The Cause Lost Essays and Term Papers

Prison Alternative

E-mail: "The " America has to wake up and realize that the current structure of our penal system is failing terribly. Take a group of people, strip them of possessions and privacy, expose them to constant threats of violence, overcrowd their cell-block, deprive them of ...

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The Rise Of Violent Crime In Canada

Violent crime in Canada is on the rise in Canada as well as the types of violent crimes being committed against the public. It has been on the rise for many, many years. I believe and intend to prove in the following essay that it is societies responsibility for the rise of violent crime with ...

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The National Tobacco Agreement

In the past few months, there has been serious debate over a new settlement entitled . People have been arguing over the points in this proposed law, some saying it's too light of a sentence and others expressing their acceptance of it. Before making your own decision, you should consider the ...

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Death Of Pol Pot

I choose my report on Pol Pot because he was one of the evil dictor in world history. Pol Pot just recently die in April 15,1998. Pol Pot was leader of the Khmer Rouge guerrilla movement of Cambodia, whice controlled the goverment from 1975-1979. As leader of the khmer Rouge, Pol Pot is ...

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The Death Penalty Should Continue To Be Used In The U.S.

Ever since the death penalty has been declared constitutional in 1976, thousands of people have been placed on death row and 314 of them have been executed.( Yaffe,1) Thirty-eight states now allow the death penalty, with New York being the last to adapt this legislation last March. ...

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Betrayed By God

To tell you the truth I have never really felt . It's most likely due to the fact that I haven't had many significant life experiences come up. Also when something goes wrong I don't look at God as a scapegoat. I feel you should blame whoever or whatever caused the tragedy. Blaming God is just ...

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Conflict In Vietnam

During the late nineteenth century the French concouquered Vietnam and made it a protectorate and in 1941 the league for the independence of Vietnam (Viet Minh) was formed to fight for independence from the French and on Sept. 2nd .1945. Ho chi Minh proclaimed it independent from France. The ...

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How Moods Are Affected By The Sun

Thesis: The amount of sun people receive affects their mood. A young woman lies asleep on a cold, overcast winter morning. At 4 A.M., a faint incandescence radiates from a light bulb placed near her bed. The light gradually gains intensity and covers until 6 A.M., when the woman awakes. ...

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On October 2, 1869, the “little brown saint” was brought into the world; during this time India was under the British monarchy. During his early years he did not show the signs of developing into the great leader that he eventually became but nevertheless aspired to be a lawyer, follow in the ...

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The Civil War And Its Ending Of Slavery

This paper is about the civil war and about how it ended slavery with the emancipation proclomation. I will also talk abou the physical loses of the war. The South, overwhelmingly agricultural, produced cash crops such ascotton, tobacco and sugarcane for export to the North or to Europe, but ...

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Christian Morals In Beowulf

Beowulf is an epic tale that has been changed over time to try and express a christian moral. While this transformation over time has added a new variable to the plot, it is still impossible to try and erase the original pagan plot completely. It has become evident that the original epic was pagan ...

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The Merchant Of Venice

The Bill, E, a Globe, some controversy about Bacon, a farmer’s daughter called Ann all lead to one person. Who? Well most young people will stop reading when I reveal the answer, but hang on a moment before you give a gaping yawn and yell “Boring!” William Shakespeare is not just an ugly ...

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“Do You Believe In Fate Neo,”

Morpheus asks. “No,” Neo responds. “Why not?” “Because I don’t like the idea that I’m not in control of my life,” Neo explains. In this scene (from the blockbuster smash hit The Matrix) a parallel can be drawn between Neo and Bigger Thomas (the protagonist in Richard Wright’s novel Native Son) ...

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Ivan The Terrible

was not always known as being terrible. When first reigning as Czar over Russia, he was a normal leader. It was after the five scars marking his journey through life that he had a mental breakdown and went out of control. Ivan was only three years old when his father, Vasili III, died in 1533. ...

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Of Mice And Men - Loneliness

In terms of emotional stability, there is only one thing in life that is really needed and that is friends. Without friends, people would suffer from loneliness and solitude. Loneliness leads to low self-esteem and deprivation. In the novel, Of Mice and Men, by John Steinbeck, the characters, ...

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Humans Are Curious By Nature

Humans are curious, like the monkeys we use to be I suppose. By nature have always been fascinated by the past. Many feel that unlocking our past can open doors to the future. Our history is brief in comparison with that of the earth, but yet no claims can be made that we are close to ...

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Booker T. Washington 3

Frank Zappa have lived a eventful life. He has been in numerous groups and produced 8 times as many records. Frank was the one of 3 children (Carl, Candy, & Bobby) born in Baltimore, Maryland. Frank was a curious child and learned about music at a young age. At this moment Frank's talent began to ...

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Dead Man Walking

The motion picture provided a non-fiction insight into the world of crime, justice, and capital punishment. The film cast several characters from different backgrounds and opinion sets in direct conflict with one another. Several small topics and one major topic, capital punishment, ...

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Revenge Vs Justice(macbath)

Revenge causes one to act blinding through anger, rather than through reason. It is a part of human nature that forces us to seek revenge against the person who has granted us with pain. But following the principle of an “eye for eye, tooth for tooth”, is not intelligent way to pursue ...

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The Information Super Highway

A small boy climbs onto his chair and starts his computer as if it were his gateway to a New World. The computer is up and running and the boy carefully moves his mouse around as if it were attached to his hand. He clicks on a highlighted link and a naked woman appears on his screen. The boy ...

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