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Lawrence Ferlinghetti's Politics

I hope I won't seem too politically incorrect for saying this but after immersing myself in the writings of the guilt-obsessed asexual Jack Kerouac, the ridiculously horny Allen Ginsberg and the just plain sordid William S. Boroughs... it's nice to read a few poems by a guy who can get excited ...

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Israel - The Presidential Brief

The Current Situation In Israel And Palestine Israel is in a situation unlike any other country around the world. Israel has been fighting for its survival since it became a country in 1948. It is surrounded by hostile nations that want to destroy or at least diminish it. There is tremendous ...

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All Quiet On Westren Front

All Quiet on the Western Front All Quiet on the Western Front Erich Maria Remarque's All Quiet on the Western Front is one of the greatest war novels of all time. It is a story, not of Germans, but of men, who even though they may have escaped shells, were destroyed by the war. The entire purpose ...

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Affirmative Action And Its Eff

ects The roots of affirmative action can be traced back to the passage of the 1964 Civil Rights Act where legislation redefined public and private behavior. The act states that to discriminate in private is legal, but anything regarding business or public discrimination is illegal ...

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Violence On TV

What has the world come to these days? It often seems like everywhere one looks, violence rears its ugly head. We see it in the streets, back alleys, school, and even at home. The last of these is a major source of violence. In many peoples' living rooms there sits an outlet for violence that ...

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The Owls Are Not What They See

Twin Peaks was one of the most popular shows on television during its first season, aired in 1990. The show was based in small town America, and was easily related to by young and middle aged viewers. The series begins with the murder of an American icon, the Homecoming queen Laura Palmer. The ...

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Resident Physician Stress And

Burnout Resident physicians are in the most stressful stage of their medical career. Normal stress may increase to the point where it becomes abnormal stress, which is thought to achieve a critical level at some point. This abnormal stress level can then lead to burnout; burnout can lead to ...

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Safety In Our Schools

Safety in the schools can mean life and death in many situations. One way is fires. With such things as thin walls, flammable interior, or exterior, schools could turn into a flaming inferno. All schools should be routinely checked for things such as escape routes from the building and the ease ...

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The Charter School Movement In New Zealand And England

Introduction In 1994, the Globe and Mail reported that question period in the Alberta legislature had turned into a “rowdy exchange.” Liberal leader Laurence Decore had requested that Premier Klein clarify his government's vague reference to piloting charter schools in the speech from the ...

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The Death Penalty: To Be Or Not To Be...

For the past several months Americans have regularly listed crime and violence as the number - one problem facing the nation, far surpassing worries over the economy or health care. Despite the many government and community initiatives launched during recent years to reduce crime, most Americans ...

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Email What Is It Good For

Remember those letters you used to write to your grandmother? Oh, who am I kidding, if you are under twenty, chances are you have never even written a letter. A tidal wave has emerged from beneath and grabbed us by a storm. It's called an E-mail. E-mail is a word that has echoed in our society ...

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The Office Of Tomorrow

In an increasing number of companies, traditional office space is giving way to community areas and empty chairs as employees work from home, from their cars or from virtually anywhere. Advanced technologies and progressive HR strategies make these alternative offices possible. Imagine it's 2 ...

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Careers In Computer Engineering

While financial analysts, government officials, and employment specialists frequently disagree on conditions existing in the American economy today, everyone concurs with the idea that a college graduates possessing a degree in the field of computer engineering is in the enviable position of ...

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Registered Nurses

Upholders and health educators for patients, families, and communities, I did my report on . There are all sorts of fields one could go into. For example, you have hospital, office, home health, nursing home, public health, occupational health nurses, supervisors, nurse practitioners and other ...

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Filial Piety In China

E-mail: Introduction Xiao, the Chinese word for filial piety is the defining feature in Chinese culture as filial piety was extolled as the highest virtue in China for centuries. I subscribe to the school of thought that filial piety is the root of Chinese ethics and ...

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The Life Of Johann Carl Friedrich Gauss

Johann Carl Friedrich Gauss was a German mathematician, physicist and astronomer. He is considered to be the greatest mathematician of his time, equal to the likes of Archimedes and Isaac Newton. He is frequently called the founder of modern mathematics. It must also be noted that his work ...

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Fiscal Retrenchment And Privatization

A problem that is always on a city's mind is its economic state. When a city finds that $3.8 million has been misappropriated in different funds, it has to question if it is headed towards a fiscal crisis. With a new mayor and township council, there was an investigation done into the township ...

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Computer Programming

COMPUTER SCIENTIST/PROGRAMMER The rapid spread of computers and computer-based technologies over the past two decades has generated a need for skilled, highly trained workers to design and develop hardware and software and to make computer systems newer and more advanced ones. Computer scientist ...

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Computer Scientist/Programmer

The rapid spread of computers and computer-based technologies over the past two decades has generated a need for skilled, highly trained workers to design and develop hardware and software and to make computer systems newer and more advanced ones. Computer scientist generally design computers and ...

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The History Of The Panama Canal

Interest in a short route from the Atlantic to the Pacific began with the explorers of Central America early in the 16th century. Hernán Cortés, the Spanish conqueror of Mexico, suggested a canal across the Isthmus of Tehuantepec; other explorers favored routes through Nicaragua and Darién. The ...

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