The Hunters Essays and Term Papers

The History Of White-Tailed Deer In Kentucky

When our ancestors first reached Kentucky they found a great abundance of game, including deer. Early settlers utilized deer for food and clothing. Due to all the killing of the white-tail deer, around 1925 they were virtually eliminated in Kentucky. A few survived in areas such as, between the ...

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The Bluest Eye

Misdirection of Anger \"Anger is better [than shame]. There is a sense of being in anger. A reality of presence. An awareness of worth.\"(50) This is how many of the blacks in Toni Morrison\'s felt. They faked love when they felt powerless to hate, and destroyed what love they did have with ...

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The Pikes Peak Gold Rush

In the year 1958 the hunt for gold was strong and people didn't realize how hard it was to pan for gold. The first sign of gold was in the Ralson Creek area with around one hundred men panning for gold. Many of these miners only made twenty-five cents a day. Most of these people didn't strike ...

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Henry James And William Dean H

Post-Civil War American Literature saw a transition from the prominence of romance to the development of realism. In the late 1800's, the United States was experiencing swift growth and change as a result of a changing economy, society, and culture because of an influx in the number of ...

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Man Vs. The Environment

The environment can be something as vast as global weather patterns or as simple as the desert regions. With the advent of many technologies, the delicate balance of the environment has been upset (Elliot, 1961, p. 392). Strip mining, slash and burn farming, damming of rivers, and the extinction ...

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Creative Writing: Manifest Function

In a land far far away and long ago there was an abundance on game animals until hunters came and slaughtered animal after animal to sell to near by restaurants for profit. Time passed and many became rich but the once abundant forests were now some how empty and game-less. Something had to ...

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Life On Other Planets?

1 Life in outer space? A figment of our wildest imagination or reality? This age old question has been lingering in the heads of human minds since the beginning of reasonable thinking. Today, these questions still remain unanswered, although extensive research has been conducted by scientists ...

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Missouri Fox Trotter

, the common man's pleasure horse, is both versatile and well-mannered. They are best known for their pleasant gaits and surefootedness. According to the Horse Breed Association, this is a "horse of all talents." ("The Winning Combination") The Horse should stand fourteen to sixteen hands high ...

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Anthropology is the study of humankind everywhere, throughout time, seeks to produce reliable knowledge about people and their behavior, both about what makes them different and what they all share in common. The next few pages will share with you some simple facts about two cultures that are very ...

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Lord Of The Flies; Jack Is A Devil

Jack, leader of a group of choirboys and ultimately chief of the hunters, is Ralph's principal antagonist. Described as having a full head of red hair, wearing a black cloak and bullying his way through the boys, his role as a villain is fairly clear from the beginning. Jack is destined to be ...

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were a small, peaceful tribe located at the mouth of the Knife River on the Missouri near present day Bismarck, North Dakota. The Mandan were most known for their friendliness and their homes, called earth lodges. The women of the Mandan tribe tended their gardens, prepared food, and maintained ...

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Huckleberry Finn And Holden Caulfied's Journey Into Self Discovery

Huckleberry Finn and Holden Caulfield make take journey into self-discovery. In The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, Huck Finn is trying to find purpose and identity through conflicting of morals. While Holden Caulfield in Catcher in the Rye, is an adolescent struggling to find mature into ...

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The Cherokee Indians

The American Indian History in the Eastern part of the country is always associated with the Cherokee Indian nation. The Cherokee's were by far the largest and most advanced of the tribes when Europeans first arrived and came in contact with Native Americans. There are too many tribes to go over ...

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Important African American Figures

Throughout his life Ralph Bunche worked to improve race relations and further the cause of civil rights. For 22 years he served on the board of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, earning its highest honor, the Spingarn Medal, in 1949. He participated in several civil ...

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Joesph Mengele

Joseph Mengele and his Atrocities Three thousand twins entered Auschwitz between 1940 and 1944. Only two hundred and fifty pairs of twins ever had the smell of freedom again. Why did this unfortunate event occur? It occurred because the Nazis party was in control and Adolf Hitler was the Fuhrer ...

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The Bald Eagle

Our bird the national bird is making a comeback in wildlife. In the past thirty years, was on the border of extinction in the lower part of the United States. Now, due to the ban of the pesticide DDT, and a supporting effort by wildlife managers, the population of is on the rise. The Eagles ...

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How The Great Pyramid Was Real

ly Built To this day, the Great Pyramid of Giza in Egypt remains one of the seven wonders of the world. In fact, the Great Pyramid is the only surviving wonder of the world ("Wonders of the World"). The gigantic size of this pyramid can amaze almost all people who see this ancient monument. Many ...

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Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

was more than just an author. He was a knight, a soldier, a spiritualist, a whaler, a doctor, a journalist, and most of all, he was adventurous. He was not the quiet type of person, so he enjoyed expressing himself. Arthur Conan Doyle was born on the 22nd of May 1859 in Picardy Place, Edinburgh. ...

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The Nation Takes Shape: A Review

Author's Point of View In the book The Nation Takes Shape, by Marcus Cunliffe, the author has one main point of view, that he expands on throughout the entire novel. That point of view concerns the first half-century of life under the newly formed government, under the constitution. He talks ...

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The Downy Woodpecker

Habitat Downies take home in the United States and southern Canada. They have been recorded at elevations of up to 9,000 feet. The downies are not deep-forested birds, preferring deciduous trees. Open woodlands, river groves, orchards, swamps, farmland, and suburban backyards are all favorite ...

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