Washington State History Essays and Term Papers

A Gold Rush Leads To War

The American Civil War (1861-1865) and the Reconstruction period that followed were the bloodiest chapters of American history to date. Brother fought brother as the population was split along sectional lines. The issue of slavery divided the nation's people and the political parties that ...

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People In The Government

1. The Speaker shall take the Chair on every legislative day precisely at the hour to which the House last adjourned and immediately call the House to order. Having examined and approved the Journal of the last day’s proceedings, the Speaker shall announce to the House his approval thereof. The ...

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Civil War The Color Bearer Tra

The War Between the States was the heyday of American battleflags and their bearers. With unusualhistorical accuracy, many stirring battle paintings show the colors and their intrepid bearers in the forefront of the fray or as a rallying point in a retreat. The colors of a Civil War regiment ...

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An Introduction To Greekdom

I was first introduced to the black greek system by my cousins, both of whom are members of my fraternity. I remember being about 7 or 8 years old and one of my cousins had just finished pledging. He had a paddle in the corner of his room with all of his information on it (date and time of ...

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Shadow And Custodial President

s Grant (1868) – Cleveland (1892) Throughout the history of the world there have been many people remembered for their actions and a great deal more forgotten for no real reason. This does not exempt more recent history. After the American Civil War, six lesser-known Presidents, Grant, Hayes, ...

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Civil War Timeline

Fort Sumter Attacked April 12, 1861 - At 4:30 a.m. Confederates under Gen. Pierre Beauregard open fire with 50 cannons upon Fort Sumter in Charleston, South Carolina. The Civil War begins. April 14, 1861. - Fort Sumter after its capture, showing damage from the Rebel bombardment of over 3000 ...

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Contemporary Culture And International Relations

CHAPTER I CONTEMPORARY CULTURE AND INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS ZHU MAJIE As the new millennium approaches, humankind confronts two great trends: the multi-polarization of the world configuration and the globalization of the world economy. Massive flows of materials, information, capital and ...

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Eleanor Roosevelt

Growing up in India, as I did, one never hears about female elected officials of United States. We had our own female leaders to study that not much was taught about female leaders of other countries. But among the exception was , the wife of one the greatest American President. Though, she was ...

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A. Philip Randolph

At a time when protests were neither popular nor safe, the early 1920s, A Philip Randolph iniated the Brotherhood of sleeping car porters. , born in in Crescent City Florida, was reared in the tradition of the abolitionists. This upbringing instiled in him a social conscience that led him ...

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The Clinton Sex Scandal

Rare is a person that crosses the path of the White House without some emotion of envy or awe. This building epitomizes world leadership and unprecedented power. This renowned leadership may be the only association made by certain countries, while in the United States many see an ...

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The Clinton Sex Scandal

Rare is a person that crosses the path of the White House without some emotion of envy or awe. This building epitomizes world leadership and unprecedented power. This renowned leadership may be the only association made by certain countries, while in the United States many see an ...

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Arthur Kornberg

(1918-), American biochemist and physician, claims he has never met "a dull enzyme." He has devoted his life to pursuing and purifying these critical protein molecules. His love of science did not spring from a family history rooted in science. He was born on March 3rd, 1918, the son of ...

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The Cold War

Harry Truman was the 33rd President of the United States from about the end of World War 2 and from the beginning of in 1945 until he retired in January, 1952. Harry Truman was born in 1884, in Missouri. In April 1945 Truman assumed office as the President on the death of Franklin D. Roosevelt. ...

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Big Bang

Fifteen billion years ago, give or take five billion years, the entirety of our universe was compressed into the confines of an atomic nucleus. Known as a singularity, this is the moment before creation when space and time did not exist. According to the prevailing cosmological models that ...

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Some Of The Most Important Pre

The election of 1812 consisted of a battle between James Madison, and De Witt Clinton. Madison had represented both Democratic and Republican beliefs, while Clinton was a Federalist. James Madison was born in Port Conway, Va., on March 16, 1751. A Princeton graduate, he joined the struggle for ...

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Government Spending

How money is used, raised, and wasted in Washington As many Federal departments and agencies lurch into an era of running without funds, the leaders of both parties of Congress are spending less and less time searching for a compromise to balance the budget, and more and more time deciding how to ...

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Important Presidential Electio

The election of 1812 consisted of a battle between James Madison, and De Witt Clinton. Madison had represented both Democratic and Republican beliefs, while Clinton was a Federalist. James Madison was born in Port Conway, Va., on March 16, 1751. A Princeton graduate, he joined the struggle for ...

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Ben Quarles Negro In The Revol

The Negro in the American Revolution Throughout American history, African Americans have had to decide whether they belonged in the United States or if they should go elsewhere. Slavery no doubtfully had a great impact upon their decisions. However, despite their troubles African Americans made ...

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Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka-TOURISM Sri Lanka Index [HYPERLINK: http://www.mongabay.com/history/.html] In 1966 the government established the Ceylon Tourist Board, vesting in it the responsibility for invigorating the tourist industry. The board, operating as an autonomous corporation, was charged with ...

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Japanese Americans Immigration and Culture

Japanese Americans Japanese Americans are one of the fewest minorities to be found in America. There seems to be a plethora of students but not a great deal of immigrants. However, the numbers are increasing, especially in the urban areas where there is employment potential. The history of ...

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