The Cause Lost Essays and Term Papers

A Mere Girl- Saint Joan

The Power of Moral and Spiritual Courage- Saint Joan There is no such thing as a simple life, only a life that’s never been truly lived. Within the life of every soul there often comes a time when self value is considered. How valuable can one possibly be? Unfortunately, the conclusions are ...

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Stealth Technology

Introduction Stealth. The word summons images of fighter jets and bomber sneaking over enemy lines, jinking around objects while hugging the Earth to avoid detection of batteries of radars eagle eyed sentinals. What this project deals with is how aircraft are detected by radar, what Stealth ...

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Acid Rain

is a serious problem with disastrous effects. Each day this serious problem increases, many people believe that this issue is too small to deal with right now this issue should be met head on and solved before it is too late. In the following paragraphs I will be discussing the impact has on the ...

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Methamphetamine: Built For Speed?

? Methamphetamine has reclaimed a place in the lexicon of "party" drugs. Hailed by nocturnal adventurers, condemned by raver idealists, is speed a sleepless dream or an addictive nightmare? Here at the end of the millennium, the pace of modern life seems fleeting -- a whirl of minutes, hours ...

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Frankenstein: What Makes It A Gothic Novel?

? One of the most important aspects of any gothic novel is setting. Mary Shelly's Frankenstein is an innovative and disturbing work that weaves a tale of passion, misery, dread, and remorse. Shelly reveals the story of a man's thirst for knowledge which leads to a monstrous creation that goes ...

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The Demon Lover

Natural Events: “” The events in Elisabeth Bower’s “” can be explained naturally. The story being as vague as it is leads most to concur with the title of the story and imagine that there is a supernatural aspect in the story. In the short story, Kathleen has returned ...

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May Day And USA

In "Mary French," Dos Passos draws a definitive line between his feelings on capitalism and socialism, as well as the rich and the poor. The parallel lives of Eveline Johnson and Mary French reveal Dos Passos's distinct attitudes in regards to the upper and lower classes of society. As a member ...

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Dandelion Wine The Effects

“How important is friendship in the lives of teenagers today?” In the book Dandelion Wine friendship is one of the main and supporting themes that intertwines throughout the book. Friendship can come in all shapes and sizes, but when you lose a friend there are many affects. People ...

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Behind The Urals

The United States that we live in makes it very hard for us to fathom what a struggling nation is like to live in. In the United States, we are socialized to believe that America is the most superior of all the countries and our prosperity will continue to grow. We are very fortunate to be born ...

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Analyzing The Struggle For Power In Four Novels: Fahrenheit 451, Invisible Man Lord Of The Flies And Julius Caesar

Analyzing The Struggle For Power In Four Novels: Fahrenheit 451, Invisible Man Lord of the Flies and Julius Caesar If you delve into the content of almost any novel, there is almost always some kind of struggle for power. It could be for rightful integration into society; power over an island; ...

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MacBeth: Everyone Who Is Moral Has At Least One Flaw

Everyone who is mortal has at least one flaw. Some are more serious than others. For example, some people have addictions to gambling, while other people can't remember to put the milk away after they use it. After a while though, a person's flaws come back to haunt them. The tragedy MacBeth is ...

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Acid Rain 9

Acid rain is a serious problem with disastrous effects. Each day this problem seems to increases, many people think that this issue is too small to deal with, this problem needs to be solved head on and it should be solved before it gets too late. In the fallowing paragraphs I will be discussing ...

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Events Of The Civil War

The purpose of this paper is to illustrate the events surrounding the end of the American Civil War. This war was a war of epic proportion. Never before and not since have so many Americans died in battle. The American Civil War was truly tragic in terms of human life. In this document, I ...

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Carpe Diem: The Golden Chance

Carpe Diem, is the expression that means seize the day, means that one should take advantage of every minute of this life. Many people do not succeed because they are scared about life. It is very difficult to accomplish anything in this life if they do not risk themselves or do not do anything ...

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C.S. Forester's Lieutenant Hornblower: Success And Failure

In the novel Lieutenant Hornblower there were a few scenes were Hornblower was a success and a few were he was a failure. In my opinion the first success of Hornblower was when he used all the cannons on one side of the ship to free them from the mud holding the ship. Another success was when ...

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Incremental VS Entity

In terms of goals, an incremental person is usually eager to learn. At school, he is most likely going to take difficult classes in hopes of learning new things. On the other hand, an entity person usually focuses more on performance, rather than learning since he already believes that ...

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Huck Finn's Conflict With Society

Mark Twain wrote The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn in 1883. The novel deals with many problems of society. Huck Finn "can't stand" hypocrisy, greed and "sivilz"ation, qualities that are still present today. One trait shown in Huck Finn is hypocrisy. In Twain's other novels, as well as Huck ...

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The Making Of The Cat

------------------------ Soup or Sandwich IN THE VERY BEGINNING, about 4.6 billion years ago (give or take a few years), a small ball of rock, water and gas had come to be and immedi- ately set about the process of combining its atoms into more and more complex arrangements. Thus began that ...

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1963: The Hope That Stemmed From The Fight For Equality

There is a desire in every person's inner being to strive for equality. The fight for equalization has existed throughout time. Jews, Negroes, women, and homosexuals are examples of those who have been inspired to fight for equal rights, for justice, and for freedom. The struggle for black ...

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Meniere's Symptoms

are due to a problem with the inner ear, the part of the ear responsible for balance as well as hearing. If you have Meniere's, you will recognize these symptoms: Vertigo (a spinning or whirling sensation that causes balance problems). Vertigo is often accompanied by nausea, vomiting, and ...

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