important person in the United States and some will argue that he is the most ...

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Medical Marijuana

Amanda Wilson Professor Bowen English 1101 1 April, 14 Marijuana is also the most commonly abused illicit drug in the United States. Marijuana is considered an illegal drug in most of the states in the U.S. According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, it is a dry shredded green and ...

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Women in Pop Culture

Kevaughn Samuels WMS 100-01 Pop Culture Paper 10/16/12 Each era within society has distinctively displayed its pop culture through its inhabitants. Pop culture generally stems from its celebrity icons, individuals like Frank Sinatra, Elvis, Bob Marley, Tupac Shakur and the list goes on. Also ...

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Thinking Things Over

“Life is a game that must be played.” How do you win at this so-called game of life? You don’t, there is no winner or loser in this game of life. Its either you live or you die without fully living. To fully live one must overcome the opponents within themselves. The biggest opponent to your-self ...

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Leadership and Integrity

Jay Yaw Professor Richard Courtney English 122 February 15, 2015 Leadership and Integrity Having responsibility is having control. When you take responsibility for your actions, you gain power. Your power can be lost or be taken by someone else if you do not take responsibility. By ...

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Different Family Role Models

DIFFERENT FAMILY ROLE MODELS Lori Torres December 04, 2014 PSY201G Dr. Paul Vonnahme Hollywood movies are full of many different kinds of role models that ...

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Fibromyalgia: Symptoms, Diagnosis, and Treatments

This 18-page paper presents an examination of the controversy surrounding a disorder called Fibromyalgia. The writer presents a detailed analysis of the disorder including symptoms, diagnosis techniques and treatments. In addition the writer sheds light on the controversy surrounding the belief in ...

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Compare and Contrast Plath's "mirror" and Li Ho's "A Beautiful Girl Combs Her Hair"

Comparing and contrasting Sylvia Plath's "mirror" and Li Ho's "A Beautiful Girl Combs Her Hair" Although stylistically different, Ho and Plath have crafted two poems that speak about a woman's age and the "reflection" of their lives. One of the most interesting differences about these poems ...

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Siddharta Gautama's Unique Path Towards Enlightenment and Nirvana

"Siddharta Gautama's Unique Path Towards Enlightenment and Nirvana" Buddhism is one of the oldest and one of the major religions of the world. Buddhism was said to have emerged around the year 400 or 500 B.C. in Nepal (Reynolds 1990 677). Although Buddhism does not worship any form or concept ...

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Transferring College To Major In Business

Wenting Ni Arcadia, California United States November 17, 2002 To whom it may concern: I am writing to request approval for my transfer to the College of Business at your university. I am currently in my second year of study at the East Los Angeles Community College, with a major of ...

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College Of Business Transfer Letter

Wai-Kit Lam Arcadia, California United States November 20, 2002 To whom it may concern: I am writing to request approval for my transfer to the College of Business at your university. I am currently in my second year of study at the East Los Angeles Community College, with a major in ...

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Faith requires awareness, whereas trust is simply the act of reliance, justified or not. The awareness of faith lies in relationship to the divine sense and as actualized in an "other." Faith precludes speculations and requires the absolute acceptance of existence and beauty as personified or ...

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Causes and Solutions To Urban Pollution Of The United States

CAUSES AND SOLUTIONS TO URBAN POLLUTION OF THE UNITED STATES INTRODUCTION The purpose of this paper is to introduce, discuss, and analyze the topic of urban pollution in the United States. Specifically, it will examine information about the growth of cities and this growth's affect on the ...

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Psychiatric Disorders In Children

Early Onset Psychiatric Disorders Infancy through Adolescence Psychiatric disorders affect people of all ages and walks of life and some are diagnosable as early as infancy. Much of the etiology of today's recognized disorders and syndromes in children are poorly understood and difficult to ...

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Innovation And Regulation Of The Internet

Key Assumptions About Technology and Society Introduction Like all other great inventions and discoveries of the past, the Internet too promises to revolutionize our very existence. But, also like previous inventions and discoveries, there is no clear direction that the Cyber world seems to ...

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When is Sports Parenting Going Too Far?

Raynard Churchwell Professor Jamey English 1102 July 18, 2014 When is Sports Parenting Going Too Far? Many parents love to see their kids participate in sports, but most of them do not understand when sports parenting becomes ridiculous. Sometimes parents forget that ...

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Pacific Tree Frog and Its Environment

Introduction The purpose of this study is to study the impacts of buffer widths of less than 50 feet on the populations of the common Pacific Tree Frog, Psuedacris Regilla. The Pacific Tree Frog is a ground dwelling frog who can be found among low plant growth, usually near water. The frog is ...

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Juvenile Crimes Involving Guns

Juvenile Crime - Gun Control and Teenage Anger In the case of "Another Saturday Night", 15-year old Sammy exhibits aggression towards another person, Gary, which ultimately leads to Gary's death through a use of a firearm. While we are not told how or where Sammy got the gun, juvenile crimes ...

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