Aesthetic Literature Essays and Term Papers
The Life And Work Of Ronald DahlSeptember 13, 1916, was the day Harald and Sofie Dahl, two
Norwegian immigrants living in Wales, had their first son, a boy they named
Roald. Even before birth Roald was supposed to be endowed with great sense
of beauty, courtesy of his father. Harald Dahl, a thriving ship broker in
Cardiff, ...
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Paradise Lostis one of the finest examples of the epic tradition in all of literature. In composing this extraordinary work, John Milton was, for the most part, following in the manner of epic poets of past centuries: Barbara Lewalski notes that is an "epic whose closest structural affinities are to Virgil's ...
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Edgar Allen Poe And Nathaniel Hawthorne: Romantic Style Of WritingTwo authors best who typify a Romantic style of writing are Edgar
Allen Poe, and Nathaniel Hawthorne. Both authors identify their characters
through the use of creative symbolism, colorful metaphors, and the use of
the supernatural in their works. Like many authors of the seventeenth
century Poe ...
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The value placed on the importance of winning in professional sports has hit an all-time high. The astronomical amount of money being spent in the entertainment field of athletics has dictated a win-at-all-costs mentality that has trickled all the way down ...
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The value placed on the importance of winning in professional sports has hit an all-time high. The astronomical amount of money being spent in the entertainment field of athletics has dictated a win-at-all-costs mentality that has trickled all the way down ...
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Character Development In Dead Poets SocietyThroughout the history of the movie industry and since man began to tell stories, there has been one dilemma. It is not the plot, nor the setting, nor any other device of writing, but that of character development. By the time our society invented the movies, character development had become a ...
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Lewis' "Surprise By Joy": AnalysisI. Form and Content
Long-time friend and literary executor of the Lewis estate, Owen Barfield
has suggested that there were, in fact, three "C. S. Lewises." That is to
say, there were three different vocations that Lewis fulfilled--and
fulfilled successfully--in his lifetime. There was, first, ...
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Gao XingjianPlaywright, critic and novelist, Gao Xingjian is a prominent leader of the avant-garde movement in fiction and drama that began in the wake of the Cultural Revolution in China. “Writing is my way of reaffirming my own existence (Xingjian 1).” Communist China tried to suppress Gao’s works ...
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Hemingway’s Alter EgoPart I:
Nature and enjoyable activities heal the spirit. Nick Adams, Hemingway's alter ego (250), suffered as he did returning home to the States as a wounded World War I veteran. Nick retreating to nature seemingly finds it necessary to isolate himself from people to heal and restore himself ...
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The Sinister Beauty Of DeathThroughout the history of human kind, there have existed a significant number of poets, who did not care to write about “happy things.” Rather, they concerned themselves with unpleasant and sinister concepts, such as death. Fascination and personification of death has become a common ...
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Albert Camus(1913-1960) was a representative of non-metropolitan French literature. His origin in Algeria and his experiences there in the thirties were dominating influences in his thought and work. Of semi-proletarian parents, early attached to intellectual circles of strongly revolutionary tendencies, ...
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The Computer UndergroundDepartment of Sociology
Northern Illinois University
DeKalb, IL 60115
(5 March, 1990)
An earlier version of this paper was presented at the ...
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CharlemagneHistory 101 - Fast Forward
Fall 1996
SUBMITTED: September 30, 1996
Charlemagne, or Charles the Great, King of the Franks (742-814), was a strong
leader who unified Western Europe through military power and the blessing of the
Church. His belief in the need for education among the ...
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Japanese AnimationThirty-five years ago, Japan’s entertainment industry found an answer to its problems. Still developing in the aftermath of defeat in World War II, and the subsequent restructuring plan instituted by the United States, Japan was without surplus resources. There was no money for the production of ...
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Emily Dickinson 3Not anything is stale so long
as yesterday’s surprise -
How important is the idea of riddling in Emily Dickinson’s poetry? Cover a range of poems in your answer, and discuss at least four of them in close detail.
During the late nineteenth century, Emily Dickinson (1830 - 1886) ...
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Fluorideis a mineral that occurs naturally in almost all foods and water
supplies. The ion comes from the element fluorine. Fluorine, the 13th
most abundant element in the earth's crust, is never encountered in its free
state in nature. It exists only in combination with other elements as a
compound. ...
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The Stone Angel And The Fifth Business: Analysis Of The Main CharactersEvery piece of literature that has been written uses words, which
have concrete meaning in everyday life. As a result of that it cannot
ever be completely abstract. Theme is what sustains its link with living,
by giving it a topic or idea that extends it beyond the aesthetic, and
unites it ...
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The Nature Of Art“Many artists seek colour, value, intensity, and beauty. Millions of people spend hours at a time enjoying these aspects of art. People may ask, "Where did it all begin?"
The answer lies over 4,200 years ago in the Ancient Greek civilisation where they then influenced the future of western art ...
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Ernest Hemingway 4Ernest Hemingway was a major American novelist and short story writer whose principal themes were violence, machismo, and the nature of what is called now “male bonding.” His renowned style for his firmly non-intellectual
fiction is characterized by understatement and terse dialogue ...
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