Veterans Day Essays and Term Papers

Sixteen Most Significant Events In US History Between 1789 To 1975

After a review of United States' history from 1789 to 1975, I have identified what I believe are the sixteen most significant events of that time period. The attached sheet identifies the events and places them in brackets by time period. The following discussion provides my reasoning for ...

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King Of The Seas

From the many inventions that emerged from the American Civil War, the Ironclad, designed by Captain John Ericsson and Robert L. Stevens, has impacted the world by advancing naval warfare technology. It gave America more influence in Europe and put America ahead of Europe in naval matters. The ...

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Affirmative Action

What is ? This is a question that has plagued our nation since the 1960's. The term itself was coined during this decade. The problem has actually existed since the founding of our country. And the issue of discrimination has been around for much longer than that. Since slavery in the 19th ...

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Feminism And Gender Equality In The 1990s

Overall, the rights and status of women have improved considerably in the last century; however, gender equality has recently been threatened within the last decade. Blatantly sexist laws and practices are slowly being eliminated while social perceptions of “women’s role” continue to stagnate ...

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was born on August 15, 1769 in Ajaccio, Corsica, and was given the name e Buonaperte. He was the second of eight children of Carlo and Letizia Buonaperte, both of the Corsican-Italian gentry. Before e, no Buonaparte had ever been a professional soldier. His father Carlo, was a lawyer who had ...

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Ireland's Michael Collins And Emon De Valera

There are many conditions under which Ireland was divided into two nations. Two main men were the main leaders of this split, Emon de Valera and Michael Collins. Sinn Fein also played a large role. Their differing visions for an Ireland free of British rule was the root motivation for the ...

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Julius Caesar And Mussolini: The End Justifies Any Means

People can easily delude themselves into thinking the end justifies any means, as in The Tradegy os Julius Caesar. In The Tradegy of Julius Caesar Brutus and the conspirators thought that the assassination of Julius Caesar would be for the good of Rome, and Benito Mussolini thought entering the ...

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Racism Analysis

"I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the colour of their skin but by the content of their character" (Martin Luther King Jr.) Ku Klux Klan. Neo Nazis. The Aryan Nations. The American Nazi Party. What are these groups? Why ...

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The Central Intelligence Agency

has always interested me. It is always in the news, so I decided to do my term paper on it. I my research, I found many interesting things about the agency. (CIA) is an agency of the Executive Branch of the United States government. It was created by the National Security Act of 1947, which ...

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Personal Writing: My Grandmother

My grandmothers house has a very special place in my heart. I lived with my grandmother for many years when I was little. Her house always seemed to have something about it that set it apart from all the rest. As you walk into the front door of her house you notice a long, slender stairway that ...

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Artificial Turf: A Dangerous Playing Surface

Some of the changes that have occurred in professional football were necessary for the game. Pads, helmets and other protective equipment helped the players safety. Other developments though, especially artificial turf, have proven themselves detrimental to the game and its participants. Just ...

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K0rean War

The Korean War was the first war in which the United Nations played a major role in. It was also part of the cold war between the US and Soviet Union. One of the deadliest war in history, it took many lives in such a short span of time of three years. Even after all these deaths, the conflict ...

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Something Wicked This Way Come

Will the Real Heroes Please Stand Up The world today is filled with great heroes. Unfortunately, our culture has a tendency to confuse hero worship with the character of a true hero. How then, is a hero defined? Is it someone who is brave, honest and who’s attributes are beneficial to ...

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Gaius Julius was an extremely powerful politician and a brilliant general. He also gained the respect as a good leader and was appointed dictator of Rome. helped Rome and the present day world become what it is today by his great leadership ...

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Feminism And Gender Equality In The 1990’s

Overall, the rights and status of women have improved considerably in the last century; however, gender equality has recently been threatened within the last decade. Blatantly sexist laws and practices are slowly being eliminated while social perceptions of "women’s roles" continue to stagnate ...

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Braveheart Vs. Full Metal Jacket

Cinema Combat: War is an ever-present entity in the world of cinema. The films Braveheart and Full Metal Jacket show strikingly similar, yet different aspects of war. Braveheart is an epic tale of love lost and how the circumstances surrounding that loss contributed in sparking one man's ...

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What To Know When Buying A Home

As each American ventures into their journey through the “game of life”; one often begins with finding a home. Some prefer renting; yet, many prefer to buy a home. Buying a home can be exciting and perplexed. Getting the proper information can greatly help ease the anxiety and fears of such a ...

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College Costs

Introduction It's no secret that financing a college education is getting tougher. have skyrocketed over the past decade or so, and there's no relief in sight. Average tuition at four-year colleges will increase 7 percent this school year, double the rate of inflation. Student aid is ...

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How Did World War 2 Change The

If you were born right now, this instant, at you’re present age without any knowledge about how women used to be treated, the assumption could be made that men and women are basically equal. Yes, men are a little stronger physically, but overall the two sexes are both equal. Things weren’t ...

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World War 2

When the subject of WWII comes up, there are two incredible images about the war come up in my mind, the bombing of Pearl Harbor and the killing of the Jews in the Holocaust. As the class went through the subjects of WWII, I was not aware of the whole process of how the war started in Europe, and ...

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