The Cause Lost Essays and Term Papers
Pigeon FeatherJohn Updike tells good stories in his new collection, "s." What's more -- or, rather, what helps to make them good -- is his conspicuous devotion to the perilous marksmanship of words.
All readers are bound to be grateful to him for that. He is no Pater and he is no Joyce. Clichés and ...
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Needle Exchange ProgramsMore than a million people in the United States inject drugs, at a
cost to society (in health care, lost productivity, accidents, and crime)
of more than fifty billion dollars a year. (Holland n.p.). According to the
Department of Health and Human Services, there were 216,000 heroin ...
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Achilles’ Actions Bring His Eventual Doom Closer To Reality“To be, or not to be, that is the question. Whether ‘tis nobler in the mind to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune, or to take arms against a sea of troubles and by opposing end them.”
Though written centuries after the death of Achilles, this quote from Shakespeare’s “Hamlet” ...
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EuclidCentered on Geometry ()
The ancient Greeks have contributed much to the development of the Western World as we know it today. The Greeks questioned all and yearned for the answers to many of life’s questions. Their society revolved around learning, which allowed them to devote the majority of ...
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Civil War 3The purpose of this paper is to illustrate the events surrounding the end
of the American Civil War. This war was a war of epic proportion. Never
before and not since have so many Americans died in battle. The American
Civil War was truly tragic in terms of human life. In this document, I ...
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Mercantilism Helped To Shape The American NationIn the Middle Ages, the definition of wealth was based on the amount of productive land. According to this definition, France was the wealthiest and therefore the most powerful of the European nations. During the sixteenth century the definition of wealth began to change. As the ability to conduct ...
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The John Scopes TrialJuly of 1925 saw the most celebrated American battle between creation and evolution: the Scopes “Monkey” Trial. The defendant, John T. Scopes was found guilty of violating a Tennessee law forbidding the teaching of evolution in public schools. Although the penalty was small (a $100 fine paid by ...
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Battle Of SaratogaThe is considered to be the major turning point of the
American Revolution. This battle proved to the world that the fledgling
American army was an effective fighting force capable of defeating the
highly trained British forces in a major confrontation. As a result of this
successful battle, the ...
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Essay On The StrangerIn ˇ°The Strangerˇ±, Albert Camus misleadingly portrays his existentialistic views of life, death, and the world. Camus portrays the world as ˇ°absurdˇ± or without purpose Meaursalt, who, as a reflection of Camus, is foreign and indifferent to his own life and death. Meaursalt eventually senses ...
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Macbeth’s Downfall Into The Horrors Of, “What Goes Around Comes Around”In the play Macbeth by William Shakespeare the motivation to succeed in Macbeth’s life becomes overpowering, and pushes him into total destruction. Through out the entire play Macbeth is going down a spiral path of lunacy and physical hardship. The people in his life easily influence his ...
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CommunismUnless we accept the claim that Lenin's coup that gave
birth to an entirely new state, and indeed to a new era in the
history of mankind, we must recognize in today's Soviet Union
the old empire of the Russians -- the only empire that survived
into the mid 1980s (Luttwak, 1).
In their Communist ...
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The Utilities Confront Y2KThe clock strikes midnight of the Year 2000 and suddenly the lights go out with chaos erupts throughout the country. Stores are being looted, riots are breaking out, and more seriously massive destruction occurs nearly destroying the Earth. Although this frightening scenario is extremely ...
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Ayn Rand's "The Fountainhead"Imagine power as a form of free flowing energy, a source found within every one
and for each individual. Assume that to gain power, one has to tap this
resevoir of immense proportions and relish upon the rich harvest to their hearts
desires. Consequently, when there is such a dealing of ...
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Helen KellerIn 1882 a baby girl caught a fever that was so fierce she nearly died. She survived but the fever left its mark - she could no longer see or hear. Because she could not hear she also found it very difficult to speak. So how did this child, blinded and deafened at 19 months old, grow up to become a ...
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Lord Of The Flies - The BeastThroughout the novel Lord Of The Flies, the boys on the island are constantly faced with various fears. However there is nothing on the island which they fear more than the beast. In Lord Of The Flies, the theme of the beast is extremely important. The beast represents the way in which man will ...
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Gateway To Heaven" - Tiananmen"Ouch, je je I'm telling mamma!" I yelled in agony, rubbing the imprint her book left on my head.
"No you're not, she won't believe you; I'm older," snickered my sister, and with that she ran up the crowded walkway; which in the morning hour, looked much like a stampede of bulls. As I walked ...
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Aerospace Psychology1. The complicated task of piloting an aircraft can be broken into two broad categories. The first is keeping the aircraft flying. The second is arriving at a given destination. The second is always being effected by the first. Unlike a car, small deviation in course can over great distances ...
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To Kill A Mockingbird 2To Kill A Mockingbird is set against this background of 1930 Southern life. The Finches are a family who once had a large, successful plantation. Their ancestors had been aristocratic ladies and gentlemen of the South. Now they have been reduced to gentile poverty. They are better off by far than ...
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Plagues And DiseasesPlague. A word that has struck fear in the hearts of man since the
earliest of times. It has also lead to some of the greatest historical events
and stories of our time. The ancient cities of Rome and Athens, in their
downfall, were finished off by pestilence. The Bubonic Plague, also known ...
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Creative Writing: The VisitorThe night sky of Neton was a clear one. The deep blue, almost a black but
well illuminated by the bright full moon, glistened with a pattern of
twinkling stars. The background light from Brisbane was almost nonexistent,
a pleasant change of atmosphere that was rarely appreciated by most.
Except ...
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